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Showing 301-330 of 6401
Thesis or Dissertation
Guerra Rosero E, Tania.
Gender Earnings Gap in urban Ecuador: Looking beyond Averages
Master Thesis, Lund University, 2013.
Journal Article
Le Cœur, Sophie, Intira J Collins, Julie Pannetier, and Eva Lelievre.
Gender and access to HIV testing and antiretroviral treatments in Thailand: Why do women have more and earlier access?
Social science & medicine 69, no. 6 (2009): 846-853.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bayisenge, Jeannette.
Changing Gender Relations? Women's Experiences of Land Rights in the Case of the Land Tenure Reform Program in Rwanda.
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Gothenburg, 2015.
Journal Article
Asiimwe A, Florence.
Gender and Homeownership: The Dynamics of Marriage in Kampala, Uganda
Journal of Arts and Culture 1, no. 1 (2010): 1-6.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gayane Avagyan, MD.
Skin Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Among Residents of Yerevan, Armenia
Master of Public Health Integrating Experience Project, American University of Armenia , 2009.
Working Paper
Saito, Mioko.
Trends in Gender Equality in Learning Achievement in Southern and Eastern Africa: Exploration of Characteristics of Educational Environment and Curriculum Areas
Akotia, Charity Sylvia, and Adote Anum.
Psychology of Gender Through the Lens of Culture
: Springer, 2015.
Working Paper
Hong Tschalaer, Mengia.
Women entering the legal landscape: negotiating legal gender reforms in a ‘tribal’women’s forum in South Rajasthan, India
The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 42, no. 60 (2010): 41-72.
Journal Article
Fischer, Gundula.
Recruitment and female labour in Tanzanian hospitality companies: an exploration
Journal of Contemporary African Studies 31, no. 1 (2013): 62-76.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pacchiotti, Milena.
Gender (in) equality in the Tanzanian labour market: showing the gap between the legal framework and the evidence provided by labour statistics
Master in Applied Labour Economics for Development, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2012.
Journal Article
Fulu, Emma.
Gender, vulnerability, and the experts: Responding to the Maldives tsunami
Development and Change 38, no. 5 (2007): 843-864.
Working Paper
Meeks, Robyn.
Culture and gender roles: Evidence from a natural experiment in Post-Soviet Central Asia
Journal Article
Mikalitsa M, Stella.
Gender-specific constraints affecting technology use and household food security in western province of Kenya.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 10, no. 4 (2010).
Journal Article
Wu, Xiaogang, Yuxiao Wu, and Shandong Jinan.
Gender inequality in education and employment: China’s urban labor markets in transition, 1982-2005
(2005) Transition.
Journal Article
Buccheri, Grazia, Nadja Abt Gürber, and Christian Brühwiler.
The Impact of Gender on Interest in Science Topics and the Choice of Scientific and Technical Vocations
International Journal of Science Education 33, no. 1 (2011): 159-178.
Working Paper
Kweka, Josaphat, and Mahjabeen Haji.
Trade and Gender in Tanzania: What Matters—Participation or Outcomes?
Women and Trade in Africa: Realizing the Potential.
Working Paper
Delavande, Adeline, and Basit Zafar.
Gender Discrimination and Social Identity: Evidence from Urban Pakistan
Journal Article
Ng, Ying Chu.
Economic development, human capital, and gender earnings differentials in China
Economics of Education Review 23, no. 6 (2004): 587-603.
Working Paper
Veneziani, Mario.
School Attendance, Child Labour and Gender Bias in Morocco
Working Paper
Sproule, Kathryn, Caitlin Kieran, Agnes Quisumbing, and Cheryl Doss.
Gender, Headship, and the Life Cycle
IFPRI Discussion Paper , no. 01481 (2015).
Journal Article
Paudel, Lok Nath.
Gender aspects in livestock farming: pertinent issues for sustainable livestock development in Nepal
Livestock Research for Rural Development 21, no. 3 (2009).
Bacon, Laura.
Liberia's gender-sensitive police reform. Starting from scratch? Improving representation and responsiveness
Journal Article
Sawair, Faleh A, Zaid H Baqain, Iyad Kh Al-Omari, Fouad K Wahab, and Lamis D Rajab.
Effect of Gender on Performance of Undergraduate Dental Students at the University of Jordan, Amman
Journal of dental education 73, no. 11 (2009): 1313-1319.
Working Paper
Onsomu, Eldah N, George Kosimbei, and Moses W Ngware.
Impact of gender and socio-economic factors on learning achievements in primary education in Kenya: Empirical evidence
(2006) KIPPRA Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Ouma, Christine, and Jiwon Nam.
A meta-analysis of gender gap in student achievement in African countries
International Review of Public Administration 20, no. 1 (2015): 70-83.
Journal Article
Qwabe, BR.
Realising South Africa’s Vision 2030
(2013) Administratio.
Journal Article
Yasin, Ghulam, Imran S Chaudhry, and Saima Afzal.
The Determinants of Gender Wage Discrimination in Pakistan: Econometric Evidence from Punjab Province
Asian Social Science 6, no. 11 (2010): 239-255.
Journal Article
Liu, Ou Lydia, and Mark Wilson.
Gender Differences in Large-Scale Math Assessments: PISA Trend 2000 and 2003
Applied Measurement in Education 22, no. 2 (2009): 164-184.
Journal Article
Preckel, Franzis, Thomas Goetz, Reinhard Pekrun, and Michael Kleine.
Gender Differences in Gifted and Average-Ability Students: Comparing Girls' and Boys' Achievement, Self-Concept, Interest, and Motivation in Mathematics
Gifted Child Quarterly 52, no. 2 (2008): 146-159.
Mills, Elizabeth, Thea Shahrokh, Joanna Wheeler, Gill Black, Rukia Cornelius, and Lucinda Heever.
Turning the Tide: The Role of Collective Action for Addressing Structural and Gender-based Violence in South Africa
Showing 301-330 of 6401