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Showing 2791-2820 of 3717
Journal Article
Mncayi, Precious, and Steven Henry Dunga.
Career choice and unemployment length: A study of graduates from a South African university
Industry and Higher Education 30, no. 6 (2016): 413-423.
Journal Article
Del Fava, Emanuele, Raffaella Piccarreta, Simon Gregson, and Alessia Melegaro.
Transition to Parenthood and HIV Infection in Rural Zimbabwe
PloS one 11, no. 9 (2016).
Mathers, Nicholas John, and Anastasia Mshvidobadze.
Costing the child grant expansion in Nepal: Ten-year expansion strategy 2016–2025
Journal Article
Paul, Mandira, Sharad D Iyengar, Birgitta Essén, Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, Kirti Iyengar, Johan Bring, and Marie Klingberg-Allvin.
Does mode of follow-up influence contraceptive use after medical abortion in a low-resource setting? Secondary outcome analysis of a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Ramkisson, Samantha, Basil J Pillay, and Ben Sartorius.
Psychosocial stress in South African patients with type 2 diabetes
Journal of Insulin Resistance 1, no. 1 (2016): 1-7.
Journal Article
Habanabakize, Thomas, and Paul-Francois Muzindutsi.
Time series analysis of interaction between aggregate expenditure and job creation in South Africa
Journal of Governance and Regulation 4, no. 4 (2015): 649-657.
Journal Article
Mncayi, P.
An analysis of the perceptions of graduate unemployment among graduates from a South African University
International journal of social sciences and humanity studies 8, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Buldeo, Priya.
A psychosocial study of cardiovascular diseases, health behaviours and risk perception among retail pharmacy workers in Johannesburg, South Africa
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Health Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and the School of Social Sciences, 2016.
Journal Article
Canning, David, Iqbal H Shah, Erin Pearson, Elina Pradhan, Mahesh Karra, Leigh Senderowicz, Till Bärnighausen, Donna Spiegelman, and Ana Langer.
Institutionalizing postpartum intrauterine device (IUD) services in Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Nepal: study protocol for a cluster-randomized stepped-wedge trial
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
A biorefinery approach to improve the sustainability of the South African sugar industry: Assessment of selected scenarios.
(2016) Research and Policy Development to Advance a Green Economy in South Africa.
Journal Article
Nelson, Chris.
Voldoen eietydse Suid-Afrika aan die vereistes vir die inwerkingstelling van’n ontwikkelingstaatstrategie?
Litnet Akademies:'n Joernaal vir die Geesteswetenskappe, Natuurwetenskappe, Regte en Godsdienswetenskappe 13, no. 3 (2016): 274-313.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nambena, Jutta.
Analyse de la subsistance paysanne dans un système de production en crise et identification participative de stratégies durables d’adaptation: Cas de Beforona, versant oriental de Madagascar
Diplom Biologin, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, 2004.
Journal Article
Niragire, François, Thomas O. N Achia, Alexandre Lyambabaje, and Joseph Ntaganira.
Child mortality inequalities across Rwanda districts: a geoadditive continuous-time survival analysis
Geospatial Health 12, no. 1 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Chuchuca, Tania Galán L, Vanessa León K Galarza, and Jessica Moreno K Moreno Castillo.
Características clínicas, ecográficas y correlación del peso prostático ecográfico frente al peso postquirúrgico en pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna, sometidos a prostatectomia abierta, según edad y procedencia en el
Título de Médica, Universidad De Cuenca, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cárdenas Carrera, Gustavo A, and Carlos S Reyes Díaz.
Valoración de resultados funcionales en pacientes de 17 a 60 años con fracturas de metacarpianos tratados quirúrgicamente con placas de minifragmentos durante el período de Enero 2012 a Abril 2014 por la subespecialidad miembro superior del
Título de Especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad Central Del Ecuador, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Moreno Diaz L, Claudia.
Validación de pruebas diagnósticas no invasivas para estimación clínica de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoidea y Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico. Estudio Comparativo de Cohortes.
Título de Especialista en Medicina Interna, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Ecuador, 2016.
Journal Article
Mumtaz, Shamim, and Sadaf Konain Ansari.
Psychology of Beliefs and Practices Relating to Menstrual Hygiene of Adolescent Girls in Rural, Islamabad, Pakistan
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2, no. 7 (2016): 670-677.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jarju, Lamin.
Utilization of ‘swamp’rice fields by members of the anopheles Gambiae complex in Gambia
Master of science, Durham University, 2009.
Journal Article
Dellava, Jocilyn E, and Barry Popkin.
Are prices changes adequate to produce long-term dietary change: Lessons from Russia’s Economic Transition?
The FASEB Journal 24, no. 1 (2010): 559-10.
Alvesson M, Helle.
Vulnerability in illness: household healthcare-seeking processes during maternal and child illness in rural Lao PDR
: Karolinska Institutet, 2013.
Journal Article
Piek, Ben.
Recent demographic developments in the BLS countries: some of their socio-economic implications
Africa Insight 1, no. 1 (1971): 93-111.
May, Julian, Benjamin Roberts, George Moqasa, and Ingrid Woolard.
Poverty and inequality in Lesotho
: University of Natal. School of development studies, 2002.
Journal Article
Jackson, Angela Mary.
Uncovering the “Skeleton in the Closet”: The Issue of Bone and Joint Disorders in the Maldives and the Opportunities for Primary Prevention and Health Promotion
The journal of primary prevention 27, no. 4 (2006): 409-431.
Journal Article
Shaqra’a, Enas Ahmed Abdulla, Nurwati Badarulzaman, and Ruhizal Roosli.
Residents’ perception of the affordability of private housing schemes: lessons from Aden, Yemen
(2015) Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Working Paper
Rodríguez-Castelán, Carlos, Luis Felipe López-Calva, Nora Lustig, and Daniel Valderrama.
Understanding the dynamics of labor income inequality in Latin America
Journal Article
Rosenfeld, Jason, and Barbara S Taylor.
Global Health in the Dominican Republic: Progress and Obstacles to Scale Up and Implementation of Successful Programs
(2015) EDGS WP.
Journal Article
Headey, Derek, Mekdim Dereje, and Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse.
Land constraints and agricultural intensification in Ethiopia: A village-level analysis of high-potential areas
(2014) Food Policy.
Working Paper
Vernhout, NJ.
Development policy in Ghana. A political, economic and social history of a country in transition since independence
Journal Article
Alhassan, Eliasu, and NS Braimah.
Assessing the Role of Tamale Central Prisons towards reforming Inmates in the Northern Region of Ghana
Africa Development and Resources Research Institute (Adrri) Journal 26, no. 1 (2016): 33-60.
Journal Article
Gillespie, Duff, Michelle H Cuellar, Sarah Whitmarsh, Alison Bodenheimer, and Sabrina Karklins.
Connecting Global Goals to Local Priorities.
Global Health Governance 10, no. 3 (2016).
Showing 2791-2820 of 3717