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Showing 1-30 of 533
Book Section
Kiondo, Andrew SZ.
The new politics of local development in Tanzania
(1994) The New Local Level Politics in East Africa. Studies on Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya.
Journal Article
Hunter, Susan, F Kaijage, P Maack, A Kiondo, and P Masanja.
Using rapid research to develop a national strategy to assist families affected by AIDS in Tanzania
(1997) Health Transition Review.
Journal Article
Sife, Alfred Said, Elizabeth Kiondo, and Joyce G Lyimo-Macha.
Contribution of mobile phones to rural livelihoods and poverty reduction in Morogoro region, Tanzania
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 42, no. 3 (2010): 1-15.
Working Paper
Pachauri, Shonali, Andrew Scott, Lucy Scott, and Andrew Shepherd.
Energy for All: Harnessing the Power of Energy Access for Chronic Poverty Reduction
Working Paper
Hamer, Andrew M, Andrew D Steer, and David G Williams.
Indonesia: The Challenge of Urbanization
World Bank Discussion Paper , no. 787 (1987).
Journal Article
Andrew, Saint, Saint Joseph, Saint John, Saint Peter, Saint Mark, and Saint Luke.
(2007) Health in the americas.
Journal Article
Renuart, Andrew J, David M Goldfarb, Margaret Mokomane, Ephraim O Tawanana, Mohan Narasimhamurthy, Andrew P Steenhoff, and Jonathan A Silverman.
Microbiology of urinary tract infections in Gaborone, Botswana
PLoS One 8, no. 3 (2013): e57776.
Journal Article
Ali, Adnan, Khan Choudhury, James V Conlan, Vanessa Nadine Racloz, Simon Andrew Reid, Stuart D Blacksell, Stanley G Fenwick, R Andrew, C Thompson, and Boualam Khamlome.
The economic impact of pig-associated parasitic zoonosis in northern Lao PDR
EcoHealth 10, no. 1 (2013): 54-62.
Journal Article
Gibson, TN, B Hanchard, N Waugh, and D McNaughton.
Thirty-year trends in incidence and age-distribution of prostate cancer in Kingston and St Andrew, Jamaica, 1978-2007
West Indian Medical Journal 60, no. 1 (2011): 09-12.
Journal Article
Oti Boateng, E, Kodwo Ewusi, Ravi Kanbur, and Andrew McKay.
A Poverty Profile for Ghana, 1987–1988
Journal of African Economies 1, no. 1 (1992): 25-58.
Teal, Francis, Andrew Zeitlin, and Haruna Maamah.
Ghana Cocoa Farmers Survey 2004: Report to Ghana Cocoa Board
Morrison, Andrew R, Maurice Schiff, and Mirja Sjöblom.
The international migration of women
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: World Bank and Palmgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Book Section
Aryeetey, Ernest, and Andrew McKay.
Delivering on the promise of pro-poor growth: insights and lessons from Country Experiences
(2007) Ghana: the challenge of translating sustained growth into poverty reduction.
Working Paper
Boakye-Yiadom, Louis, and Andrew McKay.
Migration between Ghana's rural and urban areas: the impact on migrant's welfare
Working Paper
Chirwa, Ephraim W, Jonathan Kydd, and Andrew Dorward Dorward.
Future scenarios for agriculture in Malawi: Challenges and dilemmas
Book Section
Carletto, Calogero, Andrew Dabalen, and Alia Maubayed.
More than a Pretty Picture: Using Poverty Maps to Design Better Policies and Interventions
(2007) Constructing and using poverty maps for policy making: The exerience in Albania.
Journal Article
Coulombe, Harold, and Andrew McKay.
An assessment of trends in poverty in Ghana 1988 - 1992
Poverty and Social Policy Discussion Paper , no. 81 (1995).
Working Paper
May, Justin B, and Andrew Bacher-Hicks.
International water contracts and household outcomes: evidence from Albania
College of William and Mary, Department of Economics , no. 83 (2009).
Journal Article
Mahal, Ajay, Diana Bowser, and Andrew Mitchell.
USAID/Dialogue for social investment in Guatemala
Journal Article
Rosser J, Andrew.
The transition support program in Timor Leste
(2007) Aid that works: successful development in fragile states.
Journal Article
McKay, Andrew, and Emilie Perge.
How strong is the evidence for the existence of poverty traps? A multi country assessment
Journal Article
Clifford, David, Jane Falkingham, and Andrew Hinde.
Through civil war, food crisis and drought: Trends in fertility and nuptiality in post-Soviet Tajikistan
European journal of population 26, no. 3 (2010): 325-350.
Journal Article
Lim, Stephen S, Nancy Fullman, Andrew Stokes, Nirmala Ravishankar, Felix Masiye, Christopher J Murray, and Emmanuela Gakidou.
Net benefits: A multicountry analysis of observational data examining associations between insecticide-treated mosquito nets and health outcomes
PLoS Med 8, no. 9 (2011): e1001.
Journal Article
Channon, Andrew A, Sabu S Padmadas, and John W McDonald.
Measuring birth weight in developing countries: does the method of reporting in retrospective surveys matter?
Maternal and child health journal 15, no. 1 (2010): 12-18.
Working Paper
Dabalen, Andrew, Talip Kilic, and Waly Wane.
Social transfers, labor supply and poverty reduction: The case of Albania
(2008) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4783.
Working Paper
Miluka, Juna, and Andrew Dabalen.
Exploring the role of Albanian international migration on education
Coulombe, Harold, and Andrew McKay.
Selective Poverty Reduction in a Slow Growth Environment: Ghana in the 1990s
Gordon, Andrew J, P. Stanley Yoder, and Mamadou Camara.
Signs of illness, treatment, and support for young children in Guinea: a prospective community study
: ORC Macro, Measure DHS, 2004.
Journal Article
Morrison, Andrew, and Maria B Orlando.
The costs and impacts of gender-based violence in developing countries: Methodological considerations and new evidence
(2004) Retrieved March.
Working Paper
Kantner, Andrew, and Shi Jen He.
Levels and trends in fertility and mortality in South Asia:. A review of recent evidence
(1996) East West center Working Paper Series.
Showing 1-30 of 533