
Showing 1-25 of 25
Thesis or Dissertation
Zewdu, Girmachew Adugna. "The impact of migration and remittances on home communities in Ethiopia." Doctor of philosophy, The university of Adelaide, 2014.
Book Section
Adugna, Aynalem. "Ethiopian Demography and Health." Lesson five: Fertility levels and trends.
Book Section
Adugna, Aynalem. "Ethiopian Demography and Health." Lesson seven: Mortality measures and levels.
Journal Article
ADUGNA, Aynalem. "Mortality measures and levels." Ethiopian Demography and Health.
Journal Article
Adugna T, Dessalegn. "Women’s perception and risk factors for delayed initiation of breastfeeding in Arba Minch Zuria, Southern Ethiopia." International Breastfeeding Journal 9, no. 1 (2014): 8.
Journal Article
Kloos, Helmut, Yibeltal Assefa, Aynalem Adugna, Mesfin Samuel Mulatu, and Damen Haile Mariam. "Utilization of Antiretroviral Treatment in Ethiopia between February and December 2006: Spatial, Temporal, and Demographic Patterns." (2007) International Journal of Health Geographics.
Journal Article
Woyessa, Adugna, Teshome Gebre-Micheal, and Ahmed Ali. "An Indigenous Malaria Transmission in the Out-skirts of Addis Ababa, Akaki Town and its environs." Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 18, no. 1 (2004): 2-7.
Journal Article
Adugna, Aynalem, and Helmut Kloos. "Two population distribution maps for Ethiopia based on the 1984 census." Northeast African Studies 9, no. 1 (1987): 89-95.
Journal Article
Adugna, Aynalem. "Planned Resettlement: A GIS-Assisted Identification of Areas Suitable for Irrigation-based Resettlement in Ethiopia." African Geographical Review 30, no. 2 (2011): 71-91.
Journal Article
King, Jonathan D, Tekola Endeshaw, Elisabeth Escher, Genetu Alemtaye, Sileabatt Melaku, Woyneshet Gelaye, Abebe Worku, Mitku Adugna, Berhanu Melak, and Tesfaye Teferi. "Intestinal parasite prevalence in an area of Ethiopia after implementing the SAFE strategy, enhanced outreach services, and health extension program." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 7, no. 6 (2013).
Journal Article
Sibanda, Amson, Zewdu Woubalem, Dennis P Hogan, and David P Lindstrom. "The proximate determinants of the decline to below-replacement fertility in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." Studies in family planning 34, no. 1 (2003): 1-7.
Journal Article
Lindstrom, David P, and Zewdu Woubalem. "The Demographic Components of Fertility Decline in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Decomposition Analysis." Genus 59, no. 3/4 (2003): 147-158.
Working Paper
Zewdu, Getnet A, and Mehrab Malek. "Implications of Land Policies for Rural-urban Linkages and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia." Ethiopia Strategy Support Program (ESSP) , no. 15 (2013).
Conference Paper
Mulugeta, Fitsum Zewdu. "Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Childhood Mortality in Ethiopia: An Instrument Variable Approach." Main theme:“Development of Statistical Infrastructure in Ethiopia” Sub theme:“Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System in a Federal and. 2011.
Working Paper
Ezeh, Alex, Gloria Chepngeno, A Kasiira, and Zewdu Woubalem. "The situation of older people in poor urban settings: The case of Nairobi, Kenya." (2006) Aging in sub-Saharan Africa: Recommendations for furthering research.
Journal Article
Alemu, Binyam, Efrem Garedew, Zewdu Eshetu, and Habtemariam Kassa. "Land Use and Land Cover Changes and Associated Driving Forces in North Western Lowlands of Ethiopia." International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science 5, no. 1 (2015): 28-44.
Journal Article
Getie, Assefa, Mussie Hilemelekot, Mengistie Taye, Zewdu Wuletaw, and Assemu Tesfa. "A Survey on Breeding Practice, and Productive Performance of Simada Cattle in Tach Gayint District, Ethiopia." Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine 5, no. 6 (2015): 171-180.
Journal Article
Agza, Bilatu, Binyam Kassa, Solomon Zewdu, Eskinder Aklilu, and Ferede Alemu. "Forage yield and nutritive value of natural pastures at varying levels of maturity in North West Lowlands of Ethiopia." World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1, no. 3 (2013): 106-112.
Journal Article
Zewdu, Endrias, Abebe Agonafir, Tesfaye Sisay Tessema, Getachew Tilahun, Girmay Medhin, Maria Vitale, Vincenzo Di Marco, Eric Cox, Jozef Vercruysse, and Pierre Dorny. "Seroepidemiological study of caprine toxoplasmosis in east and west Shewa zones, Oromia regional state, central Ethiopia." Research in veterinary science 94, no. 1 (2013): 43-48.
Journal Article
Terefe, Yitagele, Feysel Redwan, and Endrias Zewdu. "Bovine cysticercosis and its food safety implications in Harari People's National Regional State, eastern Ethiopia." Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 81, no. 1 (2014): 01-06.
Journal Article
Altaye, Solomon Zewdu, Binyam Kassa, Bilatu Agza, Ferede Alemu, and Gadisa Muleta. "Smallholder cattle production systems in Metekel zone, northwest Ethiopia." Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management 3, no. 2 (2014): 151-157.
Journal Article
Memirie, Solomon Tessema, Zewdu Sisay Metaferia, Ole F Norheim, Carol E Levin, Stéphane Verguet, and Kjell Arne Johansson. "Household expenditures on pneumonia and diarrhoea treatment in Ethiopia: a facility-based study." BMJ global health 2, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Gebremedhin, Endrias Zewdu, Anteneh Hailu Abebe, Tesfaye Sisay Tessema, Kassu Desta Tullu, Girmay Medhin, Maria Vitale, Vincenzo Di Marco, Eric Cox, and Pierre Dorny. "Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection in women of child-bearing age in central Ethiopia." BMC infectious diseases 13, no. 1 (2013).
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