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Showing 2851-2880 of 3032
Working Paper
Mahoo, Henry, Winfred Mbungu, Isack Yonah, Maren Radeny, Philip Kimeli, and James Kinyangi.
Integrating indigenous knowledge with scientific seasonal forecasts for climate risk management in Lushoto district in Tanzania
Journal Article
Theodory, Theobald Frank, and Mrisho Malipula.
Climate Change and Socio-Economic Vulnerability among Maasai Pastoral Communities in Northern Tanzania
(2014) Journal of Policy and Leadership.
Journal Article
Adams, Melissa K, Elizabeth Salazar, and Rebecka Lundgren.
Tell them you are planning for the future: gender norms and family planning among adolescents in northern Uganda
(2013) International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.
Journal Article
Curley, Jami, Fred M Ssewamala, Proscovia Nabunya, Vilma Ilic, and Han Chang Keun.
Child development accounts (CDAs): An asset-building strategy to empower girls in Uganda
International social work 59, no. 1 (2016): 18-31.
Working Paper
Waeyenberge, Elisa, and Hannah Bargawi.
Employment Sector Employment Working Paper No. 91
(2011) International Labour Organization.
Journal Article
Victor, Rose, Surinder K Baines, Kingsley E Agho, and Michael J Dibley.
Determinants of breastfeeding indicators among children less than 24 months of age in Tanzania: a secondary analysis of the 2010 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey
BMJ Open 3, no. 1 (2013): e001529.
Journal Article
Nsimba, Stephen ED, Edmund J Kayombo, Amos Y Massele, Yovin Laurent, and Mwakyusa Lusajo.
Characteristics of drug abusers in an urban community of Tanzania
American Journal of Research Communication 1, no. 7 (2013): 87-99.
Journal Article
Miettinen, Kari, Maria Lahteenmaki, and Alfred Colpaert.
Exile and Repatriation: Experiences from the Zambezi Region, Namibia
(2017) Journal of Borderlands Studies.
Journal Article
Malinga, Joseph, and Phiona Nampungu.
The impact of the World Bank funded National Agricultural Advisory Services on the livelihoods of Ugandan peasant farmers including farmers with disabilities
Thesis or Dissertation
Nepolo, Ester Ndahekelekwa.
Effects of treatment compliance on treatment outcomes for pulmonary tuberculosis patients on Directly Observed Treatment-short Course in Windhoek District, Namibia
Master in Public Health, University of the Western Cape, 2016.
Journal Article
Embashu, Werner, Ahmad Cheikhyoussef, Gladys K Kahaka, and Selma M Lendelvo.
Processing methods of Oshikundu, a traditional beverage from sub-tribes within Aawambo culture in the Northern Namibia
(2013) Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Working Paper
Helminen, Marja-Liisa.
Population projection for Namibia 2011-2020-With an estimation of the impact of HIV/AIDS
Journal Article
Greiner, Clemens.
Patterns of translocality: Migration, livelihoods and identities in Northwest Namibia
Sociologus 60, no. 2 (2010): 131-161.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shikongo, Regina Mpingana.
Perceived impact of mass media campaigns on HIV/AIDS prevention among the youth in Oshana region, northern namibia
doctor of Philosophy, University of Namibia, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kiremire K, Merab.
Study of sex trafficking in Namibia
Master of Arts, University of Namibia, 2010.
Book Section
Coomer, Rachel, and Dianne Hubbard.
Children’s rights in Namibia
(2009) A major decision: Considering the age of majority in Namibia .
Ambunda, Lotta N, and Willard T Mugadza.
The protection of children’s rights in Namibia: Law and policy
: na, 2009.
Working Paper
Murangi, Heroldt V, and Jan J Nitschke.
The role of open schooling in improving the quality of life of young Namibians
Journal Article
Kuhanen, Jan, Riikka Shemeikka, Veijo Notkola, and Margareth Nghixulifwa.
Junior-headed households as a possible strategy for coping with the growing orphan crisis in northern Namibia
African Journal of AIDS Research 7, no. 1 (2008): 123-132.
Journal Article
Penn, Helen.
Working on the impossible: Early childhood policies in Namibia
Childhood 15, no. 3 (2008): 379-395.
Book Section
Boakye, JKA, Stella Etse, Madeez Adamu-Issah, Medha Devi Moti, Juditha Leketo Matjila, and Shamani-Jeffrey Shikwambi.
Africa’s Future, Africa’s Challenge
(2008) ECD policy: A comparative analysis in Ghana, Mauritius, and Namibia.
Thesis or Dissertation
Korpela, Kia.
Wishing for better jobs: Understanding the mismatch between education and youth employment in Ethiopia
Master thesis, Lund University, 2017.
Journal Article
Mwangi, M, C Mbeki, and J Clewett.
A peer education programme for San adolescents in Namibia.
Exchange on HIV/AIDS Sexuality and Gender , no. 2 (2007).
Journal Article
Giday, Mirutse, Zemede Asfaw, Zerihun Woldu, and Tilahun Teklehaymanot.
Medicinal plant knowledge of the Bench ethnic group of Ethiopia: an ethnobotanical investigation
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 5, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Thomas, Felicity.
Global rights, local realities: negotiating gender equality and sexual rights in the Caprivi Region, Namibia
Culture, Health & Sexuality 9, no. 6 (2007): 599-614.
Journal Article
Fekadu, Zelalem.
Casual sex-debuts among female adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (EJHD) 15, no. 2 (2017): 109-116.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaapanda N, Rauna.
The Role of the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture in reducing youth unemployment in Namibia with special focus on the Urban Khomas Region
Master of Public Policy and Administration, University of Namibia, 2007.
Journal Article
Erulkar, Annabel.
Early marriage, marital relations and intimate partner violence in Ethiopia
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 39, no. 1 (2013): 6-13.
Journal Article
Birhan, Wubet, Mirutse Giday, and Tilahun Teklehaymanot.
The contribution of traditional healers' clinics to public health care system in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 7, no. 1 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Naanda, Aune Nangula.
The development of an inclusive approach in early childhood education in Namibia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
Showing 2851-2880 of 3032