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Showing 271-300 of 489
Journal Article
Kamel, Nahed Mohamed, Afaf Gaber Ibrahim, Soha Rashed Aref, and Fatma Youssef Ziyo.
Current status of breastfeeding in Alexandria governorate: a community-based study
Eastern Mediterranean health journal 3, no. 3 (1997): 511-18.
Journal Article
Kotb, Mohammed Mahmoud, Iman Bakr, Nanees Ismail, Nagla Arafa, and Mohamed El-Gewaily.
Women in Cairo, Egypt and their risk factors for unmet contraceptive need: A community-based study
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 37, no. 1 (2011): 26.
Journal Article
Mohamed, M.E., Al Ghwass, and Dalia Ahmed.
Prevalence and predictors of 6-Month exclusive breastfeeding in a rural area in Egypt
Breastfeeding Medicine 6, no. 4 (2011): 191-196.
Journal Article
Hefni, Mohammed, Veronica Öhrvika, Mohamed Tabekha, and Cornelia Witthoft.
Folate content in foods commonly consumed in Egypt
Food Chemistry 121, no. 2 (2010): 540-545.
Journal Article
Abdel-Kader, Madiha M, Seham S Kassem, Magda S Mohamed, I.H. Badawy , and F.A. El- Shobaki.
Health evaluation of high nutritional value meals for school children
(2011) Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America.
Journal Article
Darmstadt, Gary L, Mohamed H Hussein, Peter Winch, Rachel Haws, Mohsen Lamia, Mohsen El-Said, Reginald Gipson, and Mathuram Santosham.
Neonatal home care practices in rural Egypt during the first week of life
Tropical Medicine & International Health 12, no. 6 (2007): 783-797.
Journal Article
Ali, Mohamed M, Tom Marshall, and Abdel G Babiker.
Analysis of incomplete durations with application to contraceptive use
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 164, no. 3 (2001): 549-563.
Raouf, Nadine Mohamed Abdel, Noha Ahmed Abdel Aziz, Nouran Essam Hassan, and Rana Sameh Samir.
Child labor in Egypt
Thesis or Dissertation
Farahat, Zeinab Ahmed Mohamed.
Women’s expectations and experiences of childbirth in an Egyptian public hospital
Masters, The American University in Cairo, 2010.
Journal Article
Lohiniva, Anna, Mohamed Saeed, Nasr El-Sayeed, and Maha Talaat.
Clean hands: prevention of typhoid fever in rural communities in Egypt
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 28, no. 3 (2007): 215-227.
Journal Article
Zahran, Kamal M, Mohamed Badary, Michael N Agban, and Nafesa Abdel Aziz.
Pattern of hepatitis virus infection among pregnant women and their newborns at the Women's Health Center of Assiut University, Upper Egypt
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 111, no. 2 (2010): 171-174.
Journal Article
Elnashar, A.M., M. EL-Dien Ibrahim, M.M. EL-Desoky, O.M. Ali, and M. El-Sayd Mohamed Hassan.
Female sexual dysfunction in Lower Egypt
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 114, no. 2 (2007): 201-206.
Journal Article
Amin, Mohamed E, Betty A Chewning, and Ashraf Wahdan.
Sources of drug information for patients with chronic conditions in Alexandria, Egypt
(2011) International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.
Journal Article
Belahsen, Rekia, and Mohamed Rguibi.
Population health and Mediterranean diet in southern Mediterranean countries
Public health nutrition 9, no. 8 (2006): 1130-1135.
Journal Article
Ali, Mohamed, and John Cleland.
Determinants of contraceptive discontinuation in six developing countries
Journal of Biosocial Science 31, no. 03 (1999): 343-360.
Journal Article
Ali, Mohamed M, and John Cleland.
Contraceptive Switching after Method-related Discontinuation: Levels and Differentials
Studies in Family Planning 41, no. 2 (2010): 129-133.
Journal Article
Hong, Rathavuth, Mohamed Ayad, and Fidele Ngabo.
Being Insured Improves Safe Delivery Practices in Rwanda
Journal of Community Health 36, no. 5 (2011): 779-784.
Ayadi, Mohamed, and AbdelRahmen ElAgha.
Poverty in Tunisia: a non-monetary approach
Journal Article
Mustafa, Babiker, Mohamed Omer, Muna Aziz, and Zein Zein El Abdein.
Neonatal tetanus in rural and displaced communities in the East Nile province
Journal of tropical pediatrics 42, no. 2 (1996): 110-112.
Journal Article
Almroth, Lars, Susan Elmusharaf, Nagla El Hadi, Abdelrahim Obeid, Mohamed El Sheikh, Saad Elfadil, and Staffan Bergstrom.
Primary infertility after genital mutilation in girlhood in Sudan: a case-control study
The Lancet 366, no. 9483 (2005): 385-391.
Journal Article
Groen, Reinou S, Mohamed Samai, Kerry-Ann Stewart, Laura D Cassidy, Thaim B Kamara, Sahr E Yambasu, T P Kingham, and Adam L Kushner.
Untreated surgical conditions in Sierra Leone: a cluster randomised, cross-sectional, countrywide survey
The Lancet 380, no. 9847 (2012): 1082-1087.
Journal Article
Ag Ayoya, Mohamed, Gerburg M Spiekermann-Brouwer, Abdel K Traore, Rebecca J Stoltzfus, and Cutberto Garza.
Determinants of anemia among pregnant women in Mali
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 27, no. 1 (2006): 3-11.
Dante, Idrissa, Jean-François Gautier, Mohamed Ali Marouani, and Marc Raffinot.
PRSP institutionalisation study: Final report chapter 6: Institutionalising the PRSP approach in Mali
Paris, France: DIAL, 2001.
Journal Article
Ajwad, Mohamed.
Performance of social safety net programs in Uttar Pradesh
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 714 (2007).
Journal Article
Ayoya, Mohamed A, Rebecca Heidkamp, Ismael Ngnie–Teta, Joseline M Pierre, and Rebecca J Stoltzfus.
Child Malnutrition in Haiti: Progress Despite Disasters
Global Health: Science and Practice 1, no. 3 (2013): 389-396.
Journal Article
Haq, Zahoor ul, Mohamed S Gheblawi, Musawar Shah, Farman Ali, and Rashid Khan.
An Empirical Study of Food Demand in North West Frontier Province, Pakistan
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 25, no. 4 (2009): 601-606.
Journal Article
Dicko, Alassane, Mohamed Lamine Alhousseini, Bouran Sidibe, Moussa Traore, and Susan M Abdel-Rahman.
Evaluation of the Mercy weight estimation method in Ouelessebougou, Mali
BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014): 270.
Journal Article
De Brouwere, Vincent, Thierno Dieng, Mohamed Diadhiou, Sophie Witter, and Ernest Denerville.
Task Shifting for Emergency Obstetric Surgery in District Hospitals in Senegal
Reproductive health matters 17, no. 33 (2009): 32-44.
Journal Article
Suleiman, Ahmad A, Omar K Alboqai, Nada Yasein, Mohamed K Al-Essa, and Khader El Masri.
Prevalence of vitamin-mineral supplement use among Jordan University students
Saudi medical journal 29, no. 9 (2008): 1326-1331.
Working Paper
Haneef, Mohamed A, Ataul H Pramanik, Mustafa O Mohammad, Fouad B Amin, and Aliyu D Muhd.
Integration of Waqf - Islamic Microfinance Model for Poverty Reduction: The Case of Bangladesh
Showing 271-300 of 489