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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Conference Paper
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Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Lázaro, Luis A, and Maria Rodríguez E Cortes. "La Paternidad Responsable en Costa Rica: Una Tarea Pendiente." Naciones Unidas , no. 480 (2001).
Working Paper
Corella, Ruth Ramírez X, Ada Rodriguez L Marìn, Cristina R Chavarrìa, Marcos A Tenorio, and Carlos T Morera. "Proyecto de Ley “Ley para Proteger el Empleo de Los Saloneros y Meseros"." (2012)
Thesis or Dissertation
Campos, Raquel A, and Daniela C Rodríguez. "Reproducción de Roles de Género en el Espacio Educativo de Primaria en la Niñez del Centro Educativo Tsuiri, Territorio Indígena del Cantón de Talamanca, Provincia de Limón, Costa Rica." Grado de Licenciatura, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013.
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Journal Article
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