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Showing 61-90 of 398
Journal Article
Hahn, Micah B, Anne M Riederer, and Stanley O Foster.
The Livelihood Vulnerability Index: A pragmatic approach to assessing risks from climate variability and change - A case study in Mozambique
Global Environmental Change 19, no. 1 (2009): 74-88.
Book Section
Gubert, Flore, and Anne-Sophie Robillard.
Madagascar face au défi des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement
(2010) Croissance et pauvreté à Madagascar: un aperçu de la dernière décennie (1997-2007).
Journal Article
Calves E, Anne.
Marginalization of African single mothers in the marriage market: Evidence from Cameroon
Population Studies 53, no. 3 (1999): 291-301.
Journal Article
Calves, Anne-Emmanuele, and Dominique Meekers.
The advantages of having many children for women in formal and informal unions in Cameroon
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 30, no. 4 (1999): 617-639.
Calvès, Anne-Emmanuèle, and Dominique Meekers.
Re-evaluating the value of children in Sub-Saharan Africa: the impact of changing forms of marital unions
: Population Research Institute, 1995.
Journal Article
Calves, Anne-Emmanuèle.
Abortion risk and decisionmaking among young people in urban Cameroon
Studies in family planning 33, no. 3 (2002): 249-260.
Book Section
Nordman, Christophe J, Faly Rakotomanana, and Anne-Sophie Robilliard.
Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Market
(2010) Gender disparities in the Malagasy labor market.
Working Paper
Sanderson, Anne M, and Chris Auricht.
An Overview of Population Undernutrition in a Selection of Countries in East and Southern Africa
Book Section
Asif, Asif, Anne Goujon, and Wolfgang Lutz.
Capturing The Demographic Dividend In Pakistan
(2013) Education and Population: Closely Linked Trajectories for Pakistan .
Yoder, Stanley P, ORC Macro, Anne R Katahoire, David Kyaddondo, Zainab Akol, Rebecca Bunnell, and Frank Kaharuza.
Home-based HIV testing and counselling in a survey context in Uganda
: ORC Macro Calverton, Maryland, USA, 2006.
Working Paper
Kaharuza, Frank, Jonathan H Mermin, George W Rutherford, Joshua Musinguzi, Wilford Kirungi, Edson Nuwagaba, Anne Cross, Vinod Mishra, Alex Opio, and Rebecca Bunnell.
Feasibility and Acceptance of Home-based HIV Counseling and Testing during a Population-based HIV Serologic Survey
Katahoire, Anne, and Edward K Kirumira.
The impact of HIV and AIDS on higher education institutions in Uganda
: UNESCO Paris, 2008.
Working Paper
Case, Anne, and Angus Deaton.
School quality and educational outcomes in South Africa
Woodrow Wilson School of Development Studies Working Papers , no. 184 (1998).
Conference Paper
Case, Anne.
Health, income and economic development
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics,Washington D.C, May 2001, .
Washington, United States, 2001.
Journal Article
Case, Anne, and Angus Deaton.
Large cash transfers to the elderly in South Africa
The Economic Journal 108, no. 450 (1998): 1330-1361.
Journal Article
Biddlecom, Anne E, and Bolaji M Fapohunda.
Covert contraceptive use: prevalence, motivations, and consequences
(1998) Studies in family planning.
Working Paper
Bergh, Anne-Marie, Felix Sayinzoga, Béata Mukarugwiro, Jeremie Zoungrana, Gloriose Abayisenga, Claudine Karera, and Caroline Ikiriza.
Evaluation of Kangaroo Mother Care Services in Rwanda
Govan, Hugh, Anne-Maree Schwarz, Daykin Harohau, and Janet Oeta.
Solomon Islands national situation analysis
Working Paper
Diagne, Abdoulaye, Joseph F Cabral, Fatou Cissé, and Anne-Sophie Robilliard.
Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in The Republic of Senegal
Conference Paper
Neubourg, Chris, Verena Dräbing, Anne Hilger, and Richard Bluhm.
Multidimensional Poverty in Senegal: An Assessment of Multidimensional Poverty, Poverty Dynamics and Patterns of Deprivations
October, 2010.
Book Section
Conroy C, Anne.
Poverty, AIDS and Food Crisis
(2005) Starter Packs: A Strategy to Fight Hunger in Developing Countries?: Lessons from the Malawi Experience 1998-2003.
Schwarz, Anne-Maree, Neil Andrew, Hugh Govan, Daykin Harohau, and Janet Oeta.
Solomon Islands: Malaita Hub scoping report
: WorldFish, 2013.
Journal Article
Abey, Arun, Anne Booth, and R. M Sundrum.
Labour Absorption in Indonesian Agriculture
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 17, no. 1 (1981): 36-65.
Robilliard, Anne-Sophie, and Sherman Robinson.
The social impact of a WTO agreement in Indonesia
: World Bank Publications, 2005.
Goujon, Anne, Huda Alkitkat, Wolfgang Lutz, Isolde Prommer, and Leen Hordijk.
Population and human capital growth in Egypt: Projections for governorates to 2051
Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Registration number: ZVR 524808900 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2007.
Journal Article
Mishra, Vinod, Martin Vaessen, J. Ties Boerma, Fred Arnold, Ann Way, Bernard Barrere, Anne Cross, Rathavuth Hong, and Jasbir Sangha.
HIV testing in national population-based surveys: Experience from the Demographic and Health Surveys
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84, no. 7 (2006): 537-545.
Journal Article
Terborgh, Anne, James Rosen, Roberto Santiso Galvez, Willy Terceros, Jane T Bertrand, and Sheana E Bull.
Family planning among indigenous populations in Latin America
(1995) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Book Section
Booth, Anne.
The Indonesian Rural Economy: Mobility, Work and Enterprise
(2004) The Changing Importance of Off-Farm Income for Agricultural Households in Indonesia.
Working Paper
Surachman, Agus, and Anne B Edwards.
Intergenerational Paradox: Invest Less but Expect More
Krafft, Thomas, Anne Kremer, and Sandra Schraeder.
Challenges to Asian Urbanization in the 21st Century
New York, USA: Springer Publishing, 2004.
Showing 61-90 of 398