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Showing 31-60 of 151
Book Section
Leibbrandt, Murray, Laura Poswell, Pranushka Naidoo, Matthew Welch, and Ingrid Woolard.
Measuring recent changes in South African inequality and poverty using 1996 and 2001 census data
(2006) Poverty and policy in post-apartheid South Africa.
Journal Article
Schneider, Ingrid.
Êxodo, Envelhecimento Populacional e Estratégias de Sucessão na Exploração Agrícola
Indicadores Economicos FEE 21, no. 4 (1994): 259-268.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nilsson, Amanda, and Ingrid Johansson.
Laying Foundation for Energy Policy Making in Uganda by Indicating the Energy Flow
Bachelor Thesis, KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2015.
Mlatsheni, Cecil, Ingrid Woolard, Michelle Chinhema, Timothy Brophy, Michael Brown, and Murray Leibbrandt.
National Income Dynamics Study Panel User Manual
Journal Article
Gomez-Sanchez, Pio Ivan, and Ingrid Arevalo-Rodriguez.
Conocimientos, actitudes y practicas sobre salud sexual y reproductiva en estudiantes de pregrado de una Universidad de Colombia
Rev. centroam. obstet. ginecol 20, no. 3 (2015): 63-69.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pinzón Buitrago, Diego A, and Ingrid J Rambal Sanchez.
Análisis De La Estructura Industrial Del Sector Edición E Impresión En La Ciudad De Bogotá 2000 - 2012, Basado En Indicadores De Concentración Industrial Y De Competitividad
Título de Ingeniero Industrial, Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Peña Contreras, Ingrid J, and Laura A Moreno Guzmán.
Homoparentalidad un tema ineludible
Licencia, Universidad Catolica de Colombia, 2017.
Acuña, Carlos Zelada J, Cynthia S Ticllacuri, Ingrid D Castillo, Paula S Bavio, Beatriz R Huaroto, and Julissa M Falcón.
Los derechos de las mujeres en la mira. Perú
Working Paper
Eyal, Katherine, and Ingrid Woolard.
School Enrolment and the Child Support Grant: Evidence from South Africa
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 125 (2013).
Working Paper
Woolard, Ingrid, Thabani Buthelezi, and Jonathan Bertsher.
Child grants: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 and 2 Datasets
Saldru Working Paper , no. 84 (2012).
Journal Article
Amouzou, Agbessi, Stephanie A Richard, Ingrid K Friberg, Jennifer Bryce, Abdullah Baqui, Shams El Arifeen, and Neff Walker.
How well does LiST capture mortality by wealth quintile? A comparison of measured versus modelled mortality rates among children under-five in Bangladesh
International journal of epidemiology 39, no. suppl 1 (2010): i186.
Journal Article
Klasen, Stephan, and Ingrid Woolard.
Levels, trends and consistency of employment and unemployment figures in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 16, no. 1 (1999): 3-35.
Samson, Michael, Oliver Babson, Claudia Haarman, Dirk Haarman, Gilbert Khathi, Kenneth Mac Quene, and Ingrid van Niekerk.
Research review on social security reform and the basic income grant for South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: Economic Policy Research Institute, 2002.
Working Paper
Leibbrandt, Murray, Haroon Bhorat, and Ingrid R Woolard.
Understanding contemporary household inequality in South Africa
DPRU Working Papers , no. 99/25 (1999).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Haroon Bhorat, and Ingrid Woolard.
Household inequality and the labor market in South Africa
Contemporary Economic Policy 19, no. 1 (2001): 73-86.
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, and Ingrid Woolard.
The labour market and household income inequality in South Africa: Existing evidence and new panel data
Journal of International Development 13, no. 6 (2001): 671-689.
Conference Paper
Woolard, Ingrid, and Stephen Klasen.
Income mobility and household dynamics in South Africa
Conference Paper-CPRC Conference on'Staying Poor: Chronic Poverty and Development Policy', Manchester: IDPM, University of Manchester.
January, 2003.
Working Paper
Aguero, Jorge M, Michael R Carter, and Ingrid Woolard.
The impact of unconditional cash transfers on nutrition: The South African child support grant
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 06/08 (2006).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Arden Finn, and Ingrid Woolard.
Describing and decomposing post-apartheid income inequality in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 29, no. 1 (2012): 19-34.
Working Paper
Janssens, Wendy, Ingrid de Beer, Hannah M Coutinho, Gert van Rooy, Jacques van der Gaag, and Tobias F. Rinke de Wit.
A cautious note on household survey HIV prevalence estimates in resource-poor settings
(2010) AIID Research Series.
Journal Article
Ali, Tazeen, Narjis Asad, Ingrid Mogren, and Gunilla Krantz.
Intimate partner violence in urban Pakistan: prevalence, frequency, and risk factors
(2011) International journal of women's health.
Journal Article
Larsen, David A, Ingrid K Friberg, and Thomas P Eisele.
Comparison of Lives Saved Tool model child mortality estimates against measured data from vector control studies in sub-Saharan Africa
BMC public health 11, no. Suppl 3 (2011): S34.
Bhorat, Haroon, Murray Leibbrandt, Muzi Maziya, Servaas van der Berg , and Ingrid Woolard.
Fighting poverty: labour markets and inequality in South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: Juta Academic, 2001.
Working Paper
Thompson, Keith, and Ingrid Woolard.
Achieving employment equity in the public service: A study of changes between 1995 and 2001
Working Paper
Woolard, Ingrid.
A comparison of wage levels and wage inequality in the public and private sectors, 1995 and 2000
DPRU Working Paper , no. 02/62 (2002).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, and Ingrid Woolard.
A comparison of poverty in South Africa's nine provinces
Development Southern Africa 16, no. 1 (1999): 37-54.
Journal Article
Burger, Rulof, and Ingrid Woolard.
The state of the labour market in South Africa after the first decade of democracy
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 57, no. 4 (2005): 453-476.
Journal Article
Klasen, Stephan, and Ingrid Woolard.
Surviving unemployment without state support: Unemployment and household formation in South Africa
Journal of African Economies 18, no. 1 (2009).
Working Paper
Leibbrandt, Murray, and Ingrid Woolard.
Household incomes, poverty and inequality in a multivariate framework
DPRU Working Paper , no. 31 (1999).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Pranushka Naidoo, Laura Poswell, Matthew Welch, and Ingrid Woolard.
South African poverty and inequality: Measuring the changes
(2004) Economic Transformation Audit .
Showing 31-60 of 151