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Showing 4801-4830 of 5396
Journal Article
Doke, Dzigbodi Adzo, and Julia M Gohlke.
Estimation of human health risk from exposure to methylmercury via fish consumption in Ghana
Journal of Health Pollution 4, no. 6 (2014): 18-25.
Thesis or Dissertation
Donkor, Marian Yaa Aboagyewa.
Age at First Sexual Intercourse and Parity among Women in Urban Poor Communities Accra Ghana.
Master of Arts, University of Ghana, 2014.
Working Paper
Floreani, Vincent A, Gladys López-Acevedo, and Martín Rama.
Conflict and Poverty in Afghanistan's Transition
Policy Research WP , no. 7864 (2016).
Journal Article
Martinovic, Milica, Goran Belojevic, Gary W Evans, Dragan Lausevic, Bogdan Asanin, Mira Samardzic, Natasa Terzic, Snezana Pantovic, Marina Jaksic, and Jelena Boljevic.
Prevalence of and contributing factors for overweight and obesity among Montenegrin schoolchildren
The European Journal of Public Health 25, no. 5 (2015): 833-839.
Journal Article
Lekweiry, Khadijetou Mint, Mohamed Salem Ould Ahmedou Salem, Leonardo K Basco, Sebastien Briolant, Jamaleddine Hafid, and Ali Ould Mohamed Salem Boukhary.
Malaria in Mauritania: retrospective and prospective overview
Malaria Journal 14, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Muriuki, John Muthii, Philip Kitala, Gerald Muchemi, Ian Njeru, Joan Karanja, and Bernard Bett.
A comparison of malaria prevalence, control and management strategies in irrigated and non-irrigated areas in eastern Kenya
Malaria journal 15, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Josh, R, B Karibushi, D Mupfasoni, E Ruberanziza, V Mugisha, NA Umubyeyi, and E Semanyenzi.
Trachoma rapid assessment in Rwanda
East African Journal of Ophthalmology 15, no. 1 (2013): 11-17.
Journal Article
Spoorenberg, Thomas.
The impact of the political and economic transition on fertility and family formation in Mongolia: A synthetic parity progression ratios analysis
Asian Population Studies 5, no. 2 (2009): 127-151.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Ahmed A, Abdullahi A Mohamed, Ibrahim A Guled, Hayfa M Elamin, and Alaa H Abou-Zeid.
Knowledge translation in Africa for 21st century integrative biology: The “know-do gap” in family planning with contraceptive use among Somali women
Omics: a journal of integrative biology 18, no. 11 (2014): 696-704.
Working Paper
Archibald, Margaret.
Theory Versus Reality: Contract Farming Within Uganda
Journal Article
Gueye, Babacar, Jennifer Wesson, Djimadoum Koumtingue, Sara Stratton, Claire Viadro, Hawa Talla, Etienne Dioh, Carol Cisse, Boniface Sebikali, and Bocar Mamadou Daff.
Mentoring, Task Sharing, and Community Outreach Through the TutoratPlus Approach: Increasing Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives in Senegal
Global Health: Science and Practice 4, no. Supplement 2 (2016): S33-S43.
Journal Article
Kubuga, Clement, Kyungwon Lee, Sujin Song, and Won O Song.
The association between dietary diversity score and iron deficiency anemia among reproductive-aged women in Ghana
The FASEB Journal 30, no. 1 Supplement (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Anchang, Julius Yuh.
Locally Optimized Mapping of Slum Conditions in a Sub-Saharan Context: A Case Study of Bamenda, Cameroon
Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Florida, 2016.
Journal Article
Boamah, Sheila A, Jonathan Amoyaw, and Isaac Luginaah.
Explaining the gap in antenatal care service utilization between younger and older mothers in Ghana
Journal of Biosocial Science 48, no. 3 (2016): 342-357.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kwakye, Evelyn.
Essays on Household Health Expenditures, National Health Insurance and Universal Access to Health Care in Ghana
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2016.
Journal Article
Tariq, Maham, Asma Idress, Muzammil Abid, and Tanzila Samin.
Rationale effects of poverty in Pakistan
IMPACT IJRBM 2, no. 6 (2014).
Journal Article
Khawaja, Marwan, Shireen Assaf, and Yara Jarallah.
The transition to lower fertility in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: evidence from recent surveys
Journal of Population Research 26, no. 2 (2009): 153-174.
Conference Paper
Dashtseren, Ariunaa.
Determinants of infant and child mortality in Mongolia
IUSSP Regional Conference, Bangkong, Thailand.
Bangkong, Thailand, June 9-13 , 2002.
Kigali, Rwanda.
Rwanda environment management authority (Rema)
Journal Article
Badimsuguru, Adam Bukari, Kofi Mensah Nyarko, Edwin Andrew Afari, Samuel Oko Sackey, and Chrysantus Kubio.
Determinants of stillbirths in Northern Ghana: a case control study
The Pan African Medical Journal 25, no. Suppl 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Galaa, Sylvester Z, Umar Haruna, and Gordon Dandeebo.
Trends and Causes of Maternal Mortality at the Wa Regional Hospital, Ghana: 2005-2010
Ghana Journal of Development Studies 13, no. 1 (2016): 80-96.
Journal Article
Owusu, Justina S, Esi K Colecraft, Richmond NO Aryeetey, Joan A Vaccaro, and Fatma G Huffman.
Comparison of Two School Feeding Programmes in Ghana, West Africa
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 5, no. 2 (2016): 56-62.
Browne L, Joyce.
Improving maternal health in urban low resource settings
Journal Article
Kafle, Raju, Binod Kumar Gupta, and Nikhil Agrawal.
How well do mothers understand why their newborn is hospitalized?
Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences 3, no. 2 (2015): 10-15.
Journal Article
Ercumen, Ayse, Amy J Pickering, Laura H Kwong, Benjamin Arnold, Sarker M Parvez, Mahfuja Alam, Debashis Sen, Sharmin Islam, Craig Kullmann, Claire Chase, Rokeya Ahme, Leanne Unicomb, Stephen P Luby, and John M Colford.
Animal Feces Contribute to Domestic Fecal Contamination: Evidence from E. coli Measured in Water, Hands, Food, Flies, and Soil in Bangladesh
Environmental Science & Technology 51, no. 15 (2017): 8725-8734.
Journal Article
Samari, Goleen.
Women’s Agency and Fertility: Recent Evidence from Egypt
Population Research and Policy Review 36, no. 4 (2017): 561-582.
Journal Article
Tsega, Asnakew, Hannah Hausi, Geofrey Chriwa, Robert Steinglass, Dasha Smith, and Musa Valle.
Vaccination coverage and timely vaccination with valid doses in Malawi
(2016) Vaccine Reports.
Journal Article
Creanga, Andreea A, Sara Gullo, Anne Sebert K Kuhlmann, Thumbiko W Msiska, and Christine Galavotti.
Is quality of care a key predictor of perinatal health care utilization and patient satisfaction in Malawi?
(2017) BMC pregnancy and childbirth.
Journal Article
Newman, Carol, John Rand, Finn Tarp, and Nguyen Thi Tue Anh.
Exporting and productivity: Learning from Vietnam
Journal of African Economies 26, no. 1 (2017): 67-92.
Working Paper
Essays on Multifaceted Analysis of International Trade Patterns
Showing 4801-4830 of 5396