
Showing 1-30 of 45
Thesis or Dissertation
Choi H, Daniella. "Associations between HIV/AIDS funding activities and family planning efforts." Masters, Duke University, 2012.
Journal Article
Suntikul, Wantanee, Stephen Pratt, Wallace I Kuan, Chao In Wong, Choi Cheng Chan, Wai Leng Choi, and Oi Fong Chong. "Impacts of tourism on the quality of life of local residents in Hue, Vietnam." Anatolia 27, no. 4 (2016): 405-420.
Journal Article
Nunes, Daniella P, Adélia Kyosen Y Nakatani, E. A Silveira, Maria M Bachion, and M. R Souza. "Capacidade Funcional, Condições Socioeconômicas e de Saúde de Idosos Atendidos por Equipes de Saúde da Família de Goiânia (GO, Brasil)." Ciência & Saúde Coletive 15, no. 6 (2010): 2887-2898.
Journal Article
Bamford, Andrew J, Daniella Ferrol-Schulte, and Jennifer Wathan. "Human and wildlife usage of a protected area buffer zone in an area of high immigration." Oryx 48, no. 4 (2014): 504-513.
Journal Article
Gomez, Gabriela B, Nicola Foster, Daniella Brals, Heleen E Nelissen, Oladimeji A Bolarinwa, Marleen E Hendriks, Alexander C Boers, Diederik Eck, Nicole Rosendaal, and Peju Adenusi. "Improving maternal care through a state-wide health insurance program: a cost and cost-effectiveness study in rural Nigeria." PloS one 10, no. 9 (2015): e0139048.
Journal Article
Brals, Daniella, Sunday A Aderibigbe, Ferdinand W Wit, Johannes CM Ophem, Marijn List, Gordon K Osagbemi, Marleen E Hendriks, Tanimola M Akande, Michael Boele van Hensbroek, and Constance Schultsz. "The effect of health insurance and health facility-upgrades on hospital deliveries in rural Nigeria: a controlled interrupted time-series study." Health Policy and Planning 32, no. 7 (2017): 990-1001.
Kleutsch, Lauren, Erica Rosser, Howard Choi, John Holley, and Steven A Harvey. Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for syphilis screening in pregnant women: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania. Seattle, USA: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009.
Rosser, Erica, Lauren Kleutsch, Howard Choi, John Holley, Sumana Brahman, and Steven A Harvey. Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for bacterial acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) in children under 5: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania. Seattle, USA: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009.
AbouZahr, Carla, Tessa M Wardlaw, Kenneth Hill, and Yoonjoung Choi. Maternal Mortality in 2000: Estimates Developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2004.
Rosser, Erica, Howard Choi, Deborah Murdoch, Waverly Rennie, Leslie R Lugo, Tonja C Balogun, and Steven A Harvey. Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for gonorrhea and chlamydia in high risk asymptomatic populations: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania. Seattle, USA: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , 2009.
Journal Article
Kane, Penny, and Ching Y Choi. "China's one child family policy." (1999) British Medical Journal.
Rosser, Erica, Lauren Kleutsch, Howard Choi, Deborah Murdoch, Waverly Rennie, and Steven A Harvey. Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for HIV in infants under 18 months of age: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania. Seattle, USA: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , 2009.
Journal Article
Hill, Kenneth, and Yoonjoung Choi. "Neonatal mortality in the developing world." Demographic Research 14, no. 18 (2006): 429-452.
Journal Article
Choi, Jin-Young, and Sang-Hyop Lee. "Does prenatal care increase access to child immunization? Gender bias among children in India." Social Science & Medicine 63, no. 1 (2006): 107-117.
Journal Article
Heywood, Peter, and Yoonjoung Choi. "Health system performance at the district level in Indonesia after decentralization." BMC international health and human rights 10, no. 1 (2010): 3.
Journal Article
Choi, Susanne. "Mechanisms of racial inequalities in prevalence of diarrhoea in South Africa." Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 21, no. 3 (2011): 264-272.
Journal Article
Choi, Yoonjoung, and Paul Ametepi. "Comparison of medicine availability measurements at health facilities: evidence from Service Provision Assessment surveys in five sub-Saharan African countries." BMC health services research 13, no. 1 (2013): 266.
Journal Article
Fabic, Madeleine Short, and Yoonjoung Choi. "Assessing the Quality of Data Regarding Use of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method." Studies in family planning 44, no. 2 (2013): 205-221.
Journal Article
Gaduh, Arya. "Religion, social interactions, and cooperative attitudes: Evidence from Indonesia." (2012) University of Southern California (Preliminary draft).
Journal Article
Yang, Dean, and HwaJung Choi. "Are remittances insurance? Evidence from rainfall shocks in the Philippines." The World Bank Economic Review 21, no. 2 (2007): 219-248.
Choi, Charles W, Gholam Hassan Khajavy, Howard Giles, and Christopher Hajek. Intergenerational Communication and Age Boundaries in Mongolia and the United States. 2013.
Journal Article
Cheol Choi, Seong, Xanat Vargas Meza, and Han Woo Park. "South Korean Culture Goes Latin America." International Journal of Contents 10, no. 1 (2014): 36-42.
Conference Paper
Choi, Yoonjoung, and Danzhen You. "Adult Mortality in East Asia: Trends and Patterns." XXV IUSSP International Population Conference . California, USA, July 9, 2004.
Working Paper
Mancebóna, María-Jesús, Jorge Calero, Álvaro Choi, and Domingo P Ximénez-de-Embún. "The Efficiency of Public and Publicly-Subsidized High Schools in Spain. Evidence from PISA-2006.." (2015)
Journal Article
Calero, Jorge, Alvaro Choi, and Sebastián Waisgrais. "Determinantes del Rendimiento Educativo del Alumnado de Origen Nacional e Inmigrante en PISA-2006." Cuadernos Economicos de ICE , no. 78 (2009).
Journal Article
Gutierrez, Eva, and Tony Choi. "Mobile Money Services Development The Cases of the Republic of Korea and Uganda." WB Policy Research WP , no. 6786 (2014).
Journal Article
Woo-Gil, Choi. "The Korean minority in China: The change of its identity." Development and Society 30, no. 1 (2001): 119-141.
Working Paper
Choi, Kate, and Robert D Mare. "International migration and educational assortative mating in Mexico and the United States." (2008) California Center for Population Research.
Journal Article
Choi, Kate H, Marta Tienda, Deborah Cobb-Clark, and Mathias Sinning. "Immigration and status exchange in Australia and the United States." Research in social stratification and mobility 30, no. 1 (2012): 49-62.
Journal Article
Giang, Kim Bao, Juhwan Oh, Vu Duy Kien, Luu Ngoc Hoat, Sugy Choi, Chul Ou Lee, and Hoang Van Minh. "Changes and inequalities in early birth registration and childhood care and education in Vietnam: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2006 and 2011." (2016) Global health action.
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