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Showing 151-180 of 3771
Thesis or Dissertation
Shrestha S, Sundar.
Essays on Childhood Nutritional Deprivation in Nepal and Off-farm Employment in the United States: Multi-level and Spatial Econometric Modeling Approach
PhD, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Economics & Demography, The Pennsylvania State University, 2007.
Journal Article
Maseta, E, W Kogi-Makau, and A M Omwega.
Childcare practices and nutritional status of children aged 6-36 months among short and long term beneficiaries of the Child Survival Protection and Development Programmes (The case of Morogoro, Tanzania)
South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 21, no. 1 (2009): 16-20.
Journal Article
Bahwere, Paluku, Angella Mtimuni, Kate Sadler, Theresa Banda, and Steve Collins.
Long term mortality after community and facility based treatment of severe acute malnutrition: Analysis of data from Bangladesh, Kenya, Malawi and Niger
(2012) Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology.
Working Paper
Burger, Rulof, and Dieter Von Fintel.
Determining the causes of the rising South African unemployment rate: An age, period and generational analysis
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 24/09 (2009).
Journal Article
Veenhoven, Ruut.
Apparent quality-of-life in nations: How long and happy people live
(2005) Social Indicators Research.
Journal Article
Easterlin, Richard A, Laura Angelescu McVey, Malgorzata Switek , Onnicha Sawangfa, and Jacqueline Smith Zweig.
The happiness-income paradox revisited
Proceedings fo the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, no. 52 (2010): 22463-22468.
Conference Paper
Interactions between short and long term health of children: a case from rural Ethiopia
8th International health economics annual conference.
Denmark, 07, 2007.
Journal Article
Blumenthal, Paul D, Kriti Jain, Nirali M Shahb, Aleen Saunders, Corina Clemente, Brad Lucas, Krishna Jafa, and Maxine Eber.
Revitalizing long-acting reversible contraceptives in settings with high unmet need: a multicountry experience matching demand creation and service delivery
Contraception 87, no. 2 (2012): 170-175.
Journal Article
Mayi-Tsonga, Sosthène, Pamphile Assoumou Obiang, Ulysse Minkobame, Doris Ngouafo, Nathalie Ambounda, and Maria Helena Souza.
Introduction of postabortion contraception, prioritizing long-acting reversible contraceptives, in the principal maternity hospital of Gabon
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 126, no. 1 (2014): S45-S48.
Journal Article
Anguzu, Ronald, Raymond Tweheyo, Juliet N Sekandi, Vivian Zalwango, Christine Muhumuza, Suzan Tusiime, and David Serwadda.
Knowledge and attitudes towards use of long acting reversible contraceptives among women of reproductive age in Lubaga division, Kampala district, Uganda
BMC research notes 7, no. 1 (2014): 153.
Working Paper
Ivanic, Maros, and Will Martin.
Short and Long-run Impacts of Food Price Changes on Poverty
Working Paper
Kumar, Neha, and Agnes R Quisumbing.
Does Social Capital Build Women's Assets? The Long-Term Impacts of Group-based and Individual Dissemination of Agricultural Technology in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Quisumbing, Agnes R, Bob Baulch, and Neha Kumar.
Evaluating the Long-Term Impact of Anti-Poverty Interventions in Bangladesh: An Overview
(2011) IFPRI Discussion Paper 01077.
Karapetyan, Lili, and Liana Harutyunyan.
The development and the side effects of remittances in CIS countries: the case of Armenia
Journal Article
Nahar, Bodrun, and Mahinda Siriwardana.
Trade Opening, Fiscal Reforms, Poverty, and Inequality: A CGE Analysis for Bangladesh
The Developing Economies 51, no. 2 (2013): 145-185.
Working Paper
Bruhns, Ramona.
The Long-run Effects of hiv/aids in Kenya
Journal Article
Rackstraw, Emma.
A Decade Later: An Evaluation of the Longer-Term Impacts of a Honduran Conditional Cash Transfer
Lal, Deepak.
Trends in Real Wages in Rural India, 1880-1980
: Development Research Department, Economics and Research Staff, World Bank, 1984.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hirvonen, Kalle.
Three essays on internal migration and nutrition in Tanzania
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sussex, 2014.
Journal Article
Angko, William.
The Determinants of Healthcare Expenditure in Ghana
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4, no. 15 (2013): 102-124.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ibisomi, Latifat.
Factors influencing long acting reversible contractive use in Malawi
Master of arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2013.
Dinkelman, Taryn, and Martine Mariotti.
What are the long run effects of labor migration on human capital? Evidence from Malawi
Journal Article
Challis, David, Felicia Knaul, Gustavo Nigenda, Miguel Angel Ramirez, Ana Cristina Torres, Ana Mylena Aguilar, Mariana Lopez Ortega, and Jose Luis Torres.
Case-study Mexico
(2003) Long-term care.
Journal Article
Schmidbauer, Harald, Angi Rosch, and Narod Erkol.
A Leslie-type urban-rural migration model, and the situation of Germany and Turkey
Journal Article
Mugisha, James, Herbert Muyinda, Samuel Malamba, and Eugene Kinyanda.
Major depressive disorder seven years after the conflict in northern Uganda: burden, risk factors and impact on outcomes (The Wayo Nero Study)
BMC psychiatry 15, no. 1 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Chifuwe, Eucress.
The socio-economic effects of drought and human response: the case of Monze district, 1970-2003
Master of Science, The University of Zambia, 2011.
Journal Article
Geest, Kees.
Local perceptions of migration from north-west Ghana
Africa 80, no. 04 (2010): 595-619.
Hahn, Youjin, Asadul Islam, Kanti Nuzhat, Russell Smyth, and Hee-Seung Yang.
Education, Marriage and Fertility: Long-Term Evidence from a Female Stipend Program in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Kreibaum, Merle.
Their Suffering, Our Burden? How Congolese Refugees Affect the Ugandan Population
Households in Conflict Network workshop , no. 181 (2014).
Journal Article
KB Matovu, Joseph, Joseph Kabanda, John B Bwanika, Denis Bwayo, Narathius Asingwire, David Kyaddondo, and Sheila M Coutinho.
Determinants of HIV Counseling and Testing Uptake among Individuals in Long-Term Sexual Relationships in Uganda
Current HIV Research 12, no. 1 (2014): 65-73.
Showing 151-180 of 3771