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Showing 391-420 of 3747
Working Paper
Fisher, Rano, Florent Zwiers, and Likanan Luch.
The Impacts of Dam Construction on Cambodia’s Environmental and Socio-Economic Development
Thesis or Dissertation
Pacchiotti, Milena.
Gender (in) equality in the Tanzanian labour market: showing the gap between the legal framework and the evidence provided by labour statistics
Master in Applied Labour Economics for Development, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2012.
Journal Article
Kabubo-Mariara, Jane.
Land conservation and tenure security in Kenya: Boserup's hypothesis revisited
Ecological Economics 64, no. 1 (2007): 25-35.
Working Paper
E-Alam, Mahboob, F Shabnam, and J Bradley.
IUD use and discontinuation in Bangladesh.
Journal Article
Yang, Yunyan.
Urban labour market segmentation: Some observations based on Wuhan census data
(2003) China Review.
Journal Article
Alain, Isabwe, and Chen Nengwang.
Water Discharge and Sediment Transport Variability in a Chinese Coastal River: Effects of Intensive Damming
(2015) Asian Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences.
Journal Article
Noor, Abdisalan M, Victor A Alegana, Anand P Patil, and Robert W Snow.
Predicting the unmet need for biologically targeted coverage of insecticide-treated nets in Kenya
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 83, no. 4 (2010): 854-860.
Working Paper
Anchorena, José, and Lucas Ronconi.
Emprendimiento, Valores empresariales y Políticas Públicas en Argentina
CIAS , no. 5 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Purevsuren, Dorj.
Thermoeconomic analysis of a new geothermal utilization CHP plant in Tsetserleg, Mongolia
MSc thesis , United Nations University, 2005.
Journal Article
Scott, Susana, Dorjpurev Altanseseg, Demberelsuren Sodbayer, Pagvajav Nymadawa, Davaadash Bulgan, Jamsran Mendsaikhan, James P Watt, Mary PE Slack, Maria G Carvalho, and Rana Hajjeh.
Impact of Haemophilus influenzae Type b conjugate vaccine in Mongolia: prospective population-based surveillance, 2002-2010
The Journal of pediatrics 163, no. 1 (2013): S8-S11.
Journal Article
Carlin, Wendy, Mark Schaffer, and Paul Seabright.
Soviet power plus electrification: What is the long-run legacy of communism?
Explorations in Economic History 50, no. 1 (2012): 116-147.
Journal Article
Williamson, Jonathan, Ronald Ramirez, and Tom Wingfield.
Health, Healthcare Access, and Use of Traditional Versus Modern Medicine in Remote Peruvian Amazon Communities: A Descriptive Study of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 92, no. 4 (2015): 857-864.
Working Paper
Lindelow, Magnus, and Nina Fenton.
Vulnerability and Safety Nets in Lao PDR
Journal Article
Hasumi, Takahiro, and Kathryn H Jacobsen.
Healthcare service problems reported in a national survey of South Africans
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 26, no. 4 (2014): 482-489.
Working Paper
Muller, Mike.
Lessons from South Africa on the management and development of water resources for inclusive and sustainable growth
Journal Article
Obembe, Abiodun, Okorie O Anyaele, and Adedayo O Oduola.
Lessons from the implementation of LLIN distribution campaign in Ilorin Kwara State, Nigeria
BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Srofenyoh, Francis.
Maize Market Integration: A Case Study of Maize Marketing In Ghana
The Fourth Edition of the International Journal of Technology and Management Research 1, no. 4 (2015): 1-11.
Journal Article
Theophilus, Ajibade, Obi Oluigbo, Samuel Ikan, Onoriode Ezire, and Omokhudu Idogho.
Study on the patterns and trend in contraceptive use in south-south and north-western zones of Nigeria: 2003-2011
(2014) Open Access Journal of Contraception.
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Peter McDonald, and Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi.
National and provincial level fertility trends in Iran, 1972-2006
: Springer, 2009.
Simpson, Zach, Tracey McKay, Naeem Patel, Alutious Sithole, Ruan Berg, and Kerry Chipp.
Past and present travel patterns in the Gauteng City-Region
Gotz, Graeme, Chris Wray, Christo Venter, Willem Badenhorst, Guy Trangos, and Christina Culwick.
Mobility in the Gauteng City-Region
Journal Article
Bernanke S, Ben.
Education and economic competitiveness
(2007) US Chamber Education and Workforce Summit, September.
Journal Article
Booth, Anne.
The Burma development disaster in comparative historical perspective
South East Asia Research 1, no. 1 (2003): 141-171.
Working Paper
Vazquez-Alvarez, Rosalia.
A Life-cycle model of human capital formation and educational choices in developing economies
(2008) Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research (SIAW), University of St.Gallen, .
Stojanovic, Ed Zaklina, Martine Zaouche-Laniau, and Magali Esteve.
Consumer study implementation for products with health claims
Conference Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, Kathleen Beegle, and Godlike Koda.
The impact of adult mortality on primary school enrollment in Northwestern Tanzania
UNAIDS Africa Development Forum Paper.
Working Paper
Lovo, Stefania, and Marcella Veronesi.
Crop diversification and child health: Empirical evidence from Tanzania
(2014) Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy.
Working Paper
Skjeflo, Sofie Waage, and Nina Bruvik Westberg.
Learning the hard way? Adapting to climate risk in Tanzania
(2014) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
Working Paper
Okoye, Dozie, and Roland Pongou.
Sea Change: The Competing Long-Run Impacts of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Missionary Activity in Africa
Journal Article
Smith, Francisca I, and Pablo Eyzaguirre.
African leafy vegetables: their role in the World Health Organization's global fruit and vegetables initiative
African Journal of Food, Nutrition and Development 7, no. 3 (2007).
Showing 391-420 of 3747