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Showing 421-450 of 621
Journal Article
Hayes, Floyd E, Douglas H Pratt, and Carlos J Cianchini.
The Avifauna of Kosrae, Micronesia: History, Status, and Taxonomy
Pacific Science 70, no. 1 (2016): 91-127.
Journal Article
Poza, Carlos, Patricia Mateo, and Gonzalo Solana.
Gestión de las barreras de entrada de la empresa española en su proceso de implantación en mercados emergentes: los casos de China, Brasil y México
Journal Article
Poza, Carlos, Patricia Mateo, and Solana Gonzalo.
Management of the entry barriers of the Spanish company in its process for the implementation of emerging markets: The Chinese, the Brazilian and the Mexican cases
Revista EAN , no. 73 (2012).
Journal Article
Ferreira Couto, Carlos.
Inovação, tecnologia e gestão de recursos mínimos na sociedade rural de Santiago de Cabo Verde.
Africana Studia , no. 13 (2009).
Working Paper
Lama, Ruy, and Carlos Urrutia.
Employment protection and business cycles in emerging economies
(2011) IMF Working Papers.
Journal Article
Sebastián, Carlos, and Gregorio R Serrano.
El entorno de la actividad empresarial en España: un análisis comparado con la OCDE
Papeles de Economía Española , no. 132 (2011).
Journal Article
Tavares Varela Carvalho, Ineida Romi, and Antonio Carlos Barros Correa.
Identificação da degradação ambiental resultante da reabilitação da estrada são Domingos-Assomada, Cabo Verde, Africa ocidental
Revista de Geografia (Recife) 24, no. 2 (2008): 65-82.
Journal Article
Barletta, Francesca, Larissa Otero, Bouke C Jong, Tomotada Iwamoto, Kentaro Arikawa, Patrick Van der Stuyft, Stefan Niemann, Matthias Merker, Cécile Uwizeye, Carlos Seas, and Leen Rigoutsd.
Predominant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Families and High Rates of Recent Transmission among New Cases Are Not Associated with Primary Multidrug Resistance in Lima, Peru
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53, no. 6 (2015): 1854-1863.
Sangreman, Carlos, João Estêvão, Alexandre Abreu, Maria João Carreiro, and Fernando Sousa Jr.
Assessment of the Development Potential of the Guinea-Bissau Diaspora in Portugal and in France
Journal Article
Mattos, Carlos, Luis Fuentes, and Felipe Link.
Tendencias recientes del crecimiento metropolitano en Santiago de Chile. ¿Hacia una nueva geografía urbana?
Revista INVI 29, no. 81 (2014): 193-219.
Working Paper
Sender, John, Carlos Oya, and Christopher Cramer.
Lifting the Blinkers: A New View of Power and Poverty in Mozambican Rural Labour Markets
Journal Article
Johri, Mira, Rosa E Morales, Jean-François Boivin, Blanca E Samayoa, Jeffrey S Hoch, Carlos F Grazioso, Ingrid Barrios J Matta, Cécile Sommen, Eva Baide L Diaz, Hector R Fong, and Eduardo G Arathoon.
Increased risk of miscarriage among women experiencing physical or sexual intimate partner violence during pregnancy in Guatemala City, Guatemala: cross-sectional study
(2011) BMC pregnancy and childbirth.
Working Paper
François, Karen, Carlos Monteiro, and Stijn Vanhoof.
Revealing the notion of statistical literacy within the PISA results
Working Paper
Carlos, Silvia, Miguel Á Martínez-González, Eduardo Burgueño, Cristina L Burgo, Miguel Ruíz-Canela, Adolphe Ndarabu, Léon Tshilolo, Philomène Tshiswaka, Pablo Labarga, and Jokin Irala.
Misconceptions about HIV infection in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo): a case-control study on knowledge, attitudes and practices
(2014) Sexually transmitted infections.
Working Paper
Acosta, Olga L, María A Botiva, Juan Carlos J Ramírez, and Luis Uribe.
La protección social de la población rural en Colombia: Una propuesta desde la perspectiva de las familias y sus necesidades
Estudios Y Perspectivas. Oficina De La Cepal En Bogotá , no. 32 (2016).
Working Paper
Gradín, Carlos.
Occupational Segregation of Afro-Latinos
ECINEQ , no. 2011 – 231 (2011).
Romero Rodríguez, Gina Paola, Cindy Paola García Buitrago, Carlos Andrés Rodríguez Castro, Daniel Tobón-García, and Juliana Aguilar Forero.
Youth and Public Policy in Colombia
Journal Article
Cohard, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Javier Alfonso Gil, and Antonio Vazquez.
La cooperación territorial entre Andalucía y el norte de Marruecos
Cramer, Christopher, Deborah Johnston, Carlos Oya, and John Sender.
Fairtrade, employment and poverty reduction in Ethiopia and Uganda
Journal Article
Carlos R, Clarita.
Concerns of the elderly in the Philippines
Philippine Social Sciences Review 56, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Castelán-Martínez, Osvaldo Daniel, Elizabeth Hernández-Carbajal, Carlos Eduardo Contreras-García, Nancy Guadalupe-Ojeda Luna, and Rodolfo Rivas-Ruize.
Eficacia del tratamiento ambulatorio de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis
Revista Medica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social 54, no. 1 (2016): 128-136.
Working Paper
Ramirez, Jacobo, Sergio Madero, and Carlos Muñiz.
The Impact of’Narco-terrorism’on HRM
Working Paper
Ramirez, Jacobo, Sergio Manuel Madero Gómez, and Carlos Muñiz.
Entrepreneurs’ responses to organized crime and violence
Journal Article
Teixeira, Carlos Gustavo Poggio.
Brazil and the institutionalization of South America: from hemispheric estrangement to cooperative hegemony
Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 54, no. 2 (2011): 189-211.
Journal Article
Villareal Martínez, Juan Carlos.
Analisis de la participacion Electoral en el Estado de Mexico 1996-2012
Revista Mexicana de Estudios Electorales , no. 13 (2014).
Journal Article
Cerruti, Pedro.
Seguridad pública y neoconservadurismo en la Argentina neoliberal: La construcción social de la "inseguridad" durante los años noventa: "combate a la delincuencia", "tolerancia cero" y "mano dura"
Revista de Sociologia e Política 21, no. 48 (2013): 143-160.
Soares, Yuri, Chloe Fevre, Maria Elena Corrales, Carlos Morales, Alayna Tetreault, and Paola Buitrago.
Approach Paper: Citizen Security in Latin America and the Caribbean: IDB's Comparative Advantage
Working Paper
Rodrigues, Carlos Farinha.
Minimum income in Portugal: changing the rules in times of crisis
Journal Article
Rodríguez, Martha Eugenia.
Simposio: México en 1915. Epidemias, hambre y asistencia médica
Gaceta Medica de Mexico 152, no. 2 (2016): 252-274.
Journal Article
Tam, Yvonne, Luis Huicho, Carlos A Huayanay-Espinoza, and María Clara Restrepo-Méndez.
Remaining missed opportunities of child survival in Peru: modelling mortality impact of universal and equitable coverage of proven interventions
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Showing 421-450 of 621