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Showing 961-990 of 5634
Thesis or Dissertation
Daniel, Marguerite.
Hidden wounds: orphanhood, expediency and cultural silence in Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy, University of East Anglia , 2005.
Journal Article
Fox M, Ashley.
AIDS policy responsiveness in Africa: evidence from opinion surveys
Global public health 9, no. 1-2 (2014): 224-248.
Working Paper
Weerahewa, Jeevika, and Sarath S Kodithuwakku.
Effects and Implications of the Global Food and Financial Crises and Policy Responses: A Study on the Agricultural Sector in Sri Lanka
Journal Article
Fintel, Dieter, and Dorrit Posel.
Errors in recalling childhood socio-economic status: the role of anchoring and household formation in South Africa
Social Indicators Research 126, no. 1 (2016): 119-140.
Journal Article
Piya, Sujan.
The Effect of Price and Non-price Factors on Agricultural Production in Nepal: A Cointegration Analysis
(2009) 農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集.
Journal Article
Curran G, Kathryn.
Cluster of Ebola virus disease linked to a single funeral — Moyamba District, Sierra Leone, 2014
(2016) Morbidity and mortality weekly report.
Journal Article
Bakari, Edith, and Gasto Frumence.
Challenges to the implementation of International Health Regulations (2005) on preventing infectious diseases: experience from Julius Nyerere International Airport, Tanzania
Global Health Action 6, no. 1 (2013): 20942.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sohati, Hakainda Philemon.
Establishment of COTESA VESTALIS (HALIDAY) and DIADROMUS COLLARIS (GRAV.) parasitoids of the DIAMONDBACK MOTH, PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA (L.), and assessment of the effectiveness of C. VESTALIS as a biological control agent in Zambia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Zambia, 2013.
Journal Article
Fuest, Veronika.
Liberia' s women acting for peace: collective action in a war-affected country
(2009) Movers and shakers: Social movements in Africa.
Oosterhoff, Pauline, and Emily Kageha Igonya.
Constitutional Reforms and Access to HIV Services for Women in Low-resource Settings in Nairobi, Kenya
Journal Article
Ozaltin, Emre, Kenneth Hill, and S V Subramanian.
Association of maternal stature with offspring mortality, underweight, and stunting in low-to middle-income countries
JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 303, no. 15 (2010): 1507-1516.
Journal Article
Dibley, Michael J, Christiana R Titaley, Catherine d'Este, and Kingsley Agho.
Iron and folic acid supplements in pregnancy improve child survival in Indonesia
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 95, no. 1 (2012): 220-230.
Conference Paper
Bazoglu, Nefise.
Cities in transition: Demographics and the development of cities
United Nations expert group meeting on population distribution, urbanization, internal migration and development.
January, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Prithiviraj G, T.
The knowledge, attitude and practice among primary health care nurse practitioners regarding oral health and oral HIV lesions in qe ii and roma health service areas in Maseru, Lesotho
Master in Public Health, Univeristy of the Witwatersrand, 2012.
Journal Article
Witter, Sophie, Sunil Khadka, Hom Nath, and Suresh Tiwari.
The national free delivery policy in Nepal: early evidence of its effects on health facilities
Health policy and planning 26, no. suppl 2 (2011): ii84-ii91.
Journal Article
Griekspoor, Andre, Paul Spiegel, William Aldis, and Paul Harvey.
The Health Sector Gap in the Southern Africa Crisis in 2002/2003
Disasters 28, no. 4 (2004): 388-404.
Working Paper
Blumenstock, Joshua, Nathan Eagle, and Marcel Fafchamps.
Charity and reciprocity in mobile phone-based giving: Evidence from Rwanda
Journal Article
Jewkes, Rachel, Tebogo Gumede, Margaret S Westaway, Kim Dickson, Heather Brown, and Helen Rees.
Why are women still aborting outside designated facilities in metropolitan South Africa?
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 112, no. 9 (2005): 1236-1242.
Journal Article
Green, Edward, Daniel Halperin, Vinand Nantulya, and Janice Hogle.
Uganda's HIV prevention success: the role of sexual behavior change and the national response
AIDS and Behavior 10, no. 4 (2006): 335-346.
Leach, Valerie, and Blandina Kilama.
Institutional analysis of nutrition in Tanzania
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2009.
Journal Article
Deaton, Angus, and Valerie Kozel.
Data and dogma: the great Indian poverty debate
The World Bank Research Observer 20, no. 2 (2005): 177-199.
Mehryar, A.H., B. Delavar, A. Farjadi, M. Hosseini-Chavoshi, M. Naghavi, and M. Tabibian.
Iranian miracle: How to raise contraceptive prevalence rate to above 70% and cut TRF by two-thirds in less than a decade?
: Ministry of Science, Research \& Technology, Population Studies and Research Center for Asia and the Pacific, 2001.
Working Paper
Gay, John, and Thuso Green.
Citizen perceptions of democracy, governance, and political crisis in Lesotho
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 13 , no. 13 (2001).
Journal Article
Lopes, Lygia V, Ana V Conceição, João B Oliveira, Blasques Tavares, Clarinha Domingos, and Lucio L Santos.
Cancer in Angola, resources and strategy for its control
Pan African Medical Journal 12, no. 1 (2012): 13.
Thesis or Dissertation
López Toapanta, Christian, and Sonia Tatés Cañar.
Evaluación del uso del índice de fluorescencia de reticulocitos (IRF) y de la carga de hemoglobina del reticulocito (RET-HE) como indicadores de reserva corporal de hierro y de respuesta terapeútica a la suplementación de hierro en mujeres embarazadas
Tesis previa la obtención del Título de Especialistas En Patología Clínica , Universidad Central Del Ecuador. Facultad De Ciencias Médicas. Instituto Superior De Postgrado. Postgrado De Patologia ClíNica, 2013.
Journal Article
Ikram, Mohammad S, Clydette L Powell, Rashida A Bano, Arshad D Quddus, Syad K Shah, Ellyn L Ogden, Waqar R Butt, and Mohd Arshil Moideen.
Communicable disease control in Afghanistan
(2013) Global public health.
Journal Article
Solez, Kim, Arjun Karki, Sabita Rana, Holli Bjerland, Bibiana Cujec, Stephen Aaron, Don Morrish, MaryAnn Walker, Manjula Gowrishankar, and Fiona Bamforth.
Multifaceted support for a new medical school in Nepal devoted to rural health by a Canadian Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Global Journal of Health Science 4, no. 6 (2012): p109.
Working Paper
Ashraf, Nava, Natalie Bau, Nathan Nunn, and Alessandra Voena.
Bride Price and the Returns to Education for Women
Working Paper
Yusrina, Asri, and Athia Yumna.
Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Households in Pekalongan City
Journal Article
Aantjes, Carolien J, Tim KC Quinlan, and Joske FG Bunders.
Practicalities and challenges in re-orienting the health system in Zambia for treating chronic conditions
BMC health services research 14, no. 295 (2014).
Showing 961-990 of 5634