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Showing 451-480 of 828
Das, Saswati.
Incidence of child labour and child schooling in India: Pattern and determinants
Journal Article
Das, Panchanan.
Structure of Wage Inequality in India: Decomposition of Gini Index with 61st Round Household Survey Data
Journal of Income & Wealth (The) 33, no. 1 (2011): 3-17.
Working Paper
Das, Keshab.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in India: Unfair Fare
(2008) Gujarat Institute of Development Research Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Saikia, Dilip, and Kalyani Kangkana Das.
Entrepreneurship and Micro and Small Enterprises Growth in Assam
Munich Personal RePEc Archive , no. 41860 (2012).
Das, Maitreyi Bordia, and Puja Vasudeva Dutta.
Does caste matter for wages in the Indian labor market?
Washington, DC, USA: The World Bank, 2007.
Journal Article
Skordis-Worrall, Jolene, Noemi Pace, Ujwala Bapat, Sushmita Das, Neena More, Wasundhara Joshi, Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brannstrom, and David Osrin.
Maternal and neonatal health expenditure in Mumbai slums (India): a cross sectional study
BMC public health 11, no. 1 (2011): 150.
Thesis or Dissertation
Das, Sureswari.
Role of family in health and healthcare utilisation
Master of Arts, National Institute of Technology , 2012.
Journal Article
Das, Dangol B, RD Retherford, and S Thapa.
Declining fertility in Nepal
Asia-Pacific population journal/United Nations 12, no. 1 (1997): 33.
Journal Article
Mulmi, Abhiman Das.
Green road approach in rural road construction for the sustainable development of Nepal
Journal of Sustainable Development 2, no. 3 (2009): P149.
Journal Article
Baland, Jean-Marie, Pranad Bardhan, Sanghamitra Das, and Dilip Mookherjee.
Forest degradation in the Himalayas: determinants and policy options
Journal Article
Rahut, Dil B, Sukanya Das, Hugo De Groote, and Bhagirath Behera.
Determinants of household energy use in Bhutan
(2014) Energy.
Journal Article
Austin, Anne, Ana Langer, Rehana A Salam, Zohra S Lassi, Jai K Das, and Zulfiqar A Bhutta.
Approaches to Improve Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Care: An Overview of the Evidence
Reproductive Health Journal 11, no. 2 (2014): 1.
Working Paper
Das, Narayan C, and Raniya Shams.
Asset Transfer Programme for the Ultra Poor: A Randomized Control Trial Evaluation
(2011) CFPR WP No. 22 .
Journal Article
Raza, Wameq A, Narayan C Das, and Farzana A Misha.
Can Ultra-Poverty be Sustainably Improved? Evidence from BRAC in Bangladesh
Journal of Development Effectiveness 4, no. 2 (2012): 257-276.
Thesis or Dissertation
Monteiro, Maicam Jorge Mendes Varela.
Segurança Alimentar e Preços dos Alimentos Básicos no Mercado Nacional e Internacional: A Importância da “Eficiência” dos Mercados em Cabo Verde
Mestre em Engenharia Agronómica, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa. , 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fortes, Maria.
O Parque Natural de Rui Vaz da Serra do Pico de Antónia – Ilha de Santiago – Cabo Verde: Subsídio para a Elaboração de um plano de gestão
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, 2012.
Working Paper
Brito, Monica Cilene Cruz.
A governação em Cabo Verde: 1991-2011
Thesis or Dissertation
Ribeiro, Paula Andrade Fernandes.
Cenários e tutelas: perceções do desenvolvimento da Ilha do Maio, Cabo Verde
Mestre em Estudos Africanos , Universidade Técnica de Lisboa , 2013.
Journal Article
Das, Narayan C, and Wameq A Raza.
Does a Grant-based Approach Work for Addressing Extreme Poverty? A RCT Approach
(2013) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 51005.
Working Paper
Raza, Wameq, Anindita Bhattacharjee, and Narayan C Das.
Impact of Char Development and Settlement Project on Improving the Livelihood of Char Dwellers
(2011) WP No. 17.
Working Paper
Das, Narayan C, Wameq A Raza, and Farzana A Misha.
An Early Assessment of CFPR II Support Packages
(2009) Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC, WP No. 9.
Michaelowa, Katharina, and Annika Wechtler.
Grundbildung in Malawi: Neuere Entwicklungen der Sektorpolitik, realistische Handlungsperspektiven und Vorschläge für ein gestuftes Monitoringsystem
: Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut, 2006.
Journal Article
Cau, Boaventura M, and Carlos Arnaldo.
É urgente reduzir a mortalidade materna em Moçambique
CEPSA. Policy brief , no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Fonseca, Luiz Eduardo, Aurelio Carvalho, and Edna Germack Possolo.
Intervenções no campo materno-infantil para diminuição da desnutrição e melhoria da segurança alimentar em são tomé e príncipe e Moçambique
(2012) Segurança alimentar e nutricional na comunidade dos países de língua Portuguesa: desafios e perspectivas.
Working Paper
Boom, Bart.
Analise da pobreza em Moçambique
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark, and Hélia Nsthandoca Dezimahata Lory.
Um Formulàrio Simples da Puntuacão da Pobreza para o Moçambique
Francisco, António, Gustavo Sugahara, and Peter Fisker.
Envelhecer em Moçambique: Dinâmicas do Bem-Estar e da Pobreza
Working Paper
Sitoe A, Tomás.
O sistema de proteção social em moçambique: uma análise a partir da perspectiva da produção hortícolas no cinturão verde de maputo
Journal Article
Frederico, Monica.
Impacto e sustentabilidade do turismo comunitario: Estudo de caso de Tinti Gala e Tsakane Ka Madjadjane Lodges em Maputo
GEOUSP: espaco e tempo , no. 29 (2011).
Working Paper
Narayanan, Sudha, and Upasak Das.
Employment Guarantee for Women in India Evidence on Participation and Rationing in the MGNREGA from the National Sample Survey
(2014) WP-2014-017.
Showing 451-480 of 828