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Showing 61-90 of 194
Working Paper
Monk, Courtney, Justin Sandefur, and Francis Teal.
Does Doing an Apprenticeship Pay Off? Evidence from Ghana
The Centre for the Study of African Economies Working Paper Series , no. 288 (2008).
Working Paper
Monk, Courtney, Justin Sandefur, and Francis Teal.
Skills and Earnings in Formal and Informal Urban Employment in Ghana
Working Paper
Thompson, Nii Moi, and Leslie Casely-Hayford.
The Financing and Outcomes of Education in Ghana
RECOUP Working Paper , no. 16 (2008).
Working Paper
Matita, Mirrian M, and Ephraim W Chirwa.
The impact of education on self-employment, farm activities and household incomes in Malawi
Bright, Helen, Junior Davis, Monica Janowski, Allan Low, and Douglas Pearce.
Rural non-farm livelihoods in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia and the reform process: A literature review
Chatham Maritime, Kent, United Kingdom: Natural Resources Institute , 2000.
Journal Article
Santos, Leonor M, Rômulo Paes-Sousa, Jarbas B da Silva Junior, and César G Victora.
National Immunization Day: a strategy to monitor health and nutrition indicators
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86, no. 6 (2008).
Journal Article
Clark, Shelley, Judith Bruce, and Annie Dude.
Protecting young women from HIV/AIDS: the case against child and adolescent marriage
(2006) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Working Paper
Munro, Alistair, Bereket Kebede, Marcela Tarazona-Gomez, and Arjan Verschoor.
The lion’s share. An experimental analysis of polygamy in Northern Nigeria
(2010) GRIPS Discussion Papers.
Sika-Bright B, Solomon.
Socio-cultural factors influencing infant feeding practices of mothers attending welfare clinic in Cape Coast
Thesis or Dissertation
Fant, Elijah Kombian.
Education and girl-child empowerment: the case of Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo district in Northern Ghana
Thesis, University of Troms, 2008.
Journal Article
Bauni K, Evasius.
The quality of care in family planning: A case study of Chogoria, Eastern Kenya
(1994) African Population Studies.
Working Paper
Ye, Xiao, and Sucharshan Canagarajah.
Efficiency of public expenditure distribution and beyond: A report on Ghana's 2000 public expenditure tracking survey in the sectors of primary health and education
(2006) Africa Region Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Verona, Ana Paula de Andrade, Robert Hummer, Cláudio Santiago Dias Júnior, and Luciana Conceição Lima.
Infant mortality and mothers' religious involvement in Brazil
Revista brasileira de estudos de populacao 27, no. 1 (2010): 59-74.
Thesis or Dissertation
Witham, Anna.
Maternal and child death in Nakuru, Kenya: A Case Study
PhD Thesis, Durham University, 2004.
Journal Article
Samson-Akpan, P. E., I Akpabio, E. F. Asuquo, and O. B. Edet.
Awareness and practive of health promotion for women in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
Continental Journal of Nursing Science 4, no. 1 (2012).
Pardosi F, Jerico.
Levels and determinants of under-five mortality in Ende District, Nusa Tenggara Timur
: .
Working Paper
Davis, Junior.
Agriculture and rural development challenges in South-Eastern Europe and Turkey with the view to European Union integration process
(2010) MPRA Paper No. 25986.
Howie, Sarah J, and Tjeerd Plomp.
English language proficiency and other factors influencing mathematics achievement at junior secondary level in South Africa
Howie J, Sarah.
Mathematics and science performance in the middle school years in the Western Cape Province of South Africa: The performance of students in the Western Cape Province in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, 1997.
Howie J, Sarah.
Mathematics and science performance in the middle school years in the Free State province of South Africa: The performance of students in the Free State province in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, 1997.
Howie J, Sarah.
Mathematics and science performance in the middle school years in the Northern Cape province of South Africa: The performance of students in the Northern Cape province in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, 1997.
Howie J, Sarah.
Mathematics and science performance in the middle school years in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa: The performance of students in the Mpumalanga province in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, 1997.
Working Paper
Ambie-Barango, Theodore.
Should Nigeria introduce Free Tuition or Increase School Expenditures in Primary Schools to improve Human Capital?
Working Paper
Ndoye A, Abdoul Junior.
Measuring Returns to Education and Decomposition of Rural-Urban Inequality: Evidence from Senegal
Journal Article
Nmadu, Grace, Solomon Avidime, Olugbenga Oguntunde, Vehcit Dashe, Binta Abdulkarim, and Mairo Mandara.
Girl Child Education: Rising to the Challenge
African Journal of Reproductive Health 14, no. 3s1 (2010): 107-112.
Working Paper
Indonesia, Insights.
Population Density, Migration, and the Returns to Human Capital and Land
Working Paper
Ootsuki, Tsunehiro.
Is a gender gap in net school enrollment a reflection of the gender wage gap in the labor market? Evidence using household data from Vietnam
OSIPP Discussion Paper , no. 2013-E-001 (2013).
Education and The Economy The External Eficiency of Education
Ampiah, Joseph Ghartey, and Keith M Lewin.
Access, Transitions and Equity in Education in Ghana: Researching Practice, Problems and Policy Kwame Akyeampong Caine Rolleston
Working Paper
Desbarats, Jacqueline.
Structural Tension and Selective Migration in the Outer Islands of Indonesia.
Showing 61-90 of 194