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Showing 511-540 of 8732
Working Paper
Wang, Wenjuan, Sara Sulzbach, and Susna De.
Utilization of HIV-related services from the private health sector: A multi-country analysis
(2010) DHS Working Papers.
Working Paper
Ostby, Gudrun.
Horizontal inequalities, political environment and civil conflict: evidence from 55 developing countries
(2006) Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE). Working Paper.
Working Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, and Deon Filmer.
Poverty, AIDS, and children's schooling: A targeting dilemma
(2002) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Working Paper
Ostby, Gudrun.
Horizontal inequalities, political environment, and civil conflict: evidence from 55 developing countries, 1986-2003
(2007) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
King, Russel, Esmeralda Uruci, and Julie Vullnetari.
Albanian migration and its effects in comparative perspective
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 13, no. 3 (2011): 269-286.
Journal Article
du Plessis, Gretchen.
HIV and fertility in South Africa: Some theoretical and methodological considerations
(2004) Fertility: The current South African Issues.
Journal Article
Robertson, Laura, Simon Gregson, and Geoff P Garnett.
Sexual risk among orphaned adolescents: is country-level HIV prevalence an important factor?
AIDS care 22, no. 8 (2010): 927-938.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mason J, Elizabeth.
Identifying factors of influence on family planning practices among rural Haitian women
Master's, University of Pittsburgh, 2010.
Castro Martín, Teresa, and Marta Roig Vila.
Immigrant mothers, Spanish babies: Childbearing patterns of foreign women in Spain
Thesis or Dissertation
Grace, Kathryn.
Three essays on fertility and family planning in Guatemala
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2009.
Stasavage, David.
Democracy and primary school attendance in Africa
UK: Economic and Social Research Council, 2006.
Working Paper
Mishra, Vinod, and Simona B Assche.
Concurrent sexual partnerships and HIV infection: Evidence from national population-based surveys
(2009) DHS Working Papers.
Working Paper
Vignoli, D.
Fertility change in Egypt: from second to third birth
Demographic Research 15, no. 18 (2006): 499-516.
Journal Article
Jones-Smith, Jessica C, Penny Gordon-Larsen, Arjumand Siddiqi, and Barry M Popkin.
Cross-national comparisons of time trends in overweight inequality by socioeconomic status among women using repeated cross-sectional surveys from 37 developing countries, 1989-2007
American journal of epidemiology 173, no. 6 (2011): 667.
Journal Article
Badasu, Delali.
Policy implications of the variations in Ghana's fertility transition
Institute of African Studies: Research Review Vol 19, no. 1 (2003): 1-14.
Journal Article
Shetty, Prakash.
Nutrition transition in India
Public Health Nutrition 5, no. 1a (2002): 175-182.
Journal Article
Pande, Rohini, and Abdo Yazbeck.
What's in a country average? Wealth, gender, and regional inequalities in immunization in India
Social Science & Medicine 57, no. 11 (2003): 2075-2088.
Working Paper
Tafere, Kibrom, Alemayehu S Taffesse, Seneshaw Tamiru, Nigussie Tefera, and Zelekawork Paulos.
Food demand elasticities in Ethiopia: Estimates using household income consumption expenditure (HICE) survey data
(2010) Ethiopia Strategy Support Program 2 (ESSP2)/ Discussion Paper.
Working Paper
Elmendorf, A. Edward, Eric R Jensen, and Elizabeth Pisani.
Evaluation of the World Bank's Assistance in Responding to the AIDS Epidemic: Indonesia Case Study
(2005) The Wolrd Bank Operation evaluation departement.
Journal Article
Aloo-Obunga, Collette.
Country analysis of family planning and HIV/AIDS: Kenya
(2003) Washington, DC: the Policy Project.
Working Paper
Behar, Alberto.
Do managers and experts agree? A comparison of alternative sources of trade facilitation data
F.R.E.I.T. Working Paper , no. 503 (2010).
Munthali, Alister C, Agnes Chimbiri, and Eliya Zulu.
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Malawi: a synthesis of research evidence
NYC and Washington: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2004.
Corporate Author
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank.
Ghana county profile 2007: Enterprise survey
Washington, USA: World Bank, 2011.
Book Section
Aryeetey, Ernest, and Andrew McKay.
Delivering on the promise of pro-poor growth: Insights and lessons from country experiences
(2007) The challenge of translating sustained growth into poverty reduction.
Journal Article
Nakamura, Haruyo, Nayu Ikeda, Andrew Stickley, Rintaro Mori, and Kenji Shibuya.
Achieving MDG 4 in Sub-Saharan Africa: What has contributed to the accelerated child mortality decline in Ghana?
Plos One 6, no. 3 (2011): 1-6.
Corporate Author
NetMark Headquarters: Academy for Educational Development.
NetMark 2004 survey insecticide treated nets in Nigeria, Senegal, Zambia, Ghana and Ethiopia
Washington D.C., USA: Academy for Educational Development, 2004.
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency.
Study Documentation
Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa: Central Statistical Agency, 2011.
Corporate Author
Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency .
Statistical report - volume II
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency , 2004.
Journal Article
Munthali, Alister C, Wiseman C Chirwa, and Peter Mvula.
(2008) The Political Cost of AIDS in Africa: Evidence from Six Countries.
Journal Article
Azevedo, Mario J, Gwendolyn S Prater, and Sandra C Hayes.
Human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis co-infections in Kenya: Environment, resources and culture
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2, no. 4 (2010): 55-65.
Showing 511-540 of 8732