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Showing 181-210 of 945
Journal Article
Knipe, Duleeka W, Chris Metcalfe, Ravindra Fernando, Melissa Pearson, Flemming Konradsen, Michael Eddleston, and David Gunnell.
Suicide in Sri Lanka 1975-2012: age, period and cohort analysis of police and hospital data
BMC Public Health 14, no. 1 (2014): 839.
Journal Article
Rimal, Retina, and Chris Papadopoulos.
The mental health of sexually trafficked female survivors in Nepal
International journal of social psychiatry 62, no. 5 (2016): 487-495.
Journal Article
Azzam, Osmat, Pundarik Mukhopadhaya, and Chris Patel.
“More Health for Money” in Vietnam: Does Operational Cost or Running Cost of Health Institutions Help Budgeting for More Services and Improve the Health of the population?
Journal of Health Care Finance 42, no. 2 (2015).
Journal Article
Zere, Eyob, Prosper Tumusiime, Oladapo Walker, Joses Kirigia, Chris Mwikisa, and Thomas Mbeeli.
Inequities in utilization of maternal health interventions in Namibia: implications for progress towards MDG 5 targets
International Journal for Equity in Health 9, no. 1 (2010): 16.
Journal Article
West, Philippa A, Natacha Protopopoff, Mark Rowland, Emma Cumming, Alison Rand, Chris Drakeley, Alexandra Wright, Zuhura Kivaju, Matthew J Kirby, and Franklin W Mosha.
Malaria risk factors in North West Tanzania: the effect of spraying, nets and wealth
PLoS One 8, no. 6 (2013).
Journal Article
Agboghoroma, Chris O, and Etedafe P Gharoro.
Coverage and distribution of obstetricians and gynecologists in Nigeria
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 129, no. 1 (2015): 50-53.
Journal Article
Drakeley, Chris J, Ilona Carneiro, Hugh Reyburn, Robert Malima, John PA Lusingu, Jonathan Cox, Thor G Theander, Watoky MMM Nkya, Martha M Lemnge, and Eleanor M Riley.
Altitude-dependent and-independent variations in Plasmodium falciparum prevalence in northeastern Tanzania
Journal of Infectious Diseases 191, no. 10 (2005): 1589-1598.
Journal Article
Ntsabane, Tidimane, and Chris Ntau.
Youth and politics in Botswana
Journal of African Elections 5, no. 2 (2006): 99-113.
Journal Article
Nesbitt, Robin C, Sabine Gabrysch, Alexandra Laub, Seyi Soremekun, Alexander Manu, Betty R Kirkwood, Seeba Amenga-Etego, Kenneth Wiru, Bernhard Höfle, and Chris Grundy.
Methods to measure potential spatial access to delivery care in low-and middle-income countries: a case study in rural Ghana
International journal of health geographics 13, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Ntsabane, Tidimane, and Chris Ntau.
Youth and electoral participation in Botswana
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies 14, no. 1 (2000): 85-94.
Journal Article
Kenyon, Chris Richard, Kara Osbak, and Matthew R Chico.
What underpins the decline in syphilis in Southern and Eastern Africa? An exploratory ecological analysis
(2014) International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Journal Article
Esham, Mohamed, and Chris Garforth.
Agricultural adaptation to climate change: insights from a farming community in Sri Lanka
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 18, no. 5 (2013): 535-549.
Journal Article
Smith, Chris, Uk Vannak, Ly Sokhey, Thoai D Ngo, Judy Gold, and Caroline Free.
Mobile Technology for Improved Family Planning (MOTIF): the development of a mobile phone-based (mHealth) intervention to support post-abortion family planning (PAFP) in Cambodia
Reproductive Health 13, no. 1 (2016): 1.
Journal Article
Smith, Chris, Thoai D Ngo, Judy Gold, Phil Edwards, Uk Vannak, Ly Sokhey, Kazuyo Machiyama, Emma Slaymaker, Ruby Warnock, and Ona McCarthy.
Effect of a mobile phone-based intervention on post-abortion contraception: a randomized controlled trial in Cambodia
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 93, no. 12 (2015): 842-850A.
Journal Article
Smith, Chris, Sokhey Ly, Vannak Uk, Ruby Warnock, Phil Edwards, and Caroline Free.
Process evaluation of a mobile phone-based intervention to support post-abortion contraception in Cambodia
Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 2, no. 1 (2017): 16.
Working Paper
Levinsohn, James.
Globalization and the returns to speaking English in South Africa
(2004) Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, Discussion Paper No. 523.
Journal Article
Gonzalez, María Carolina, James A Garcia, and Nancy Johnson.
Ex ante assessment of the impact of biofortified beans and cassava using the disability adjusted life years (DALYS) framework
Journal Article
Korovilas P, James.
Remittances and pyramid investment schemes in Albania
(2005) Remittances: development impact and future prospects.
Journal Article
Kilian, Albert, Nayantara Wijayanandana, and James Ssekitoleeko.
Review of delivery strategies for insecticide treated mosquito nets: are we ready for the next phase of malaria control efforts?
TropIKA. net 1, no. 1 (2010): 0-0.
Reza, Avid, Matthew Breiding, Curtis Blanton, James A Mercy, Linda L Dahlberg, Mark Anderson, and Sapna Bamrah.
Violence against children in Swaziland
: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Swaziland United Nations Children’s Fund, 2007.
Madavo, Callisto E, James Bond, Laura Frigenti, and Jean-Pierre Manshande.
Implementation completion report on a loan/credit/grant in the amount of US$8.4 million to the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros for a health project
: World Bank, 2004.
Cohen, Barney, Carole L Jolly, James N Gribble, Etienne van de Walle, Althea Hill, Ian A Timaeus, John O Oucho, William T Gould, Sharon S Russell, and Michael A Stoto.
Demographic change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Working Paper
Fotso, Jean C, James O Ajayi, Elizabeth E Idoko, Ilene Speizer, David A Fasiku, Blessing Mberu, and Michael Mutua.
Family planning and reproductive health in urban Nigeria: Levels, trends and differentials
(2011) Measurement, Learning & Evaluation Project for the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative.
Ewbank, Douglas C, and James N Gribble.
Effects of health programs on child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa
Washington DC, USA: National Academies Press, 1993.
Bertrand, Jane T, Janet Rice, Tara M Sullivan, and James Shelton.
Skewed method mix: a measure of quality in family planning programs
Chapel Hill, NC, USA: MEASURE Evaluation, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina, 2000.
Journal Article
Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex C Ezeh, Nyovani J Madise, and James Ciera.
Progress towards the child mortality millennium development goal in urban sub-Saharan Africa: the dynamics of population growth, immunization, and access to clean water
BMC Public Health 7, no. 1 (2007): 218.
Working Paper
Bookwalter, Jeffrey T, and James M Warner.
Power and bargaining in intra-household resource allocation: Race, class and gender in South Africa
Working Paper
Rogers, Beatrice, James Wirth, Kathy Macías, and Park Wilde.
Mapping hunger: a report on mapping malnutrition prevalence in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Panama
(2007) Working Papers in Food Policy and Nutrition.
Working Paper
Engle, Patrice L, Purnima Menon, James L Garrett, and Alison Slack.
Developing a research and action agenda for examining urbanization and caregiving: examples from Southern and Eastern Africa
(1997) Food Consumption and Nutrition Division Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Gribble, James N, Victoria Jennings, and Minna Nikula.
Mind the gap: Responding to the global funding crisis in family planning
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 30, no. 3 (2004): 155-157.
Showing 181-210 of 945