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Showing 1-30 of 1817
Journal Article
Grimsrud, Kristine, Mani Nepal, and Apsara Nepal.
Unbelievable but true: improved cookstoves are not helpful in reducing firewood demand in Nepal
Environment and Development Economics 16, no. 01 (2011): 1-23.
Journal Article
Siwakoti, Mohan, and Jhamak B Karki.
Conservation status of Ramsar sites of Nepal Tarai: an overview
(2010) Botanica Orientalis: Journal of Plant Science.
Journal Article
Pyakuryal, Bishwambher, Devesh Roy, and Y B Thapa.
Trade liberalization and food security in Nepal
Food Policy 35, no. 1 (2010): 20 - .
Journal Article
Menger, Lauren M, Michelle R Kaufman, Jennifer J Harman, Samantha W Tsang, and Deepti Khati Shrestha.
Unveiling the silence: women's sexual health and experiences in Nepal
Culture, health & sexuality , no. ahead-of-print (2014).
Journal Article
Inskipp, C, and HS Baral.
Potential impacts of agriculture on Nepal birds
Our Nature 8, no. 1 (2010): 270-312.
Muzzini, Elisa, and Gabriela Aparicio.
Urban growth and spatial transition in Nepal: An initial assessment
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Journal Article
Manandhar, Usha Maskey, and Sanu Babu Dangol.
Study on Evaluating Energy Conservation Potential of Brick Production in SAARC Countries
Journal Article
Gautam, Dipendra, Jyoti Prajapati, Kuh Valencia Paterno, Krishna Kumar Bhetwal, and Pramod Neupane.
Disaster resilient vernacular housing technology in Nepal
Geoenvironmental Disasters 3, no. 1 (2016).
Working Paper
Collumbien, Martine, Ian M Timaeus, and Laxmi Acharya.
The onset of fertility decline in Nepal: a reinterpretation
(1997) Centre for Population Studies Research Paper.
Conference Paper
Bahadur Bista, Nar.
Fiscal deficit, money supply and inflation in Nepal
Fifth Annual General Business Conference Proceedings.
Journal Article
Bhandary, Shital.
Discrepancy in the early childhood mortality rates obtained from the two recent surveys of Nepal
Journal of General Practice and Emergency Medicine of Nepal.
Journal Article
Gaire, Surya, Rafael Castro Delgado, and Pedro Arcos Gonzalez.
Disaster risk profile and existing legal framework of Nepal: floods and landslides
(2015) Risk management and healthcare policy.
Journal Article
Regmi, Pramod, A Aryal, and Edwin Van Teijlingen.
Child birth in the exam centres in Nepal: An overlooked Public Health issue!
Health Prospect 15, no. 1 (2016): 20-21.
Thesis or Dissertation
Danuwar, Rajan Kumar.
A study on socio-economic status of Doney (Raidanuwar) Tribe
Master of Arts in Economics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rajbhandari, Sunil Narsing.
Inequality of income and wealth distribution in Nepal
PhD Thesis, Faculty of Economics, University of Lugan, 2005.
Journal Article
Acharya, Dilaram, Vishnu Khanal, Jitendra K Singh, Mandira Adhikari, and Salila Gautam.
Impact of mass media on the utilization of antenatal care services among women of rural community in Nepal
BMC research notes 8, no. 1 (2015): 345.
Belbase, Anil, and Paras Kharel.
Competitiveness of Nepalese ready-made garments after expiry of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
Journal Article
Nayava, Janak Lal, Rabi Singh, and Madan Raj Bhatta.
Impact of climate, climate change and modern technology on wheat production in Nepal: a case study at Bhairahawa
Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology 6, no. 1 (2009): 1-14.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rajbhandari, Sunil Narsingh.
Inequality of income and wealth in Nepal
PhD thesis, Universita della Svizzera italiana, 2005.
Rabi, Amjad.
Assessment of Nepal's Fiscal Envelope
: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Nepal, 2014.
Journal Article
Yadav, Ishwar C, Umesh P Dhuldhaj, Devendra Mohan, and Surendra Singh.
Current status of groundwater arsenic and its impacts on health and mitigation measures in the Terai basin of Nepal: an overview
Environmental Reviews 19, no. NA (2011): 55-67.
Working Paper
Prasad, Sanjay K, Hemant Pullabhotla, and A. Ganesh Ganesh-Kumar.
Supply and demand for cereals in Nepal, 2010 - 2030
(2011) Environment and Production Technology Division.
Sharma, Sanjay, Shibani Pandey, Dinesh Pathak, and Bimbika Sijapati-Basnett.
State of migration in Nepal
Research Paper VI ed. Vol. 4. Kathmandu – 9, Nepal: Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility, 2014.
Journal Article
Simkhada, Padam, Edwin Teijlingen, DR Acharya, E Schildbach, PR Silwal, J Shrestha, and PL Pandey.
Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in rural Nepal: Knowledge, attitudes and behavior
Nepal Population Journal 17, no. 16 (2012): 3-10.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shrestha S, Sundar.
Essays on Childhood Nutritional Deprivation in Nepal and Off-farm Employment in the United States: Multi-level and Spatial Econometric Modeling Approach
PhD, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Economics & Demography, The Pennsylvania State University, 2007.
Working Paper
Sharma, Jeevan Raj, and Sanjay Sharma.
Enumerating Migration in Nepal
(2011) Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility.
Journal Article
Mahal, Babar, and Nepal Kathmandu.
Economic Model to Forecast Future Rates of Deforestation and forest Degradation in Nepal
Working Paper
Bhurtel, Jugal, and Saleem H Ali.
The green roots of red rebellion: Environmental degradation and the rise of the Maoist movement in Nepal
Journal Article
Nisar, Yasir Bin, and Michael J Dibley.
Earlier initiation and use of a greater number of iron-folic acid supplements during pregnancy prevents early neonatal deaths in Nepal and Pakistan
PloS one 9, no. 11 (2014): e112446.
Journal Article
Gautam, Dipendra, and Hemchandra Chaulagain.
Structural performance and associated lessons to be learned from world earthquakes in Nepal after 25 April 2015 (M W 7.8) Gorkha earthquake
(2016) Engineering Failure Analysis.
Showing 1-30 of 1817