
Showing 61-90 of 169
Journal Article
Stone, Erin, Laura Miller, Joseph Jasperse, Grayson Privette, Juan Cruz Diez Beltran, Amara Jambai, John Kpaleyea, Alfred Makavore, Mohamed Foday Kamara, and Ruwan Ratnayake. "Community Event-Based Surveillance for Ebola Virus Disease in Sierra Leone: Implementation of a National-Level System During a Crisis." (2016) PLoS currents.
Journal Article
Parker, Erin M, Chariya Ear, Douglas R Roehler, Socheata Sann, Panhavuth Sem, and Michael F Ballesteros. "Surveillance of road crash injuries in Cambodia: An evaluation of the Cambodia Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS)." Traffic Injury Prevention 15, no. 5 (2014): 477-482.
Journal Article
Eng, Sothy, Miriam Mulsow, Erin Kostina-Ritchey, and Anisa Zvonkovic. "Redefining the Roles of Parents and Social Structure in the Educational Outcomes of Cambodian Young Adults." Journal of Adolescent Research 32, no. 6 (2017).
Journal Article
Titaley, Christiana R, Michael J Dibley, Christine L Roberts, and Kingsley Agho. "Combined iron/folic acid supplements and malaria prophylaxis reduce neonatal mortality in 19 sub-Saharan African countries." The American journal of clinical nutrition 92, no. 1 (2010): 235.
Journal Article
May, Julian, and Benjamin Roberts. "Panel data and policy analysis in South Africa: Taking a long view." Social Dynamics 27, no. 1 (2001): 96-11.
Journal Article
de Oliveira, Alexandre M, Adam Wolkon, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Marcy Erskine, Dana P Crenshaw, Jacquelin Roberts, and Francisco Saute. "Ownership and usage of insecticide-treated bed nets after free distribution via a voucher system in two provinces of Mozambique." Malaria journal 9, no. 1 (2010): 222.
Pillay, Udesh, Benjamin Roberts, and Stephen P Rule. South African social attitudes: Changing times, diverse voices. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC press, 2006.
Roberts, Benjamin, Mbithi wa Kivilu, and Yul D Davids. South African social attitudes: The 2nd report: Reflections on the age of hope. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2010.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben, Gina Weir-Smith, and Vasu Reddy. "Affirmative action." HSRC Review 8, no. 3 (2010): 6-7.
Journal Article
Bob, Urmilla, Udesh Pillay, Laverne Dimitrov, and Ben Roberts. "Paradise road: Attitudes to transport and the 2010 FIFA World Cup." HSRC Review 7, no. 3 (2009): 12-14.
Journal Article
Struwig, Jare, and Ben Roberts. "Religion & politics: Never the twain should meet." HSRC Review 7, no. 2 (2009): 18-19.
Journal Article
Roberts, Benjamin, and Vasu Reddy. "Pride and prejudice: Public attitudes toward homosexuality." HSRC Review 6, no. 4 (2008): 9-11.
Journal Article
Pillay, Udesh, Ben Roberts , and Orli Bass. "Field of dreams or despair?." HSRC Review 6, no. 3 (2008): 7-8.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben. "Age of hope or anxiety? The dynamics of fear of crime in South Africa." HSRC Review 6, no. 2 (2008): 9-10.
Journal Article
Struwig, Jare, and Ben Roberts. "The numbers game: Public support for sports quotas." HSRC Review 5, no. 4 (2007): 12-13.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben. "Flooring the cross?." HSRC Review 5, no. 4 (2007): 10-11.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben. "Confronting the divide: Attitudes to inequality." HSRC Review 2, no. 4 (2004): 12-13.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben. "Between trust and skepticism: Public confidence in institutions." HSRC Review 6, no. 1 (2008): 10-11.
Book Section
Langa, Zakes, Pieter Conradie, and Benjamin Roberts. "South African social attitudes: Changing times, diverse voices." (2006) Slipping through the net: Digital and other communication divides within South Africa.
Book Section
Valodia, Imraan, Myriam Velia, and Simon, (eds) Roberts. "Sustainable manufacturing?: The case of South Africa and Ekurhuleni." (2006) Chapter 5: Trading and training: Large manufacturing firms in the greater Durban metropolitain area.
Book Section
Roberts, Benjamin. "South African social attitudes: Changing times, diverse voices." (2006) The happy transition? Attitudes to poverty and inequality after a decade of democracy.
Book Section
Roberts, Benjamin. "South African social attitudes, 2nd report: Reflections on the age of hope." (2010) Fear factor: Perceptions of safety in South Africa.
Journal Article
Mmotlane, Ronnie, Jare Struwig, and Ben Roberts. "The glue that binds or divides: Social trust in South Africa." HSRC Review 8, no. 3 (2010): 4-5.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben. "Talking in class: Subjective class identification in South Africa." HSRC Review 7, no. 4 (2009): 11-13.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben, and Jare Struwig. "Good times, bad times: Survey of economic perceptions and political attitudes." HSRC Review 7, no. 2 (2009): 15-17.
Journal Article
Roberts, Ben, and Thabo Letsoalo. "The young and the restless: Political apathy and the youth." HSRC Review 7, no. 1 (2009): 11-12.
Journal Article
Hemson, David, and Benjamin Roberts. "Batho Pele: Season of discontent." HSRC Review, 6, no. 4 (2008): 12-14.
Website Document
De Klerk, Mike, Scott Drimie, Michael Aliber, Simphiwe Mini, Rueben Mokoena, Rendani Randela, Salome Modiselle, Ben Roberts, Coleen Vogel, Cobus De Swardt, and Johan Kirsten. "Food security in South Africa: Key policy issues for the medium term."
Roberts, Cleophelia, Queenie Yue Gong, Pascale Schnitzer, and Carlo Azzarri. Ethiopia agricultural snapshot 2011/12. 2014.
Working Paper
Regasa, Dereje, David Fielding, and Helen Roberts. "Access to Financing and Firm Growth: Evidence from Ethiopia." University of Otago Economics Discussion Papers , no. 1707 (2017).
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