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Showing 31-60 of 290
Journal Article
Huda, Tanvir, Jahangir M. A Khan, Karar Z Ahsan, Kanta Jamil, and Shams El Arifeen.
Full Case Study: Monitoring and Evaluating Progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh
Plos Medicine.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hayashi, Clara T, and Jamil Frare M Assis.
Fatores Críticos de Sucesso do Gerenciamento de Projetos em Empreendimentos de Linhas de Transmissão
Titulo de Bacharel, Universidade Tecnologia Federal do Parana, 2013.
Conference Paper
Mazumder, Prasenjit, Md Haibul Jamil, CK Das, and Md Abdul Matin.
Hybrid energy optimization: An ultimate solution to the power crisis of St. Martin Island, Bangladesh
Strategic Technology (IFOST), 9th International Forum .
October 21-23, 2014.
Working Paper
Khalifa, Najat, Tim Hardie, Shahid Latif, Imran Jamil, and Dawn-Marie Walker.
Beliefs about Jinn, black magic and the evil eye among Muslims: age, gender and first language influences
International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 4, no. 1 (2011): 68-77.
Journal Article
Shirazi, Safdar Ali, and Syed Jamil H Kazmi.
Analysis of Population Growth and Urban Development in Lahore-Pakistan using Geospatial Techniques: Suggesting some future Options
South Asian Studies 29, no. 1 (2014): 269-280.
Paudel, Suman Babu, Bishnu Raj Upreti, Gopikesh Acharya, Annal Tandukar, and Paul Harvey.
Health services and users’ perceptions of the state in Rolpa, Nepal
Journal Article
Soltani, Jafar, Nader Esmailnasab, Daem Roshani, Mohamad Karimi, and Mohamad-Jamil Amjadi.
Acute Flaccid Paralysis and Its Differential Diagnosis in in Kurdistan Province, Western Iran; an 11-Year Surveillance
Iranian journal of pediatrics 24, no. 2 (2014): 131-139.
Journal Article
Shah, Sayed Masoom, Shehla Zaidi, Jamil Ahmed, and Shafiq Ur Rehman.
Motivation and Retention of Physicians in Primary Healthcare Facilities: A Qualitative Study From Abbottabad, Pakistan
(2016) International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Book Section
Jamil, Ishtiaq, and Tek Nath Dhakal.
Millennium Development Goals and Community Initiatives in the Asia Pacific
(2013) Benefits and Challenges of E-Governance for Service Delivery in Nepal.
Working Paper
Dhakal, Tek Nath, and Ishtiaq Jamil.
Prospects and Challenges of E-Governance for Service Delivery in Nepal
Working Paper
Hilal, Jamil.
The pauperization of Palestinian women, men and children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Working Paper
Bank, West, Gaza Strip, and Jamil Hilal.
Relations between Palestinian Diaspora (al-shatat), Palestinian Communities in the
Journal Article
Kamal, Nahid, Sian Curtis, Mohammad S Hasan, and Kanta Jamil.
Trends in equity in use of maternal health services in urban and rural Bangladesh
International journal for equity in health 15, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Rahman, Mizanur, Sian L Curtis, Nitai Chakraborty, and Kanta Jamil.
Women’s television watching and reproductive health behavior in Bangladesh
(2017) SSM-Population Health.
Journal Article
Jamil, Sofiah, and Gianna G Amul.
Community resilience and critical urban infrastructure: Where adaptive capacities meet vulnerabilities
NTS Insight , no. IN13-07 (2013).
Journal Article
Askvik, Steinar, Ishtiaq Jamil, and Tek Nath Dhakal.
Citizens’ trust in public and political institutions in Nepal
International political science review 32, no. 4 (2011): 417-437.
Journal Article
Van de Poel, Ellen, Ahmad R Hosseinpoor, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Jeanette Vega, and Niko Speybroeck.
Malnutrition and the disproportional burden on the poor: the case of Ghana
International Journal for Equity in Health 6, no. 21 (2007).
Van de Poel, Ellen, Ahmad R Hosseinpoor, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, and Niko Speybroeck.
Malnutrition and Socioeconomic Gaps in Malnutrition in Ghana
Rotterdam, Netherlands: Department of Applied Economics Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2006.
Working Paper
Lopez, Alan D, Joshua Salomon, Omar Ahmad, Christopher J Murray, and Doris Mafat.
Life tables for 191 countries: data, methods and results
(2001) GPE Discussion Paper Series (WHO).
Journal Article
Kabir, Ahmad.
Trends and patterns of marriage in Bangladesh
Proceedings-Pakistan Academy Of Sciences 42, no. 2 (2005): 77.
Working Paper
Driouchi, Ahmed, and Ahmad Baijou.
Interdependencies of health, education & poverty in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey using Demographic and Health Survey
(2009) MPRA.
Betts, Julia, Julian Gayfer, Hatty Dinsmore, Mahmoud Shah, Shaima Siddiqi, Fareed Ahmad Ranjbar, and Mohamed Feroz Abedi.
Country Portfolio Evaluation
Journal Article
Patel, Ravi, Angel Au-Yeung, and Naqib Ahmad Khpulwak.
Healthcare in Afghanistan: The Situation Today and the Post-2014 Path
SJPH 4, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Iriana, Nona, Ahmad Avenzora, and Jainal Abidin.
Indonesia: Poverty and Data Governance
(2012) Presentation in Kunming, People’s Republic of China.
Journal Article
Ahmad, Munir, and Umar Farooq.
The State of Food Security in Pakistan: Future Challenges and Coping Strategies
The Pakistan Development Review 49, no. 4 (2010): 903-923.
Journal Article
Bashir, Ashfaq A, Rohmi Bhan, and Muzaffar Ahmad.
Community-based disability management: are we ready?
JK-Practitioner 11, no. 1 (2004): 75-77.
Journal Article
Malla, Mushtaq Ahmad.
NREGA in Kashmir
Economic & Political Weekly 49, no. 52 (2014): 109.
Azhar, Izhar Ahmad Khan.
Overseas Migration and Its Socio-economic Impacts on the Families Left Behind in Pakistan: A Case Study in the Province Punjab, Pakistan
Working Paper
Ahmad, Aqueil.
Toward closer links between science and society in India: A futuristic formula
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 25, no. 3 (1984): 209-223.
Ahsan, Ahmad, Yukon Huang, and Manjula Luthria.
International Migration and Development in East Asia and the Pacific
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Showing 31-60 of 290