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Showing 1-30 of 93
Journal Article
Totouom, Armand Luc Fotue, Fondo Sikod, and Ibrahim Abba.
Household choice of purifying drinking water in Cameroon
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 1, no. 2 (2012): 101-115.
Journal Article
Gadrey, Jean, Armand Hatchuel, Luc Boltanski, and Eve Chiapello.
Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme
Sociologie du travail 43, no. 389 (2001): 389-421.
Kemper, Niels, and Rainer Klump.
Land reform and the formalization of houshold credit in rural Vietnam
Journal Article
Song, Wei, Baiming Chen, and Ying Zhang.
Land-use change and socio-economic driving forces of rural settlement in China from 1996 to 2005
Chinese Geographical Science 24, no. 5 (2014): 511-524.
Conference Paper
Abdula, Rahimaisa.
Climate Change Policy of Bio-energy: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Bioenergy’s Sectoral and Land-use Interfaces
Proceedings of the 2006 IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy & Environmental Systems.
Sweden, 2005.
Journal Article
Estoque, Ronald C, and Yuji Murayama.
Spatio-temporal urban land use/cover change analysis in a hill station: The case of Baguio City, Philippines
(2011) Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Jahiel, Michel, Blaise Bilak Garka, Andre Sieffert, Eric Forni, Marcelin Mekok, Luc Durrieu Madron, Alain Penelon, Luc Mendouga, Alain Karsenty, and Albert Tsague.
Le projet d'amenagement pilote integre de Dimako (Cameroun)(1992-1996)
: CIRAD-Foret, 1998.
Sim, Armand A, Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi, and Stephen Girschik.
The Consequences of Child Market Work on the Growth of Human Capital
: SMERU Research Institute, 2012.
Journal Article
Abomo, Dominique Meva’a, Martin Fouda, Boris Simeon Nguehan, Achille Armand Ebana, and Gyscard Merlin Pola.
Vulnérabilité de l’agriculture urbaine aux inondations dans le bassin versant du Mbanya à Douala (Cameroun)
(2015) Les Annales de la recherche urbaine.
Charlier, Florence, and Charles N'Cho-Oguie.
Sustaining reforms for inclusive growth in Cameroon: a development policy review
: World Bank Publications, 2009.
Journal Article
Agha, Sohail, Mai Do, and Françoise Armand.
When donor support ends: The fate of social marketing products and the markets they help create
Social Marketing Quarterly 12, no. 2 (2006): 28-42.
Journal Article
Winfrey, William, Susan Scribner, Françoise Armand, Craig Carlson, and Leanne Dougherty.
The potential market for expanded private-sector family planning in the Philippines
(2003) Country Research Series.
Working Paper
Sim, Armand, Radi Negara, and Asep Suryahadi.
Inequality, Elite Capture, and Targeting of Social Protection Programs: Evidence from Indonesia
(2014) The SMERU Research Institute .
Working Paper
Amegnaglo, Cocou J, Yves Y Soglo, and Armand F Akpa.
Determinants of Graduate Students’ Participation in Agricultural Value chain in Benin.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fopa Diesse, Théophile Armand.
La prise en charge de l’émigration Internationale au Cameroun
Mémoire de Master - Master professionnel en démographie , Institut de formation et de recherche démographiques , 2011.
Journal Article
Ponka, Roger, Armand Abdou Bouba, Elie Fokou, Eric Beaucher, Michel Piot, Joëlle Leonil, and Frédéric Gaucheron.
Nutritional Composition of Five Varieties of Pap Commonly Consumed in Maroua (Far-North, Cameroon)
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 65, no. 3 (2015): 183-190.
Conference Paper
Faganel, Armand.
Real Estate Market and the Accession of Slovenia to the European Union
5th International conference "Economic Integration, competition and cooperation".
Opatija, Croatia, March 26, 2013.
Journal Article
Afrakhteh, Hassan, Maryam Armand, and Fatemeh Askari Bozayeh.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Adoption and Application of Sprinkler Irrigation by Farmers in Famenin County, Iran
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development 5, no. 2 (2015): 89-99.
Working Paper
Gadom, Gado D, Nadège Djossou A Gbetoton, Kane G Quentin, Armand M Kountchou, Nganguem Armelle N Olive, and Kamdem D Christelle.
Oil exploitation and inequality in Chad
(2015) Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP).
Journal Article
Abossolo, Samuel Aimé, Romain Armand Soleil Batha, and Arnaud Borice Djeugang.
Identification des risques pluviométriques sur la culture du maïs dans l’arrondissement de Penka-Michel, dans les hautes terres de l’Ouest du Cameroun
Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie 11, no. 2 (2015): 136-146.
Journal Article
Fokam, Joseph, Jean-Bosco N Elat, Serge C Billong, Etienne Kembou, Armand S Nkwescheu, Nicolas M Obam, Andre Essiane, Judith N Torimiro, Gatien K Ekanmian, and Alexis Ndjolo.
Monitoring HIV drug resistance early warning indicators in Cameroon: a study following the revised World Health Organization Recommendations
PLoS One 10, no. 6 (2015): e0129210.
Journal Article
Christiaensen, Luc, Peter Lanjouw, Jill Luoto, and David Stifel.
Small area estimation-based prediction methods to track poverty: validation and applications
(2011) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5683.
Journal Article
Awessou, Kohomlan Beranger G, Christophe Peugeot, Alain Rocheteau, Luc Seguis, Frédéric C Do, Sylvie Galle, Marie Bellanger, Euloge Agbossou, and Josiane Seghieri.
Differences in transpiration between a forest and an agroforestry tree species in the Sudanian belt
(2016) Agroforestry Systems.
Working Paper
Dubois, Jean-Luc.
La situation des ménages en Afrique sub-saharienne: à quelles conclusions nous amènent les enquêtes auprès des ménages
(1997) Atelier - Menages et crise, Marseille.
Working Paper
Nembot Ndeffo, Luc, Ngangue Ngwen, Pierre Joubert Nguetse Tegoum, Cyrille Bergaly Kamdem, and Marienne Makoudem.
Impact of Equivalence Scales on the Spatial Distribution of Poverty in Cameroon: A Dynamic Approach
Ndeffo, Luc Nembot, Ngwen Ngangue, Nguetse Tegoum Pierre Joubert, Kamdem Cyrille Bergaly, and Makoudem Marianne.
Impact des echelles dequivalence sur la repartition regionale de la pauvrete au Cameroun: une approche dynamique
Journal Article
Kongnyuy, Eugene, Charles Wiysonge, Robinson Mbu, Phil Nana, and Luc Kouam.
Wealth and sexual behaviour among men in Cameroon
BMC International Health and Human Rights 6, no. 1 (2006): 11.
Journal Article
Tebeu, Pierre, Luc Bernis, Anderson Sama Doh, Charles Henry Rochat, and Therese Delvaux.
Risk factors for obstetric fistula in the Far North Province of Cameroon
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 107, no. 1 (2009): 12-15.
Journal Article
Nkenfou, Céline Nguefeu, Elise Elong Elong, Odie Ouwe-Missi-Oukem-Boyer, Martin Sosso, Béatrice Dambaya, Luc-Christian Gwom, Suzie T Moyo, Charlotte Tangimpundu, Georgia Ambada, Nadine Fainguem, and others.
Implementation of HIV early infant diagnosis and HIV-1 RNA viral load determination on dried blood spots in Cameroon: challenges and propositions.
(2011) AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses.
Working Paper
Yamano, Takashi, Harold Alderman, and Luc Christiaensen.
Child growth, shocks, and food aid in rural Ethiopia
(2003) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper .
Showing 1-30 of 93