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Showing 181-210 of 4442
Working Paper
Basu, Deepankar, and Debarshi Das.
Profitability and Investment: Evidence from India’s Organized Manufacturing Sector
Journal Article
Lindblade, Kim A, Thomas P Eisele, John E Gimnig, Jane A Alaii, Frank Odhiambo, Feiko O Kuile, William A Hawley, Kathleen A Wannemuehler, Penelope A Phillips-Howard, Daniel H Rosen, and others.
Sustainability of reductions in malaria transmission and infant mortality in western Kenya with use of insecticide-treated bednets: 4 to 6 years of follow-up
Jama 291, no. 21 (2004): 2571-2580.
Journal Article
Zhou, Dong.
The Long Term Impacts of the Cultural Revolution on Economic Performance of Urban Residents in China
Journal Article
Masango-Makgobela, Agnes T, Indiran Govender, and John V Ndimande.
Reasons patients leave their nearest healthcare service to attend Karen Park Clinic, Pretoria North
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 5, no. 1 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Holzner, Mario.
Fear of Croatian Disease
PhD Thesis, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, 2005.
Shiffman, Jeremy, Cynthia Stanton, and Ana Patricia Salazar.
Population, Poverty, and Vulnerability: Mitigating the Effects of Natural Disasters
Conference Paper
Mabiso, Arthur, Jean-Francois Maystadt, Joachim Vandercasteelen, and Kalle Hirvonen.
Transitioning from humanitarian assistance to development in protracted refugee situations
Refugees, food security, and resilience in host communities.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zeller, Manfred.
The Politics, Landowners’ Resistance and Peasants’ Struggle for Genuine Land Reform in the Philippines
Master, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 2006.
Journal Article
Bekele, Eshetu, and Peter Jacobs.
Women Entrepreneurship in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: The Case of Ethiopia
Journal of International Women's Studies 10, no. 2 (2008).
Journal Article
Afzal, Muhammad, Muhammad S Farooq, Hafiz K Ahmad, Ishrat Begum, and Abdul M Quddus.
Relationship between School Education and Economic Growth in Pakistan: ARDL Bounds Testing Approach to Cointegration
Pakistan Economic and Social Review 48, no. 1 (2010): 39-60.
Working Paper
Hamid, Shahnaz.
Rural to Urban Migration in Pakistan: The Gender Perspective
PIDE WP , no. 56 (2010).
Journal Article
Chen, Jie, Feng Guo, and Weitao Zhang.
How Important Are Wealth Effects on China's Consumer Spending?
Chinese Economy 43, no. 2 (2010): 5-22.
Journal Article
Patel, Sonal, and Ros Dowse.
Understanding the medicines information-seeking behaviour and information needs of South African long-term patients with limited literacy skills
Health Expectations 18, no. 5 (2015): 1494-1507.
Journal Article
Myroniuk, Tyler W, and Jo Vearey.
Social Capital and Livelihoods in Johannesburg: Differential Advantages and Unexpected Outcomes among Foreign-Born Migrants, Internal Migrants, and Long-Term South African Residents
International Migration Review 48, no. 1 (2014): 243-273.
Conference Paper
Scheiner, Charles.
How long will the Petroleum Fund carry Timor-Leste?
Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference, Dili.
Journal Article
Odhiambo, Ojijo.
Effects of zero rating value added tax on government revenue in Namibia
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 6, no. 4 (2015): 343-355.
Journal Article
Desrochers, Rachelle E, Kendra Siekmans, Peter R Berti, Karen Bramhill, Sarah AW Buchan, Guy K Battah, Dodji Gbetoglo, Kokou Vignikin, and Alice Sabino.
Effectiveness of Post-campaign, Door-to-door, Hang-up, and Communication Interventions to Increase Long-lasting, Insecticidal Bed Net Utilization in Togo (2011-2012): A Cluster Randomized, Control Trial
(2014) Malaria Journal.
Journal Article
Hallett, TB, S Gregson, S Dube, ES Mapfeka, O Mugurungi, and GP Garnett.
Estimating the resources required in the roll-out of universal access to antiretroviral treatment in Zimbabwe
(2011) Sexually transmitted infections.
Working Paper
Shrestha, Rashesh.
Labor market changes and human capital investment: Evidence from migration boom in Nepal
Connable, Ben.
From Negative to Positive Stability
: Rand Corporation, 2015.
Journal Article
Askari, Mohamadamin, and Enayatollah Najibzadeh.
Investigate the Relationship between Business Tourism Development on the Economy of Yasouj
International Journal of Review in Life Sciences 5, no. 3 (2015): 1130-1136.
Thesis or Dissertation
Baidoo, Emmanuel.
An assessment of the benefits of offshore services to South Africa's economic growth
Master of Economics, University of the Western Cape, 2014.
Working Paper
Bell, Clive, Ramona Bruhns, and Hans Gersbach.
Economic growth, education, and AIDS in Kenya: a long-run analysis
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 4025 (2006).
Journal Article
Hutchinsonv, Maud Victoria, and Marie Beer.
An Exploration of Factors that Limit the Long-Term Survival and Development of Micro and Survivalist Enterprises: Empirical Evidence from the Informal Economy in South Africa
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 4, no. 13 (2013): 237.
Journal Article
Ciccone, Antonio, and Giovanni Peri.
Long-run substitutability between more and less educated workers: evidence from US states, 1950-1990
Review of Economics and Statistics 87, no. 4 (2005): 652-663.
Working Paper
Malamud, Ofer, and Abigail K Wozniak.
The impact of college education on geographic mobility: Identifying education using multiple components of vietnam draft risk
Journal Article
Jidauna, GG, DD Dabi, and RZ Dia.
The effect of climate change on agricultural activities in selected settlements in the Sudano-Sahelian Region of Nigeria
Archives of Applied Science Research 3, no. 6 (2011): 154-165.
Journal Article
Brownson, Sunday, Ini-mfon Vincent, Glory Emmanuel, and Daniel Etim.
Agricultural productivity and macro-economic variable fluctuation in Nigeria
International Journal of Economics and Finance 4, no. 8 (2012): 114-125.
Working Paper
McNamara, Karen Elizabeth, and Birtha Lisimoni-Togahai.
‘Our kids don’t want to eat taro anymore’: Exploring cultural shift challenges for Niue in a climate changed and globalised world
Journal Article
Otsemobor, Olapeju, Oluremi O Ajayi, Bamgboye M Afolabi, Jerry A Ajayi, Longtong G Turshak, Bayo S Fatunmbi, and Saminu Sani.
Determinants of long lasting insecticidal nets distribution, ownership and use in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria implications for malaria programmes
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 5, no. 11 (2013): 445-458.
Showing 181-210 of 4442