
Showing 1891-1911 of 1911
Journal Article
Jima, Daddi, Milliyon Wondabeku, Abebe Alemu, Admas Teferra, Nuraini Awel, Wakgari Deressa, Adamu Adissie, Zerihun Tadesse, Teshome Gebre, and Aryc W Mosher. "Analysis of malaria surveillance data in Ethiopia: what can be learned from the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response System?." Malaria journal 11, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Rogers, Paul, Fiona Nunan, and Abiy Addisu Fentie. "Reimagining invasions: The social and cultural impacts of Prosopis on pastoralists in southern Afar, Ethiopia." Pastoralism 7, no. 1 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Rosell, Staffan. "Rainfall variability, soils and land use changes in the Ethiopian highlands." Doctoral Thesis, University of Gothenburg, 2013.
Journal Article
Ayele, Fenta A, Belaynew W Taye, Tadesse A Ayele, and Kassahun A Gelaye. "Predictors of Dental caries among children 7-14 years old in Northwest Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study." BMC Oral Health 13, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Fekadu, Zelalem. "Casual sex-debuts among female adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (EJHD) 15, no. 2 (2017): 109-116.
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Erulkar, Annabel. "Early marriage, marital relations and intimate partner violence in Ethiopia." International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 39, no. 1 (2013): 6-13.
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Birhan, Wubet, Mirutse Giday, and Tilahun Teklehaymanot. "The contribution of traditional healers' clinics to public health care system in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study." Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 7, no. 1 (2011).
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Devereux, Stephen. "Better marginalised than incorporated? Pastoralist livelihoods in Somali Region, Ethiopia." The European Journal of Development Research 22, no. 5 (2010): 678-695.
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Haustein, Jorg. "Embodying the spirit (s): Pentecostal demonology and deliverance discourse in Ethiopia." Ethnos 76, no. 4 (2011): 534-552.
Book Section
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Georgiadis, Andreas, Liza Benny, Sheikh Galab, Prudhvikar Reddy, and Tassew Woldehanna. "Growth recovery and faltering though early adolescence in low-and middle-income countries: Determinants and implications for cognitive development." (2017) Social Science & Medicine.
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OlaOlorun, Funmilola, Assefa Seme, Easmon Otupiri, Peter Ogunjuyigbe, and Amy Tsui. "Women's fertility desires and contraceptive behavior in three peri-urban communities in sub Saharan Africa." Reproductive Health 13, no. 1 (2016): 12.
Conference Paper
Zulu-Mbata, Olipa, Thomas S Jayne, and Johann F Kirsten. "Analysis of farm-to-retail maize marketing margins in Zambia." 2016 AAAE Fifth International Conference, September 23-26, 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 2016.
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Siphambe, Gladys, Joseph E Mbaiwa, and Jaloni Pansiri. "Cultural Landscapes And Tourism Development In Botswana: The Case Of Moremi Gorge In Eastern Botswana." Botswana Journal of Business 10, no. 1 (2017): 117-137.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fisseh, Elias. "The contribution of agriculture to economy wide growth & poverty reduction in Ethiopia: a SAM based multiplier analysis." Master of Arts, Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2012.
Journal Article
Kebede, Kassahun Y, Toshio Mitsufuji, and Eugene K Choi. "Looking for innovation system builders: A case of Solar Energy Foundation in Ethiopia." African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 6, no. 4 (2014): 289-300.
Journal Article
Shah, Jui A, Jacques BO Emina, Erin Eckert, and Yazoume Ye. "Prompt access to effective malaria treatment among children under five in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-country analysis of national household survey data." Malaria Journal 14, no. 1 (2015): 329.
Showing 1891-1911 of 1911