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Book Section
Quisumbing R, Agnes. "Why Poverty Persists. Poverty Dynamics in Asia and Africa." (2011) Poverty Transitions, Shocks and Consumption in Rural Bangladesh, 1996-97 to 2006-07.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Tahmeed, and A. Shamsir M Ahmed. "Reducing the Burden of Malnutrition in Bangladesh." (2009) BMJ.
Working Paper
Belton, Ben, Manjurul Karim, Shakuntala Thilsted, William Collis, Michael Phillips, and Khondker Murshed-E-Jahan. "Review of Aquaculture and Fish Consumption in Bangladesh." (2011)
Book Section
Mahmud, Wahiduddin, Sadiq Ahmed, and Sandeep Mahajan. "Leadership and Growth." (2010) Economic Reforms, Growth, and Governance: The Political Economy Aspects of Bangladesh’s Development Surprise.
Book Section
Koehlmoos, Tracey P, Ziaul Islam, Shahela Anwar, Shaikh Shahed A Hossain, Rukhsana Gazi, Peter K Streatfield, and Abbas U Bhuiya. "Good Health at Low Cost’ 25 Years On. What Makes a Successful Health System?." (2011) Health Transcends Poverty: The Bangladesh Experience.
Journal Article
Thilsted H, Shakuntala. "Fish Diversity and Fish Consumption in Bangladesh." (2013) Diversifying Food and Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition and Health.
Working Paper
Raihan, Selim. "Infrastructure and Growth and Poverty in Bangladesh." (2012) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 37882.
Book Section
Asaduzzaman, M. "Agricultural Transition in Asia Trajectories and Challenges." (2010) Bangladesh: Facing Old Challenges in a New Context.
Working Paper
Azam, Shafiul, and Katsushi S Imai. "Measuring Households’ Vulnerability to Idiosyncratic and Covariate Shocks-the case of Bangladesh." (2012) DP2012-02.
Journal Article
Ali, Ershad, and Dayal Talukder. "Analysis of Poverty Dynamics: Bangladesh Perspective." Journal of Third World Studies 27, no. 1 (2010).
Journal Article
Faridy, Nahida, and Tapan K Sarker. "Progressivity of Value Added Tax in Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh." Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin 17, no. 3 (2011): 185-191.
Working Paper
Webster, Neil, Zarina R Khan, Abu Muhammad H Ahsan, Akhter Hussain, and Mahbubur Rahman. "State Elites and the New Poverty Agenda in Bangladesh." (2009) DIIS WP 2009:22.
Journal Article
Keck, Markus, and Benjamin Etzold. "Resilience Refused Wasted Potentials for Improving Food Security in Dhaka." Erdkunde 67, no. 1 (2013): 75-91.
Book Section
Barai K, Munim. "Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the Asian Region." (2010) Agreement on Agriculture and Food Prices in Bangladesh.
Book Section
Mahmud, Wahiduddin. "The Future of Globalization: Explorations in Light of Recent Turbulence." (2007) Bangladesh. Development Outcomes and Challenges in the Context of Globalization.
Conference Paper
Nahar, Quamrun. "Desirable Dietary Pattern for Bangladesh: Final Research Results No.15." Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies. Volume 3. Food Composition and Dietary Intake (Session IV). Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 3-4, 2013.
Working Paper
Kniveton, Dominic, Maxmillan Martin, and Pedram Rowhani. "Sensitivity Testing Current Migration Patterns to Climate Change and Variability in Bangladesh." (2013)
Book Section
Islam, M. N, J. R Rinfret, and Q R Islam. "Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones." (2010) Participatory Management of Coasta Resources: Badurgacha Subproject in the South-west of Bangladesh.
Working Paper
Mahmoud, Chowdhury S, Syed N Wadood, and Kazi S Ahmed. "Addressing Regional Inequality Issues in Bangladesh Public Expenditure." (2009) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 14329.
Conference Paper
Manji, Azim, and Josef Devine. "Hanging on a Thread: Financial Crisis, Risk and Vulnerability among the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh." UNRISD conference on the “Social and Political Dimensions of the Global Crisis: Implications for Developing Countries” . Geneva, Switzerland, November 12-13, 2009.
Working Paper
Rashid, Sabina F, and Owasim Akram. "Pornography, Pleasure, Gender and Sex Education in Bangladesh." (2014) IDS Sexuality and Development Programme.
Book Section
Mahmud, Ahmed S, and Farjana Akter. "Democrac Ownership and Development Effecveness: Civil Society Perspecves on Progress since Paris. Reality of Aid 2011 Report." (2011) Bangladesh: Challenges for Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness.
Book Section
Mahmud, Wahiduddin. "Handbook on the South Asian Economies." (2008) Bangladesh.
Journal Article
Miah, M. Monayem A, Q. M Alam, A. Sarker, and M. S Aktar. "Socio-economic Impact of Pulse Research in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh." Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development 19, no. 2 (2009): 115-142.
Working Paper
Asaduzzaman, M. "Getting Agriculture Moving once Again: Strategic Options for Post-HYV Agriculture in Bangladesh." (2009) UK Department for International Development, Dhaka.
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