
Showing 1-9 of 9
Working Paper
Bosco, Claudio, Victor Alegana, Tom Bird, Carla Pezzulo, Graeme Hornby, Alessandro Sorichetta, Jessica Steele, Cori Ruktanonchai, Nick Ruktanonchai, and Erik Wetter. "Mapping indicators of female welfare at high spatial resolution." (2017)
Journal Article
Ruktanonchai, Corrine W, Nick W Ruktanonchai, Andrea Nove, Sofia Lopes, Carla Pezzulo, Claudio Bosco, Victor A Alegana, Clara R Burgert, Rogers Ayiko, and Andrew SEK Charles. "Equality in maternal and newborn health: modelling geographic disparities in utilisation of care in five East African countries." PloS one 11, no. 8 (2016).
Working Paper
Bosco, Claudio, Victor A Alegana, Tomas Bird, Carla Pezzulo, Linus Bengtsson, Alessandro Sorichetta, Jessica Steele, Graeme Hornby, Corrine W Ruktanonchai, and Nick W Ruktanonchai. "Supplementary Information from Exploring the high-resolution mapping of gender disaggregated development indicators." (2017)
Journal Article
Alegana, Victor A, Simon P Kigozi, Joaniter Nankabirwa, Emmanuel Arinaitwe, Ruth Kigozi, Henry Mawejje, Maxwell Kilama, Nick W Ruktanonchai, Corrine W Ruktanonchai, Chris Drakeley, Steve W Lindsay, Bryan Greenhouse, Moses R Kamya, David L Smith, Peter M Atkinson, Grant Dorsey, and Andrew J Tatem. "Spatio-temporal analysis of malaria vector density from baseline through intervention in a high transmission setting." Parasites & vectors 9, no. 637 (2016).
Journal Article
Bosco, Claudio, Victor Alegana, Tomas Bird, Carla Pezzulo, Linus Bengtsson, Alessandro Sorichetta, Jessica Steele, Graeme Hornby, C Ruktanonchai, and N Ruktanonchai. "Exploring the high-resolution mapping of gender-disaggregated development indicators." Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14, no. 129 (2017).
Working Paper
Jordaan, Danie, Cori Ham, and Festus Akinnifesi. "Feasibility Study. Production of Fruit Juice Concentrate at Magomero Vocational College – Malawi." (2004)
Journal Article
Murambadoro, Ruth, and Cori Wielenga. "Reconciliation in Zimbabwe: The Conflict between a State-Centred and People-Centred Approach." Strategic Review for Southern Africa 37, no. 1 (2015): 31-52.
Journal Article
Erbach-Schoenberg, Elisabeth, Victor A Alegana, Alessandro Sorichetta, Catherine Linard, Christoper Lourenco, Nick W Ruktanonchai, Bonita Graupe, Tomas J Bird, Carla Pezzulo, and Amy Wesolowski. "Dynamic denominators: the impact of seasonally varying population numbers on disease incidence estimates." Population health metrics 14, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Neal, Sarah, Corrine Ruktanonchai, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Zoë Matthews, and Andrew J Tatem. "Mapping adolescent first births within three east African countries using data from Demographic and Health Surveys: exploring geospatial methods to inform policy." Reproductive Health 13, no. 1 (2016).
Showing 1-9 of 9