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Showing 1051-1080 of 8732
Journal Article
Barbora, Sanjaya, Susan Thieme, and Karen A Siegmann.
Patterns and politics of migration in South Asia
Thesis or Dissertation
Silpakar, Sandesh.
Implications of land tenure on food sufficiency in Dang district
Masters, College of Development Studies, Purbanchal University, 2008.
Journal Article
Smith, Nicole.
Intergenerational educational mobility: Three essays on measurement error, cross-country differences in mobility and long-run growth
Working Paper
de Siqueira, Rozane Bezerra, Herwig Immervoll, Cathal O’Donoghue, and José Ricardo Nogueira.
On simulating Brazil’s tax benefit system using a multi-country microsimulation framework
Thesis or Dissertation
Montoya, Maria Lourdes.
Ethnicity based wage differentials in Ecuador's labor market
Cornell University, 2006.
Journal Article
Trisolini, M, D Ashley, V Harik, and W Bicknell.
Policy analysis for end-stage renal disease in Jamaica
Social Science & Medicine 49, no. 7 (1999): 905-9.
Ito, Takahiro, and Takashi Kurosaki.
Weather risk, wages in kind, and the off-farm labor supply of agricultural households in a developing country
Lavy, Victor Chaim, Jennifer Spratt, and Nathalie Leboucher.
Changing patterns of Illiteracy in Morocco: assement methods compared
Journal Article
Singh, V, and KP West.
Vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia among school-aged children in Southeastern Asia
European journal of clinical nutrition 58, no. 10 (2004): 1342-1349.
Journal Article
Garenne, Michel, and Enéas Gakusi.
Health transitions in sub-Saharan Africa: overview of mortality trends in children under 5 years old (1950-2000)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84, no. 6 (2006): 470-478.
Kovacevic, Milorad.
Measurement of inequality in human development - A review
: United Nations Development Programme Human Development Reports, 2010.
Journal Article
Cattaneo, Adriano, Arnold Timmer, Tamara Bomestar, Jenny Bua, Sanjiv Kumar, and Giorgio Tamburlini.
Child nutrition in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: time to redirect strategies?
Public Health Nutrition 11, no. 12 (2008): 1209-1219.
Journal Article
Ahmedov, Mohir, Ravshan Azimov, Vasila Alimova, and Bernd Rechel.
Uzbekistan: health system review
Health systems in transition 9, no. 3 (2007): 1-210.
Working Paper
Prakongsai, Phusit.
Tracking Country Health Systems Performance Institutionalization of monitoring health and health system performance in Thailand
(2010) Crisis.
Journal Article
Mba, Chuks J, and Delali M Badasu.
Deprivations among children in Ghana: evidence from the 2006 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
The Social Sciences 5, no. 5 (2010): 440-445.
Thesis or Dissertation
Simsek, Yilmaz.
Impact of terrorism on migration patterns in Turkey
PhD Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008.
Journal Article
Griffiths, Ulla K, Andrew Clark, Veronika Shimanovich, Irena Glinskaya, Dilorom Tursunova, Lucia Kim, Liudmila Mosina, Rana Hajjeh, and Karen Edmond.
Comparative economic evaluation of Haemophilus influenzae Type b vaccination in Belarus and Uzbekistan
PLoS ONE 6, no. 6 (2011): e2147.
Journal Article
Moultrie, Tom A, and Ian M Timæus.
The South African fertility decline: evidence from two censuses and a Demographic and Health Survey
Population Studies 57, no. 3 (2003): 265-283.
Journal Article
Uthman, Olalekan A, Stephen Lawoko, and Tahereh Moradi.
Sex disparities in attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women in sub-Saharan Africa: a socio-ecological analysis
BMC Public Health 10, no. 1 (2010): 223.
Journal Article
Amin, Sajeda, and Cynthia Lloyd.
Women’s lives and rapid fertility decline: Some lessons from Bangladesh and Egypt
(1998) Policy Research Division Working Paper.
Journal Article
Hill, Jenny, and Peter Kazembe.
Reaching the Abuja target for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in African women: a review of progress and operational challenges
Tropical Medicine & International Health 11, no. 4 (2006): 409-418.
Journal Article
Haque, M.N.
Anthropometric assessment for adolescent pregnancy: a descriptive study on married adolescents in Bangladesh
Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society 30, no. 3 (2010): 154-159.
Journal Article
Mehta, Sumi, Fiona Gore, Annette Pruss-Ustun, Eva Rehfuess, and Kirk Smith.
Modeling household solid fuel use towards reporting of the Millennium Development Goal indicator
Energy for Sustainable Development 10, no. 3 (2006): 36-45.
Rennie, Waverly, Leslie R Lugo, Erica Rosser, and Steven A Harvey.
Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for malaria in children under 5: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania
Seattle, USA: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009.
Journal Article
Defo, Barthélémy Kuate.
Areal and socioeconomic differentials in infant and child mortality in Cameroon
Social Science & Medicine 42, no. 3 (1996): 399 -420.
Journal Article
Ibisomi, Latifat, and Clifford Odimegwu.
Pregnancy termination in sub-Saharan Africa: the need for refined data
International Journal of Health Research 1, no. 4 (2010): 207-224.
Journal Article
Babalola, Stella, Oleko Tambashe, and Claudia Vondrasek.
Parental factors and sexual risk-taking among young people in Cote d'Ivoire
(2005) African journal of reproductive health.
Journal Article
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem.
AIDS, reversal of the demographic transition and economic development: evidence from Africa
(2006) NBER Working Papers.
Journal Article
Klasen, Stephan.
Poverty, inequality and deprivation in South Africa: An analysis of the 1993 SALDRU survey
Social indicators research 41, no. 1/3 (1997): 51-94.
Gwatkin, Davidson R, Shea Rustein, Kiersten Johnson, Rohini P Pande, and Adam Wagstaff.
Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition and population in the Central African Republic
: HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of The World Bank, 2000.
Showing 1051-1080 of 8732