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Sangreman, Carlos, João Estêvão, Alexandre Abreu, Maria João Carreiro, and Fernando Sousa Jr. Assessment of the Development Potential of the Guinea-Bissau Diaspora in Portugal and in France. 2012.
Journal Article
Grassi, Marzia. "Places and Belongings: Conjugality between Angola and Portugal." (2015) TL Network e-Working Papers.
Journal Article
Sarmento, Elsa De Morais, and Joaquim Silva Reis. "O ambiente de negócios em Portugal: uma análise comparada de procedimentos, custos e demora burocrática." Economia Global e Gestão 17, no. 2 (2012): 33-59.
Conference Paper
Sarmento, Elsa Morais, Catarina Figueira, Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, and Alcina Nunes. "High-growth entrepreneurship and policy support in Portugal." 9th Iberian International Business Conference. Braga, Portugal, October 4, 2013.
Journal Article
Portela, Irene. "The Corruption in Portugal: The Reform of “the Reform”." Journal of US-China Public Administration 10, no. 2 (2013): 146-156.
Thesis or Dissertation
Correia De Almeida, Nene. "The Difficult Choices of a Post-Colonial State: Timor-Leste and International Educational Aid." Master of International Relations , School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 2015.
Working Paper
Albergaria Almeida, P, B Lopes, and M Martinho. "International Cooperation in Education: in-service teacher training in East Timor." (2013) Research Centre for Didactics and Technology in Trainers Education, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Working Paper
Rodrigues, Carlos Farinha. "Minimum income in Portugal: changing the rules in times of crisis." (2012)
Journal Article
Kana, Musa Abubakar. "A tale of two countries: safe motherhood in Portugal and Nigeria." Arquivos de Medicina 28, no. 6 (2014): 192-193.
Journal Article
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Working Paper
Ames, Patricia, Vanessa Rojas, and Tamia Portugal. "Young lives qualitative research: Round 1- Peru." (2009) Young Lives Qualitative Research. .
Conference Paper
Axensten, Peder, Zhongxin Chen, and Shenghe Liu. "The Kina Model. A tool for exploring the spatial population development in China by large scale micro simulation." 44th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Regions and Fiscal Federalism", 25th - 29th August 2004, Porto, Portugal. 2004.
Silva, Joana, Victoria Levin, and Matteo Morgandi. The Way Forward for Social Safety Nets in the Middle East and North Africa. 2012.
Paracchini, Maria Luisa, Jan-Erik Petersen, Ybele Hoogeveen, Catharina Bamps, Ian Burfield, and Chris Swaay. High nature value farmland in Europe. 2008.
Journal Article
Cornejo Portugal, Ines, and Patricia Fortuny Loret de Mola. "“Corrias sin saber adonde ibas” Proceso migratorio de mayas yucatecos a San Francisco, California." Cultura y representaciones sociales 5, no. 10 (2011): 82.
Journal Article
Herrera-Ortiz, Antonia, Felipe J Uribe-Salas, Ma Olamendi-Portugal, Santa García-Cisneros, Carlos Jesús Conde-Glez, and Miguel A Sánchez-Alemán. "Análisis de la tendencia de sífilis adquirida en México durante el periodo 2003-2013." Salud Pública de México 57, no. 4 (2015): 335-342.
Journal Article
Valente, Maria O, Jesuina Fonseca, and Joseph Conboy. "Inquiry Science Teaching in Portugal and Some Other Countries as Measured by PISA 2006." (2011) Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sabockis, Adomas, and Lineta Ramoniene. "Ireland economy’s resistance to economic shocks." Bachelor thesis, University of Management and Economics, 2013.
Conference Paper
Lopes, Modesto, and Harry Nesbitt. "Improving food security in Timor-Leste with higher yield crop Varieties." 56th Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society annual conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. 2012.
Journal Article
Almeida, Patricia Albergaria, Mariana Martinho, and Betina Lopes. "Teacher Education in the context of international cooperation: the case of East Timor." (2012) International Perspectives on Education.
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Journal Article
Kingsbury, Damien. "National identity in Timor-Leste: A brief comparative study." (2010) Hatene kona ba Compreender Understanding Mengerti.
Working Paper
Barbosa, Milton, and Shawn Booth. "Timor-Leste ‘s fisheries catches (1950-2009): fisheries under." (2009) Fisheries Centre Research Reports.
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