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Showing 241-270 of 627
Journal Article
Miyakawa, Masami, Hiroshi Yoshino, Lay Myint Yoshida, Emilia Vynnycky, Hideki Motomura, Vu Dinh Thiem, Koya Ariyoshi, Dang Duc Anh, and Hiroyuki Moriuchi.
Seroprevalence of rubella in the cord blood of pregnant women and congenital rubella incidence in Nha Trang, Vietnam
Vaccine 32, no. 10 (2014): 1192-1198.
Conference Paper
An, Tran Dang, Maki Tsujimura, Truong Thu Hang, Trieu Anh Ngoc, and Vo Le Phu.
Water Quality Assessment in Coastal Areas of the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam
19th IAHR-APD Congress 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam .
Journal Article
Ngo, Anh D, Claire Brolan, Lisa Fitzgerald, Van Pham, and Ha Phan.
Voices from Vietnam: Experiences of children and youth with disabilities, and their families, from an Agent Orange affected rural region
Disability & Society 28, no. 7 (2013): 955-969.
Thesis or Dissertation
Le, Thi Anh Hong.
The Yes assay as a tool to analyse endocrine disruptors in different matrices in Vietnam
Doctor of Science, Universitats-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2012.
Working Paper
Tran, Tuan Anh, Phong Tran, Tran Huu Tuan, and Kate Hawley.
Review of Housing Vulnerability
(2012) Institute for Social and Environmental Transition-International.
Journal Article
Ghys, Peter D, Tobib Saidel, Hoang Tranc Vu, Irinaa Savtchenko, Isidorad Erasilova, Yolisa Mashologu, Rosaliaf Indongo, Nelisiweg Sikhosana, and Neffa Walker.
Growing in silence: selected regions and countries with expanding HIV/AIDS epidemics
(2003) AIDS.
Journal Article
Son, Dang Kim, Vu Trong Binh, and Hoang Vu Quang.
The global financial crisis and agricultural development: Viet Nam
(2010) Poverty and Sustainable Development in Asia.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hoang, Xuan Trung.
Dynamics of poverty in Vietnam 2002-2008
PhD thesis, Deakin University, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dao B, Hoang.
Smoking Behaviors of Adolescents and Youth in Chilinh, Haiduong-A Province in the North of Vietnam. Risk and Protective Factors
Master Thesis, Vrije Univrsiteit Amsterdam/ Free University of Amsterdam (VU), 2010.
Working Paper
FitzGerald, John, Pho Chi, Do Lam, Hoang Ha, Luong Huong, and Tran Dung.
Modelling the Vietnamese Economy
Journal Article
Guilmoto, Christophe Z, Xuyen Hoàng, and Toan Ngo Van.
Recent increase in sex ratio at birth in Viet Nam
PLoS One 4, no. 2 (2009).
Working Paper
Lieberman, Samuel S, Joseph J Capuno, and Hoang Van Minh.
Health decentralization in East Asia: some lessons from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam
(2004) Discussion Paper No. 0408 University of the Philippines, School of economics.
Conference Paper
Van Long, Hoang, and Mitsuyasu Yabe.
Unequal Regional Development In Rural Vietnam: Spatial Disparities And Policy Considerations
2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (2nd ICBER 2011), Langkawi.
Working Paper
Trung, Hoang Xuan, Mehmet Ali Ulubasoglu, and Cong S Pham.
Nonfarm Activity And Poverty Reduction In Rural Vietnam: 2002-2008
(2011) DEPOCEN.
Journal Article
Van Long, Hoang, and Mitsuyasu Yabe.
Unequal Regional Development in Rural Vietnam: Sources of Spatial Disparities and Policy Considerations
Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies 5, no. 6 (2013): 325-335.
Journal Article
Giesecke, James A, Nhi Hoang Tran, Erwin L Corong, and Steven Jaffee.
Rice Land Designation Policy in Vietnam and the Implications of Policy Reform for Food Security and Economic Welfare
The Journal of Development Studies 49, no. 9 (2013): 1202-1218.
Journal Article
Coxhead, Ian, Vu Hoang Linh, and Le Dong Tam.
Global market shocks and poverty in Vietnam: the case of rice
Agricultural Economics 43, no. 5 (2012): 575-592.
Working Paper
Arndt, A Garcia, Hoang Ha Pham, S McCoy, F Tarp, and J Thurlow.
A 2007 social accounting matrix (SAM) for Vietnam
(2010) CIEM: Hanoi.
Journal Article
Van Minh, Hoang, Dao Lan Huong, Kim Bao Giang, and Peter Byass.
Economic aspects of chronic diseases in Vietnam
(2009) Global health action.
Journal Article
Long, Giang T, and Hoang C Thon.
Cash Transfers For The Most Vulnerable and Poor Elderly People in Vietnam: An Ex-Ante Impact Evaluation
Journal of Economics and Development 15, no. 3 (2014): 22.
Working Paper
Magnani, Elisabetta, and Van P Hoang.
Remittances and Household Business Start-Ups in Vietnam: Evidence from Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys
The University of New South Wales.
Journal Article
Ha, Ninh Thi, Hoa Thi Duy, Ninh Hoang Le, Vishnu Khanal, and Rachael Moorin.
Quality of life among people living with hypertension in a rural Vietnam community
BMC Public Health 14, no. 1 (2014): 833.
Journal Article
Van Hoang, Long, and Mitsuyasu Yabe.
The Change of Income Inequality Dimensions in Rural Vietnam: A Perspective From Agriculture Production
China-USA Business Review 10, no. 12 (2011): 129-142.
Castel, Paulette, Tran Mai Oanh, Tran Ngo Thi Minh Tam, and Vu Hoang Dat.
Health Insurance in Viet Nam towards universal coverage: The case of the workers of the informal sector
Conference Paper
Quoc, Hoang Dinh, Thomas Dufhues, and Gertrud Buchenrieder.
Facilitating access to rural services in Vietnam: The invisible social capital link
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 18-24 August, 2012.
Working Paper
Roubaud, François, Thai Pham Minh, Laure Pasquier-Doumer, Xavier Oudin, and D?t Vu Hoang.
Adjustment of the Vietnamese Labour Market in Time of Economic fluctuations and Structural Changes
(2014) Document de travail UMR DIAL.
Journal Article
Linh, Vu Hoang.
An overview of access to and inequality in the education system of Viet Nam
Asia-Pacific Development Journal 19, no. 1 (2012): 37.
Journal Article
Dufhues, Thomas, Gertrud Buchenrieder, and Hoang Dinh Quoc.
Social capital and loan repayment performance in Northern Vietnam
Agricultural Economics 43, no. 3 (2012): 277-292.
Journal Article
Hoang, Trung X, Cong S Pham, and Mehmet A Ulubasoglub.
Non-Farm Activity, Household Expenditure, and Poverty Reduction in Rural Vietnam: 2002-2008
(2014) World Development.
Thesis or Dissertation
Huy, Hoang Trieu.
Low farm incomes and the rental market for cropland in Vietnam
Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University, 2013.
Showing 241-270 of 627