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Journal Article
Chenini, Moussa, Samir Bettahar, and Mohamed Benbouziane. "Household’s poverty and child labor in Algeria. Empirical study in the region of Tlemcen." Les cahiers du MECAS , no. 12 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Moussa, Tsahirou. "Pertinence Des Programmes D’alphabétisation Des Femmes En Milieu Urbain : Cas Du Centre D’alphabétisation Tchimitaou De Sos Village D’enfants De Tahoua." Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées, Institut de Santé Publique (ISP), 2015.
Conference Paper
Blimpo, Moussa P, Pedro Carneiro, Pamela Jervis Ortiz, and Todd Pugatch. "Scaling up Children’ School Readiness in The Gambia: Lessons from an Experimental Study." RISE Annual Conference, Washington, DC. 2017.
Journal Article
Mbengue, Mouhamed Abdou Salam, Aminata Mboup, Indou Deme Ly, Adama Faye, Fatou Bintou Niang Camara, Moussa Thiam, Birahim Pierre Ndiaye, Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye, and Souleymane Mboup. "Vaccination coverage and immunization timeliness among children aged 12-23 months in Senegal: a Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis approach." Pan African Medical Journal 27, no. Suppl 3 (2017).
Journal Article
Zobrist, Stephanie, Nikhila Kalra, Gretel Pelto, Brittney Wittenbrink, Peiman Milani, Abdoulaye Moussa Diallo, Tidiane Ndoye, Issa Wone, and Megan Parker. "Results of Applying Cultural Domain Analysis Techniques and Implications for the Design of Complementary Feeding Interventions in Northern Senegal." (2017) Food and Nutrition Bulletin.
Journal Article
Mbengue, Mouhamed Abdou Salam, Moussa Sarr, Adama Faye, Ousseynou Badiane, Fatou Bintou Niang Camara, Souleymane Mboup, and Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye. "Determinants of complete immunization among senegalese children aged 12-23 months: evidence from the demographic and health survey." BMC public health 17, no. 1 (2017).
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