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Showing 1231-1260 of 8732
Working Paper
Wolf, Thomas P, Carolyn Logan, Jeremiah Owiti, and Paul Kiage.
A new dawn? Popular optimism in Kenya after the transition
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 33 , no. 33 (2004).
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, Christiaan Keulder, Annie B Chikwanha, Cherrel Africa, and Yul D Davids.
Democratic governance in South Africa: The people's view
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 24 , no. 24 (2003).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, Wonbin Cho, and Afrobarometer Network.
Where is Africa going? Views from below
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 60 , no. 60 (2006).
Working Paper
Ferree, Karen, and Jeremy Horowitz.
Identity voting and the regional census in Malawi
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 72 , no. 72 (2007).
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert, Francis Kibirige, and Robert Sentamu.
Understanding citizens attitudes to democracy in Uganda
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 124 , no. 124 (2010).
Working Paper
Kramon, Eric.
Vote-buying and political behavior: Estimating and explaining vote-buying's effect on turnout in Kenya
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 114 , no. 114 (2009).
Journal Article
Kruger, Tinus, and Karina Landman.
Crime and the Physical Environment in South Africa: Contextualizing International Crime Prevention Experiences
Built Environment 34, no. 1 (2008): 75-87.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alexander, Amanda.
Entrepreneurship in South Africa: Improving accessto finance
Master of Business Administration, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011.
Working Paper
Chitiga, Margaret, Bernard Decaluwe, Ramos Mabugu, Helene Maisonnave, Veronique Robichaud, Debra Shepherd, Servaas Van der Berg, and Dieter Von Fintel.
The impact of the international economic crisis on child poverty in South Africa
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 13/10 (2010).
Burton, Patrick, Anton du Plessis, Ted Leggett, Antoinette Louw, Duxita Mistry, and Hennie van Vuuren.
National victims of crime survey South Africa 2003
Monograph ed. Vol. 101. Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2004.
Working Paper
Mayer J, Marina.
Towards a youth employment strategy for South Africa
Development Planning Division Working Paper Series (DBSA) , no. 28 (2011).
Working Paper
Antonopoulos, Rania, and Emel Memis.
Time and poverty from a developing country perspective
Working Paper
Miranda, Veerle.
Cooking, caring and volunteering: Unpaid work around the world
OECD Publishing OECD Working Papers, no. 116 (2011): 0-0.
Conference Paper
Kjærnsli, Marit, and Svein Lie.
Profiles of scientific competence in TIMSS 2003: Similarities and differences between countries
The second IEA International research conference: proceedings of the IRC-2006. Trends in international mathematics and science study (TIMSS). Volume 1.
Working Paper
Fourie, Louis, and Kerry McNamara.
Enhancing the livelihoods of the rural poor through ICT: A knowledge map, South Africa Country Study
World Bank Research Working Paper 13 1, no. 1 (208): 1-102.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ryan, Joanna.
The impact of the South African Old Age Pension on the educational attainment of children
Masters Thesis (MEcon), University of Cape Town, 2011.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, and Christian Welzel.
Exploring the unknown: Predicting the responses of publics not yet surveyed
International Review of Sociology 15, no. 1 (2005): 173-201.
Journal Article
Vemuri, Amanda W, and Roberto Costanza.
The role of human, social, built, and natural capital in explaining life satisfaction at the country level: Toward a National Well-Being Index (NWI)
Ecological Economics 58, no. 1 (2006): 119-133.
Journal Article
Meisenberg, Gerhard, and Amandy Williams.
Are acquiescent and extreme response styles related to low intelligence and education?
Personality and Individual Differences 44, no. 7 (2008): 1539-1550.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mtsweni, Constance.
Return flight: The exodus of professionals from South Africa
Masters Thesis, University of the Western Cape South Africa, 2007.
Journal Article
Morse, Adair, and Sophie Shive.
Patriotism in your portfolio
Journal of Financial Markets 14, no. 2 (2011): 411-440.
Journal Article
Slemrod, Joel, and Peter Katuscak.
Do trust and trustworthiness pay off?
The Journal of Human Resources 40, no. 3 (2005): 621-646.
Journal Article
Borooah K, Vani.
How much happiness is there in the world? A cross-country study
Applied Economics Letters 13, no. 8 (2006): 483-488.
Conference Paper
Leste, André.
Streaming in Seychelles: From SACMEQ research to policy reform
International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005.
Paris, France
Conference Paper
Parry, Charles D, and Quarriasha A Karim.
Country report: substance abuse and HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Global research network on HIV prevention in drug-using populations.
Atlanta, USA, 1999.
Parry, Charles.
Substance abuse in South Africa: Country report focussing on young persons
Harare, Zimbabwe: Medical research council, 1998.
Journal Article
Abdallah, Saamah, Sam Thompson, and Nic Marks.
Estimating worldwide life satisfaction
Ecological Economics 65, no. 1 (2008): 35-47.
Journal Article
Corsi, Daniel J, Jocelyn E Finlay, and S.V. V Subramanian.
Weight of communities: A multilevel analysis of body mass index in 32,814 neighborhoods in 57 low- to middle-income countries (LMICs)
(2012) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Bhalla, Kavi, M Naghavi, S Shahraz, D Bartels, and C J Murray.
Building national estimates of the burden of road traffic injuries in developing countries from all available data sources: Iran
Injury Prevention 15, no. 3 (2009): 150-156.
Conference Paper
Mehryar, Amir H, Akbar Aghajanian, Bahram Delavar, Hassan Eini-Zinab, and Shahla Kazemipour.
Continuing use of a traditional method (withdrawal) in a high contraceptive prevalence country, Iran: Correlates and consequences
XXV General Population Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).
Tours, France, July 18-23, 2005.
Showing 1231-1260 of 8732