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Showing 31-48 of 48
Working Paper
Kansal, Arun, Mukesh Khare, and Chandra Shekhar Sharma.
Health benefits valuation of regulatory intervention for air pollution control in thermal power plants in Delhi, India
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52, no. 7 (2009): 881-899.
Neupane, Nilhari, Manchiraju Sri Ramachandra Murthy, Golam Rasul, Shahriar M Wahid, Arun B Shrestha, and Kabir Uddin.
Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation
: Springer, 2015.
Moyo, Mujobu, Rebecca Simson, Arun Jacob, and François-Xavier Mevius.
Attaining Middle Income Status. Tanzania: Growth and Structural Transformation Required to Reach Middle Income Status by 2025
London, UK: International Growth Centre, 2012.
Journal Article
Joshi R, Arun.
Maternal schooling and child health: preliminary analysis of the intervening mechanisms in rural Nepal
(1994) Health Transition Review.
Journal Article
Acharya, Arun Kumar.
Ethnic conflict and refugees in Sri Lanka
(2007) Revista de Antropologia Experimental.
Journal Article
Neupane, Nilhari, Manchiraju Sri Ramachandra Murthy, Golam Rasul, Shahriar M Wahid, Arun B Shrestha, and Kabir Uddin.
Integrated Biophysical and Socioeconomic Model for Adaptation to Climate Change for Agriculture and Water in the Koshi Basin
Journal Article
Shankar, Ravi, Pawan Kumar, Manu Rana, Arun Dubey, and Nagesh Shenoy.
A comparative study of drug utilisation at different levels of the primary healthcare system in Kaski district, Western Nepal
The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online) 116, no. 1182 (2003).
Journal Article
Waris, Amtul, B Nirmala, and Arun S Kumar.
Gender gap and female workforce participation in agriculture in Andhra Pradesh, India
African Journal of Agricultural Research 11, no. 9 (2016): 769-778.
Journal Article
Rijal, Arun, Carsten Smith-Hall, and Finn Helles.
Non-timber forest product dependency in the Central Himalayan foot hills
Environment, development and sustainability 13, no. 1 (2011): 121-140.
Journal Article
Khatri-Chhetri, Arun, Jeetendra P Aryal, Tek B Sapkota, and Ritika Khurana.
Economic benefits of climate-smart agricultural practices to smallholder farmers in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India
Current Science 110, no. 7 (2016): 1251-1256.
Journal Article
Deshpande, Sonal, Arun Humne, and Sharad Mankar.
Screening Of Risk Factors For Cardiovascular Diseases Among School Going Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study
Religion 16, no. 18 (2016).
Journal Article
Arun, Özgür.
International spotlight: Developing a gerontological social policy agenda for Turkey
The Gerontologist 53, no. 6 (2013): 891-897.
Journal Article
Parasuraman, Gomathy, Krithiga Sivakumar, BP Shilpa, and Arun T Mithrason.
What Ails the Fishermen Community in Ennore Creek: A Socio-Demographic Analysis
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9, no. 25 (2016).
Journal Article
Kumar, Ramaa Arun.
Effect of Industrial Agglomeration on Wages in Unorganised Manufacturing Sector
The Delhi University Journal of the Humanities and the Social Sciences.
Journal Article
Dhungana, Raja Ram, Surya Devkota, Mahesh Kumar Khanal, Yadav Gurung, Rajendra Kumar Giri, Ram Krishna Parajuli, Anup Adhikari, Suira Joshi, Barsha Hada, and Arun Shayami.
Prevalence of cardiovascular health risk behaviors in a remote rural community of Sindhuli district, Nepal
BMC cardiovascular disorders 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Gautam, Arun.
International Migration and Remittance in Nepal
(2016) Population and Development in Nepal.
Journal Article
Khanal, Mahesh Kumar, MSA Mansur Ahmed, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Palash Chandra Banik, Raja Ram Dhungana, Pratiksha Bhandari, Surya Devkota, and Arun Shayami.
Total cardiovascular risk for next 10 years among rural population of Nepal using WHO/ISH risk prediction chart
BMC research notes 10, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Shrestha, Rachana Manandhar, Moe Miyaguchi, Akira Shibanuma, Arun Khanal, Junko Yasuoka, and Masamine Jimba.
A School Health Project Can Uplift the Health Status of School Children in Nepal
PloS one 11, no. 11 (2016).
Showing 31-48 of 48