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Showing 1621-1650 of 2093
Working Paper
Shaheen, Nazma, and Saiful Islam.
National Situation of Food and Nutrition Security in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Thomas, Timothy S, Khandaker Mainuddin, Catherine Chiang, Aminur Rahman, Anwarul Haque, Nazria Islam, Saad Quasem, and Yan Sun.
Agriculture and Adaptation in Bangladesh: Current and Projected Impacts of Climate Change
IFPRI Discussion Paper 01281 , no. 1281 (2013).
Book Section
Khan, Tauhid H, and Aslam Hossian.
Elusive Progress: State of Food Security in Bangladesh, 2012
(2012) Social Exclusion: Social Protection and Food Security.
Working Paper
Chowdhury, Jahangir Alam M, Shabnaz Amin, and Tazrina Farha.
Access to Credit and Women Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Bangladesh
Book Section
Hossian, Aslam, and Tauhid H Khan.
Decelerated Decline: State of Poverty in Bangladesh 2012
(2012) Poverty and Public Services: Social Exclusion of Urban Poor.
Book Section
Rahman, Mustafizur, and Ashiq Iqbal.
Regional Trade Agreements and Food Security in Asia
(2012) An Analysis of Bangladesh’s Food Security Concerns: Nature of the Problem and Potentials of SAFTA-RTA.
Journal Article
Menstrual Regulation, Unsafe Abortion and Maternal Health in Bangladesh
Guttmacher Institute , no. 3 (2012).
Working Paper
Khondker, Bazlul H, Sayema H Bidisha, and Gazi M Suhrawardy.
The Role of Credit in Food Production and Food Security in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Devine, Joe, and Geof Wood.
Extreme Poverty and the Need for a New Political Settlement. The Case of Bangladesh
Thesis or Dissertation
Bloomer, Jack.
Homestead Aquaculture in Bangladesh: Current Status and Future Directions
Master thesis, University of London, 2012.
Working Paper
Alam, Mohammad J, Shaheen Akter, and Ismat A Begum.
Bangladesh’s Rice Procurement System and Possible Alternatives in Supporting Farmer’s Income and Sustaining Production Incentives
Book Section
Mahmud, Wahiduddin, and Simeen Mahmud.
Development and Welfare Policy in South Asia
(2014) Development, Welfare and Governance: Explaining Bangladesh's Development Surprise'.
Working Paper
Hossain, Monzur, Mustafa K Mujeri, and Tahreen T Chowdhury.
Analysis of the Impact of Inflation on Different Household Groups in Bangladesh
(2013) BIDS-REF Study Series No. 13-01 .
Working Paper
Miah, Halim A, and Imran Reza.
Exploring the Processes and Consequences of Child Labour in Building Resilience of the Extreme Poor: The Genealogy of Child Labour in Northern Districts of Bangladesh
Conference Paper
Ahmed, Kabir.
Regulation and Supervision of MFIs in Bangladesh
Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in SAARC Region.
Kathmandu, Nepal, March 20-22, 2013.
El-Saharty, Sameh, Karar Z Ahsan, Tarcey P. L Koehlmoos, and Michael M Engelgau.
Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases in Bangladesh: Now is the Time
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Muzzini, Elisa, and Gabriela Aparicio.
Bangladesh: The Path to Middle-Income Status from an Urban Perspective
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Working Paper
Islam, Nazrul, Salma A Shafi, Om Prakash Mathur, and Dibyendu Samanta.
Sustainable Urbanization in Bangladesh: Delving into the Urbanization-Growth-Poverty Interlinkages
(2013) SANEI WP Series 13-05.
Amarasinghe, Upali A, Bharat R Sharma, Lal Muthuwatta, and Zahirul H Khan.
Water for Food in Bangladesh: Outlook to 2030. IWMI Research Report 158
: IWMI, 2014.
Working Paper
Mujeri, Mustafa K, Zulfiqar Ali, and Siban Shahana.
The Implications of the Inclusive Growth and Development Aid Agenda of the People’s Republic of China for Poorer Countries in Asia: The Case of Bangladesh
Working Paper
Hossain, Sarwar, and John A Dearing.
Recent Trends of Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing in the Bangladesh Delta
ESPA Deltas WP #3 , no. 3 (2013).
Kabir, Wais.
Report on Prioritization of Demand-Driven Agricultural Research for Development in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Rahman, K. Mustafizur M, and Suban Kumar.
Poverty and Rural-Urban Migration
(2012) Decelerated Decline: state of Poverty in Bangladesh.
Book Section
Siddiqui, Tasneem, and Motasim Billah.
Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia
(2014) Adaptation to Climate Change in Bangladesh: Migration, the Missing Link.
Working Paper
Kabir, Sonia T, and Sohel Rana.
Supporting Extremely Poor Elderly People in Rural Bangladesh with Asset Transfers for Income Generation: Lessons from Uttaran’s SEMPTI Project
Journal Article
Rahman M, K. Mustafizur.
Poverty at Household Level
(2012) Decelerated Decline: State of Poverty in Bangladesh 2012.
Working Paper
Ahmed, Tanvir, Gerald Bloom, Mohammad Iqbal, Henry Lucas, Sabrina Rasheed, Linda Waldman, Azfar S Khan, Rubana Islam, and Abbas Bhuiya.
E-health and M-health in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges
Working Paper
Awal, M. A, Harun-Ar M Rashid, A. M. Tariqul F Islam, and Farouq M Imam.
Adapting Social Safety Net Programs to Climate Change Shocks: Issues and Options for Bangladesh
Journal Article
Hossain, Zakir, Mohammad Haque M Kazal, and Jasim U Ahmed.
Rural-urban Migration and its Implications for Food Security in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Primary Education Annual Sector Performance Report 2011
Showing 1621-1650 of 2093