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Showing 91-120 of 226
Journal Article
Nzirorera, C.
La croissance economique du Burundi face aux defis du developpement durable
Cahier du CURDES , no. 13 (2012).
Journal Article
Ausiku, Charity, Gilbert N Likando, and Felicitas Mberema.
A critical reflection on student teachers' challenges during practicum placements in rural primary schools in the Kavango regions of Namibia
Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Studies 6, no. 1 (2017): 74-93.
Thesis or Dissertation
Likando N, Gilbert.
Views and attitudes of adult literacy learners, adult educators and policy makers regarding the adult literacy programme in the Caprivi region of Namibia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pretoria, 2008.
Journal Article
Mafwiri, Milka Madaha, Emma Jolley, Joanna Hunter, Clare Elizabeth Gilbert, and Elena Schmidt.
Mixed methods evaluation of a primary eye care training programme for primary health workers in Morogoro Tanzania
BMC Nursing 15, no. 1 (2016): 41.
Journal Article
Chamberlin, Jordan, and Jacob Ricker-Gilbert.
Participation in rural land rental markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: who benefits and by how much? evidence from Malawi and Zambia
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98, no. 5 (2016): 1507-1528.
Journal Article
Chamberlin, Jordan, and Jacob Ricker-Gilbert.
What are the drivers of rural land rental markets in sub-Saharan Africa, and how do they impact household welfare? Evidence from Malawi and Zambia
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98, no. 5 (2016): 1507-1528.
Journal Article
Samboko C, Paul.
Land Institutions in Zambia: Evolution and the Determinants of the Extent of Land Titling
(2017) Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI).
Journal Article
Mwita, Julius Chacha, Mgaywa Gilbert Mjungu Damas Magafu, Bernard Omech, Billy Tsima, Matthew J Dewhurst, Monkgogi Goepamang, and Yohana Mashalla.
Undiagnosed and diagnosed diabetes mellitus among hospitalised acute heart failure patients in Botswana
(2017) SAGE Open Medicine.
Journal Article
Glewwe, Paul, and Dennis de Tray.
The poor in Latin America during adjustment: a case study of Peru
Economic Development and Cultural Change 40, no. 1 (1991).
Pantin, Dennis A, Donna Ramjattan, and Joy Francis.
The current and projected likely impact of the global economic crisis on the Trinidad and Tobago economy, and more particularly, on the national budget
: UNICEF, 2010.
Handyside, Alan, Regina Dennis, and Alpha Sy.
Case study of the PSI social marketing program in Cameroon
: U.S. Agency for International Development, 1998.
Journal Article
Sibanda, Amson, Zewdu Woubalem, Dennis P Hogan, and David P Lindstrom.
The proximate determinants of the decline to below-replacement fertility in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Studies in family planning 34, no. 1 (2003): 1-7.
Jensen, Eric R, and Dennis A Ahlburg.
A multicountry analysis of the impact of unwantedness and number of children on child health and preventive and curative care
Washington, DC, USA: The Policy Project, 1999.
Working Paper
Mapa, Dennis S, Lisa Grace Bersales, Manuel Albis, and John Carlo Daquis.
Determinants of poverty in elderly-headed households in the Philippines
Journal Article
Dennis, Ian.
European Union Countries Practice on Relative Poverty Measurement
(2009) Statistics on Income, Poverty & Social Exclusion, Eurostay.
Bersales, Lisa G, Dennis Mapa, and L Grace.
Patterns and determinants of household saving in the Philippines
Conference Paper
Mapa, Dennis S, and Manuel Leonard F Albis.
New Proxy Means Test (PMT) Medels: Improving Targeting of the Poor for Social Protection
12 th National Convention on Statistics (NCS).
October 1-2, 2013.
Balisacan, Arsenio, Nobuhiko Fuwa, Dennis Mapa, Sharon Faye Piza, Mercedita Sombilla, and Carlos Abad Santos.
Inclusive Agribusiness Growth in the Philippines
Working Paper
Nchor, Dennis, and Jonathan Adabre.
Global Development Network Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Expenditure Accountability
Integrated Social Development Centre .
Working Paper
Chiwele, Dennis, Martin Fowler, Ed Humphrey, Alex Hurrell, and Jack Willis.
Evaluation of Budget Support in Zambia: Agriculture Case Study
Garrity, Dennis.
Classifying physical environments as a tool in cropping systems research: 1 upland rice in the Philippines
Journal Article
Garrity, Dennis P, and Patricio C Agustin.
Historical land use evolution in a tropical acid upland agroecosystem
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 53, no. 1 (1995): 83-95.
Lorah, Paul, Dennis Conway, and Ed Jackiewicz.
Institutional Mechanisms For Coastal Resource Protection In St. Lucia
Journal Article
Balisacan, Arsenio M, Sharon Faye Piza, Dennis Mapa, Carlos Abad Santos, and Donna Mae Odra.
Tackling poverty and social impacts: Philippine response to the global economic crisis
(2010) United Nations Development Programme.
Book Section
Dykes, Dennis.
Banking in sub-Saharan Africa – Challenges and Opportunities
(2013) Banking in Southern Africa.
Journal Article
Rondinelli, Dennis A, and Henry P Minis.
Administrative Restructuring for Economic Adjustment: Decentralization Policy in Senegal
International Review of Administrative Sciences 56, no. 3 (1990): 447-466.
Working Paper
Rondinelli, Dennis A, and Henry P Minis.
Creating Conditions for Private Enterprise Expansion in Senegal: The Role of Small Towns in Economic Adjustment
Conference Paper
Trewin, Dennis.
Economic Commission For Europe. Census Output To Meet Users Needs: Entrusting census microdata and metadata for timely integration and dissemination via the IPUMS-EurAsia and IECM initiatives, 2010-2014
Conference Of European Statisticians: Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses.
Geneva, Switzerland , October 28-30, 2009.
Journal Article
Ahlburg, Dennis, and Darla Flint.
Public health conditions and policies in the Asia Pacific region
Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 15, no. 2 (2001): 1-17.
Journal Article
Jensen, Eric R, and Dennis A Ahlburg.
Family size, unwantedness, and child health and health care utilisation in Indonesia
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 38, no. 1 (2002): 43-59.
Showing 91-120 of 226