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Working Paper
Choi, Kate H, and Robert D Mare. "International Migration and the Distribution of Schooling in the Next Generation." (2010)
Ahmad, Manzoor, Shaghil Ahmed, Mirza Qamar Beg, Shahid Javed Burki, Abid Farooq, Edward Gresser, Douglas A. Hartwick, Parvez Hasan, Gary Hufbauer, Agustín Cornejo, Esperanza Gomez Jelalian, Shahrukh Rafi Khan, Zareen F. Naqvi, Ijaz Nabi, and Karin Astrid Siegmann. Attaining Pakistani Competitiveness in Global Trade. 2008.
Journal Article
Choi, HwaJung. "Parents’ health and adult children’s subsequent working status: A perspective of intergenerational transfer and time allocation." Journal of Family and Economic Issues 32, no. 3 (2011): 493-507.
Journal Article
Johnson, Douglas, Randall Juras, Pamela Riley, Minki Chatterji, Phoebe Sloane, Soon Kyu Choi, and Ben Johns. "A randomized controlled trial of the impact of a family planning mHealth service on knowledge and use of contraception." Contraception 95, no. 1 (2017): 90-97.
Journal Article
Ryu, Jeong, Youngran Kim, Youngsook Kim, Heesang Yun, Dongil Han, and Namhee Choi. "Trauma, Depression, and Resilience among Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya." International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 6, no. 2 (2016): 76-81.
Journal Article
Choi, Choongik. "Inexorable rise of ger in Mongolia: demolition for redevelopment or conservation for improvement?." International Review of Public Administration 17, no. 2 (2012): 121-141.
Journal Article
Lee, Hwa-Young, Nguyen Van Huy, and Sugy Choi. "Determinants of early childhood morbidity and proper treatment responses in Vietnam: results from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2000-2011." Global health action 9, no. 1 (2016).
Working Paper
Ratnayake, Ruwan, Jeffrey Ratto, Colleen Hardy, Curtis Blanton, Laura Miller, Mary Choi, John Kpaleyea, Pheabean Momoh, and Yolanda Barbera. "The Effects of an Integrated Community Case Management Strategy on the Appropriate Treatment of Children and Child Mortality in Kono District, Sierra Leone: A Program Evaluation." (2017)
Journal Article
Shrestha, Krishna K, Yadu N Paudel, Krishna D Manandhar, Gyandra P Ghimire, Sangho Choi, and Sabina Shrestha. "13. Bio-prospecting of plant resources for validation of indigenous knowledge and the search for novel herbal drugs in Nepal." Knowing our Lands and Resources.
Journal Article
Trinh, Oanh Thi Hoang, Juhwan Oh, Sugy Choi, Kien Gia To, and Dung Van Do. "Changes and socioeconomic factors associated with attitudes towards domestic violence among Vietnamese women aged 15-49: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2006-2011." Global Health Action 9, no. 1 (2016): 29577.
Journal Article
Lee, Hwa-Young, Dung Van Do, Sugy Choi, Oanh Thi Hoang Trinh, and Kien Gia To. "Trends and determinants of infant and under-five childhood mortality in Vietnam, 1986-2011." Global Health Action 9, no. 1 (2016): 29312.
Conference Paper
Choi, Adelbert W, Vio Jianu C Mojica, Frumencio F Co, and Robert Neil F Leong. "Spatial Regression Analysis of Violent Crimes in the National Capital Region." Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2016. Manila, Philippines, March 7-9, 2016.
Journal Article
Kebede, Kassahun Y, Toshio Mitsufuji, and Eugene K Choi. "Looking for innovation system builders: A case of Solar Energy Foundation in Ethiopia." African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 6, no. 4 (2014): 289-300.
Working Paper
Jubithana, Andrea Idelga Fernand, and Bernado Lanza Queiroz. "Adult mortality estimates in Suriname and its main regions 2004-2012." (2017)
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