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Showing 331-360 of 1896
Journal Article
Villanueva, Cesar Augusto Solano, Gino Aldo Forero Rozo, Gloria Andrea Cavanzo Nisso, and Jairo Ricardo Pinilla Gonzalez.
Concepcioni: videojuego educativo para la enseñanza del proceso de concepción humana
(2014) Revista Tecnura.
Journal Article
Bryant, Amy G, Gloria Hamela, Ann Gottert, Gretchen S Stuart, and Gift Kamanga.
Reasons for intrauterine device use, discontinuation and non-use in Malawi: a qualitative study of women and their partners
African Journal of Reproductive Health 19, no. 4 (2015): 50-57.
Journal Article
Ryan, Julia, Gloria Hamela, Nelecy Chome, Charity Kabondo, Mina Hosseinipour, and Jennifer Tang.
Experiences and beliefs of Malawian women who have delivered with a traditional birth attendant
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 129, no. 1 (2015): 38-41.
Journal Article
Hamela, Gloria, Charity Kabondo, Tapiwa Tembo, Chifundo Zimba, Esmie Kamanga, Innocent Mofolo, Bertha Bulla, Christopher Sellers, RC Nakanga, and Clara Lee.
Evaluating the benefits of incorporating traditional birth attendants in HIV Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission service delivery in Lilongwe, Malawi
African Journal of Reproductive Health 18, no. 1 (2014): 27-34.
Journal Article
Giraldo Zuluaga, Gloria Amparo.
La familia para los y las jovenes de Caldas, Colombia
Reflexiones 93, no. 1 (2014): 103-111.
Gracia Charry, Gloria Milena.
Género y Salud: Brechas y desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres en los Departamentos de Vaupés y Vichada, Colombia.
Bogotá, Colombia: Organización Panamericana de la Salud., 2013.
Journal Article
Lopez Echeverri, Gloria Helena.
The internationalization of higher education and training of world citizens, glocal citizens
Sophia 10, no. 2 (2014): 64-69.
Journal Article
López Echeverri, Gloria Helena.
La internacionalización de la educación superior y la formación de ciudadanos del Mundo: ciudadanos glocales The internationalization of higher education and training of world citizens, glocal citizens
Sophia 10, no. 2 (2014): 233-238.
Working Paper
Panameño Rivas, Sandra Milena, Rocio Carvajal Barona, and Gloria Ines Montoya Duque.
Diagnostico de la respuesta social a los problemas de salud en el area urbana del municipio de Buenaventura
Journal Article
Gutierrez, Ericson L, Marina Piazza, Alfonso Gutierrez-Aguado, Gisely Hijar, Gloria Carmona, Patricia Caballero, Nora Reyes, Carlos Canelo, Juan Pablo Aparco, and Romina A Tejada.
Uso de la evidencia en politicas y programas de salud aportes del Instituto Nacional de Salud
Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud publica 33, no. 3 (2016): 580-584.
Journal Article
Exavery, Amon, Almamy M Kanté, Elizabeth Jackson, John Noronha, Gloria Sikustahili, Kassimu Tani, Hildegalda P Mushi, Colin Baynes, Kate Ramsey, and Ahmed Hingora.
Role of condom negotiation on condom use among women of reproductive age in three districts in Tanzania
BMC public health 12, no. 1 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Dominguez Navarrete, Oscar A, Rosa Garcia H Rosa, and Gloria G Molina Montano.
Factores socio-culturales en la organización de los jóvenes y su incidencia en la promoción del desarrollo local en la comunidad Calderitas, Cantón San Ildefonso, municipio de San Esteban Catarina, departamento de San Vicente en el periodo comprendido
Grado De Licenciado, Universidad de El Saqlvador, 2016.
Journal Article
Adelekan, Ademola L, M Gabriel, G Alhassan, A Gloria, L Ogundipe, S Williams, and A Patrick.
Achievements and implications of HIV prevention programme among out of school youths: A systematic evaluation of HAF II project in Kogi State, Nigeria
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 6, no. 1 (2017): 53-58.
Journal Article
Anacio, Danesto B, Noba F Hilvano, Isagani C Burias, Christine Pine, Gloria Luz M Nelson, and Rico C Ancog.
Dwelling structures in a flood-prone area in the philippines: Sense of place and its functions for mitigating flood experiences
(2016) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Journal Article
Momoh, Gloria T, Mojisola M Oluwasanu, Olufemi L Oduola, Grace E Delano, and Oladapo A Ladipo.
Outcome of a reproductive health advocacy mentoring intervention for staff of selected non-governmental organisations in Nigeria
BMC Health Services Research 15, no. 1 (2015): 314.
Journal Article
Vance, Gwyneth, Barbara Janowitz, Mario Chen, Brooke Boyer, Prisca Kasonde, Gloria Asare, Beatrice Kafulubiti, and John Stanback.
Integrating family planning messages into immunization services: a cluster-randomized trial in Ghana and Zambia
Health Policy and Planning 29, no. 3 (2013): 359-366.
Journal Article
Fernandes, Meenakshi, Gloria Folson, Elisabetta Aurino, and Aulo Gelli.
A free lunch or a walk back home? The school food environment and dietary behaviours among children and adolescents in Ghana
Food Security 9, no. 5 (2017): 1073-1090.
Working Paper
Leahy-Madsen, Elizabeth, María Rosa Gárate, Maria Griselda Lloveras Castera, Miriam Rojo Silva, and Hannah Fortune-Greeley.
Policy Approaches to Enhancing Contraceptive Security in Decentralized Contexts
(2013) DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Project.
Working Paper
Vergeire, Maria Rosario, and Maria Socorro Santos.
Health Promotion and Non-communicable Diseases in the Philippines
(2012) Current Status and Priority Policy Interventions and Actions.
Journal Article
Málaga, Hernan, María C Latorre, Jaime Cárdenas, Humberto Montiel, Celsa Sampson, Maria C Taborda, Ramón Granados, and Desirée Pastor.
Equidad y Reforma en Salud en Colombia
Revista de Salud Publica 2, no. 3 (2000): 193-219.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, David, Maria Jimena Vargas Mayo, Cesar Augusto Esparragoza Amon, Jaime Hincapie, Duvalier Nino, Deifilia Gutierrez, Maria Teresa Gomez, Antenor Ortiz, Lucy Espitia, and Luis Arismendy.
Informe final proyecto observatorios regionales de empleo convenio ministerio de trabajo y seguridad social universidad nacional de colombia centro de investigaciones para el desarrollo
Journal Article
Mora, Vivian I, Sebastiaón I Moreta, María F Narvaez Benavides, Jorge L Sanchez Riofríó, and María F Alvarez Alcíóvar.
Insumos al Comité de la CEDAW Sobre los Derechos de las Mujeres en el Ecuador
(2015) Comité de la CEDAW.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo, María Ruiz F, and María Álvarez F Cambo.
Promoción de la exportación de madera tabebuia SPP. ecuatoriana a China, como una opción para internacionalizar negocios de los PYME, período 2013
Título de Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil, 2012.
Working Paper
Quispal, Mario A, María A Cordón, María R González, Jeanne Rikkers, and Alejandro Aplícano.
Historias y relato de vida de Pandilleros y expandilleros de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras: Inicio de diálogo desde su realidad y percepciones
López, José Padilla T, Maria Avelar E Alvarez, and Maria del Consuela D Gonzales.
La seguridad ciudadana y sus diversas visiones
Jalisco, México: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2016.
Journal Article
Magnani, Robert J, Lynne Gaffikin , Estela Maria Leao de Aquino, Eric E Seiber, Maria de Conceicao Chagas Almeida, and Varja Lipovsek.
Impact of an integrated adolescent reproductive health program in Brazil
Studies in Family Planning 32, no. 3 (2001): 230-243.
Journal Article
Duarte Osis, Maria José, Anibal Faúndes, Maria Helena de Sousa, Graciana Alves Duarte, and Patricia Bailey.
Fertility and reproductive history of sterilized and non-sterilized women in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 19, no. 5 (2003).
Conference Paper
Cheung, Maria, and Maria Perrotta.
The Impact of a Food For Education Program on Schooling in Cambodia
Seminar Paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University.
Journal Article
Perez-Then, Eddy, Ricardo Peña, Maria Tavarez-Rojas, Cleotilde Peña, Salvador Quiñonez, Marta Buttler, Arthur Ammann, William Hernandez, Miguel Goyanes, Maria Jose Miguez, and Gail Shor-Posner.
Preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission in a developing country: the Dominican Republic experience
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 34, no. 5 (2003): 506.
Journal Article
Rojas, Carlos, Maria del Pilar Calderón, Maria del Carmen Taipe, Ivonne Bernui, Marlit Ysla, and Vanessa Riega.
Consumo de energía y nutrientes, características socioeconómicas, pobreza y área de residencia de niños peruanos de 12 a 35 meses de edad
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica 21, no. 2 (2004): 98-106.
Showing 331-360 of 1896