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Showing 121-150 of 523
Thesis or Dissertation
Esau, Yánac Lliuya Abraham.
Ineficacia del derecho penal como medio de control social en la lucha contra la delincuencia en el Peru
Título Profesional de Abogado, Universidad Nacional de Ancash "Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo", 2015.
Journal Article
Abraham, Juneman, and Wahyu Rahardjo.
Psychopathy, Sexual Values Dimensions, and Premarital Sexual Behaviour among Urban Unmarried Adolescents
(2015) Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Working Paper
Asfaw, Abraham.
The Inter-Generational Health Effect of Early Malnutrition: Evidence from the 1983-85 Ethiopian Famine
Journal Article
Akokuwebe, Monica Ewomazino, and Oluwawole Abraham Ojo.
Factors Influencing Acceptability of Family Planning among Women in Rural Communities in Ife Central Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria
Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences 14, no. 2 (2016): 250-261.
Journal Article
Vázquez, Abraham P, Ignacio C González, and José E Borunda Escobedo.
La relación entre el proselitismo electoral y las propuestas de campaña. Un análisis del proceso electoral federal 2012 en Ciudad Juárez, México
Polis 11, no. 1 (2015): 169-204.
Journal Article
Vázquez, Abraham P, and Miguel Morales A Zamorano.
Transparencia, rendición de cuentas y gobernanza. La acreditación ciudadana de la función contralora de los municipios en México. Un análisis de la administración 2010-2013 del municipio de Juárez
Revista Legislativa de Estudios Sociales y de Opinión Pública 8, no. 15 (2015): 75-105.
Working Paper
Botchie, George, and William Ahadzie.
Poverty Reduction Efforts in Ghana; the Skill Development Option
(2004) Unpublished document, Centre for Social Policy Studies (CSPS)/Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Legon: Accra.
Thesis or Dissertation
Owusu, George.
The Role of District Capitals in Regional Development: Linking Small Towns, Rural-Urban Linkages and Decentralisation in Ghana
PhD.-thesis, Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, 2005.
Bosu, William K, George Laryea-Adjei, and Diane McIntyre.
A Review of the Ghana Health sector’s Pro-poor Agenda. A Key Area Review Report for the Annual Health Sector Review 2003
Working Paper
Brooks, Jonathan, George Dyer, and Ed Taylor.
Modelling agricultural trade and policy impacts in less developed countries
(2008) OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Paper No. 11.
Journal Article
Elbers, Chris, Jean Olson Lanjouw, Peter Lanjouw, and Philippe George Leite.
Poverty and inequality in Brazil: new estimates from combined PPV-PNAD data
Journal Article
Leckie, George.
Module 6: regression models for binary responses: stata practical
(2010) Center for Multilevel Marketing.
Book Section
Hakkert, Ralph, George Martine , and Daniel Léonard.
Population and poverty: Achieving equity, equality and sustainability
(2003) Chapter 6: Population, poverty and inequality: A Latin American perspective.
Sen, Gita, Piroska Ostlin, and Asha George.
Unequal, unfair, ineffective and inefficient. Gender inequity in health: why it exists and how we can change it
: WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, 2007.
Journal Article
Boerma, J. Ties, and George Stroh.
Using survey data to assess neonatal tetanus mortality levels and trends in developing countries
Demography 30, no. 3 (1993): 459-475.
Journal Article
Subramanian, S V, Jessica M Perkins, Emre Ozaltin, and George D Smith.
Weight of nations: a socioeconomic analysis of women in low-to middle-income countries
The American journal of clinical nutrition 93, no. 2 (2011): 413-421.
Journal Article
Boerma, J Ties, Shea O Rutstein, Anna E Sommerfelt, and George T Bicego.
Bottle use for infant feeding in developing countries: data from the Demographic and Health Surveys
Journal of tropical pediatrics 37, no. 3 (1991): 116-120.
Journal Article
Bicego, George, Tauseef Ahmed, and Mansoor-ul-Hassan Bhatti.
Infant and child mortality
(1992) Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey.
Journal Article
Cernada, George, and A.K. Ubaidur Rob.
Pakistan’s fertility and family planning: future directions
Journal of Family Welfare 38, no. 3 (1992): 49-56.
Book Section
Groenewold, George, Ronald Horstman, and Bart de Bruijn.
Gender and the role of men in reproductive health: Applications in studies on HIV sexual risk-behaviour in Zambia, safe motherhood in Nepal
(2004) Poverty, gender and HIV sexual risk behaviour in Zambia.
Martine, George, Gordon McGranahan, Mark Montgomery, and Rogelio Fernandez-Castilla.
The new global frontier: Urbanization, poverty and environment in the 21st century
: Earthscan, 2012.
Working Paper
George, K.K., and N.Ajith Kumar.
Kerala: The land of development paradoxes
Centre for Socio-Economic and Environmental Studies, Working Paper , no. 2 (1997).
Journal Article
Hakkerte, Ralph, and George Martine.
Population, poverty and inequality: a Latin-American perspective
(2003) Population and poverty: achieving equity, equality and sustainability.
Journal Article
Maltsoglou, Irini, and George Rapsomanikis.
The contribution of livestock to household income in Vietnam: a household typology based analysis
Thesis or Dissertation
Muvingi, Ismael.
Actualizing human rights norms in distanced spaces; an analysis of the campaign to eliminate conflict diamonds and the capital market sanctions (Sudan) campaigns in the United States
PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, 2007.
Motala, Shireen, Veerle Dieltiens, Nazir Carrim, Paul Kgobe, George Moyo, and Symphorosa Rembe.
Educational access in South Africa: Country analytic review
Johannesburg, South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand, 2007.
Samoilys, Melita, Kennedy Osuka, and George W Maina.
Opportunities and Challenges of Current Legislation for Effective Conservation in the Tana Delta - Pate Island Coast of Kenya
Mombasa, Kenya: Obura DO & Samoilys MA, 2011.
Journal Article
Ogendi, George M, and Isaac M Ong'oa.
Water Policy, Accessibility and Water Ethics in Kenya
Santa Clara Journal of International Law 7, no. 1 (2009): 0-0.
Working Paper
Kaharuza, Frank, Jonathan H Mermin, George W Rutherford, Joshua Musinguzi, Wilford Kirungi, Edson Nuwagaba, Anne Cross, Vinod Mishra, Alex Opio, and Rebecca Bunnell.
Feasibility and Acceptance of Home-based HIV Counseling and Testing during a Population-based HIV Serologic Survey
Conference Paper
Gunaratna, Nilupa S, George P McCabe, and Hugo de Groote.
A simulation-based method for evaluating potential impact of biofortified crops
8th African Crop Science Society Conference, El-Minia, Egypt, 27-31 October 2007.
Showing 121-150 of 523