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Conference Paper
Mendoza O, Jared Jorim. "Provincial And Highly Urbanized City Level Estimation Of Average Household Saving Rate Using Spatially Correlated Random Area Effects Model." 13th National Convention on Statistics (NCS). Mandaluyong City, Philippines, October 3-4, 2016.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Torres, Laura Maria. "Nueva ruralidad en territorios periféricos: los productores caprinos del noreste de Mendoza (Argentina)." Universitas Humanistica , no. 66 (2008).
Journal Article
Quaranta, German, and Francisco Fabio. "ntermediación laboral y mercados de trabajo en agriculturas reestructuradas: el caso del Valle de Uco, Mendoza, Argentina." Region y sociedad 23, no. 51 (2011): 193-225.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Gómez, Sandra Virginia Caballero, Adriana Beatriz Valenzuela Cáceres, Santiago Evers Orihuela, Laura Patricia Mendoza Torres, S Caballero, A Valenzuela, S Evers, and L Mendoza. "Infecciones de transmisión sexual en mujeres de edad fértil usuarias del Hospital Regional de Villa Hayes, Paraguay." Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud 13, no. 2 (2015): 39-49.
Journal Article
Mendoza Tascon, Luis Alfonso, Arias Guatibonza, Martha Deyfilia, Claudia Bibiana Penaranda Ospina, Laura Isabel Mendoza Tascon, Stefania Manzano Penagos, and Ana Maria Varela Bahena. "Influencia de la adolescencia y su entorno en la adherencia al control prenatal e impacto sobre la prematuridad, bajo peso al nacer y mortalidad neonatal." Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecologia 80, no. 4 (2015): 306-315.
Journal Article
Mendoza-Mojica, Sheila A, Octavio Márquez-Mendoza, Marcela Veytia-López, Luciana E Ramos-Lira, and Ricardo Orozco-Zavala. "Eventos potencialmente traumáticos y sintomatología postraumática en estudiantes de preparatoria." Salud pública de méxico 59, no. 6 (2017): 665-674.
Journal Article
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Working Paper
Shively, Gerald, Jared Gars, and Celeste Sununtnasuk. "A review of food security and human nutrition issues in Nepal." (2011) Purdue University Department of Agricultural Economics Staff Paper.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mayieka, Jared Bironga. "Poverty In The Informal Sector: The Case Of Toi Market In Kibera, Nairobi." Master of Arts in Economic Policy Analysis and Management, University of Nairobi, 2013.
Journal Article
Tumwebaze, Henry, Elioda Tumwesigye, Jared M Baeten, Ann E Kurth, Jennifer Revall, Pamela M Murnane, Larry W Chang, and Connie Celum. "Household-Based HIV Counseling and Testing as a Platform for Referral to HIV Care and Medical Male Circumcision in Uganda: A Pilot Evaluation." (2012) Plos One.
Journal Article
Mohamed, Ahmed Abade, Joseph Oundo, Samuel M Kariuki, Hamadi I Boga, Shanaz K Sharif, Willis Akhwale, Jared Omolo, Anyangu S Amwayi, David Mutonga, and David Kareko. "Molecular epidemiology of geographically dispersed Vibrio cholerae, Kenya, January 2009-May 2010." Emerging Infectious Diseases 18, no. 6 (2012): 925-31.
Journal Article
Marseille, Elliot, James G Kahn, Sharone Beatty, Moguche Jared, and Paul Perchal. "Adult male circumcision in Nyanza, Kenya at scale: the cost and efficiency of alternative service delivery modes." BMC health services research 14, no. 1 (2014): 31.
Journal Article
Nkwengulila, Gamba, Austin HN Mtethiwa, and Jared Bakuza. "Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosomiasis in Communities around Water Reservoirs in Malawi." Journal of Tropical Diseases 4, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Kohler, Racquel E, Jared Tomlinson, Tiyamike Eletima Chilunjika, Sven Young, Mina Hosseinipour, and Clara N Lee. "“Life is at a standstill” Quality of life after lower extremity trauma in Malawi." Quality of life research 26, no. 4 (2017): 1027-1035.
Journal Article
Njuguna, Njambi, Kenneth Ngure, Nelly Mugo, Carrole Sambu, Christopher Sianyo, Stephen Gakuo, Elizabeth Irungu, Jared Baeten, and Renee Heffron. "The Effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention and Reproductive Health Text Messages on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Among Young Women in Rural Kenya: A Pilot Study." Sexually Transmitted Diseases 43, no. 6 (2016): 353.
Journal Article
Mecha, Jared O, Elizabeth N Kubo, Lucy W Nganga, Peter N Muiruri, Lilian N Njagi, Immaculate N Mutisya, Justine J Odionyi, Syokau C Ilovi, Mary Wambui, and Christopher Githu. "Trends in clinical characteristics and outcomes of Pre-ART care at a large HIV clinic in Nairobi, Kenya: a retrospective cohort study." AIDS Research and Therapy 13, no. 1 (2016): 38.
Journal Article
Nyatanyi, Thierry, Michael Wilkes, Haley McDermott, Serge Nzietchueng, Isidore Gafarasi, Antoine Mudakikwa, Jean Felix Kinani, Joseph Rukelibuga, Jared Omolo, and Denise Mupfasoni. "Implementing One Health as an integrated approach to health in Rwanda." BMJ Global Health 2, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Buttolph, Jasmine, Irene Inwani, Kawango Agot, Charles M Cleland, Peter Cherutich, James N Kiarie, Alfred Osoti, Connie L Celum, Jared M Baeten, and Ruth Nduati. "Gender-Specific Combination HIV Prevention for Youth in High-Burden Settings: The MP3 Youth Observational Pilot Study Protocol." JMIR Research Protocols 6, no. 3 (2017).
Journal Article
Pintye, Jillian, Kenneth Ngure, Kathryn Curran, Sophie Vusha, Nelly Mugo, Connie Celum, Jared M Baeten, and Renee Heffron. "Fertility decision-making among Kenyan HIV-serodiscordant couples who recently conceived: implications for safer conception planning." AIDS Patient Care and STDs 29, no. 9 (2015): 510-516.
Journal Article
Wamalwa, Phidelis, Jared Omolo, and Anselimo Makokha. "Prevalence and risk factors for urinary tract infections among pregnant women." Prime Journal of Social Science 2, no. 12 (2013): 524-531.
Journal Article
Ngure, Kenneth, Renee Heffron, Kathryn Curran, Sophie Vusha, Mariah Ngutu, Nelly Mugo, Connie Celum, and Jared M Baeten. "I knew i would be safer. experiences of Kenyan HIV serodiscordant couples soon after pre-exposure prophylaxis (prep) initiation." AIDS Patient Care and STDs 30, no. 2 (2016): 78-83.
Journal Article
Ngure, Kenneth, Sophie Vusha, Nelly Mugo, Mira Emmanuel-Fabula, Mariah Ngutu, Connie Celum, Jared M Baeten, and Renee Heffron. "“I never thought that it would happen…” Experiences of HIV seroconverters among HIV-discordant partnerships in a prospective HIV prevention study in Kenya." AIDS Care 28, no. 12 (2016): 1586-1589.
Journal Article
Ngure, Kenneth, Renee Heffron, Nelly Mugo, Kerry A Thomson, Elizabeth Irungu, Njambi Njuguna, Lawrence Mwaniki, Connie Celum, and Jared M Baeten. "Feasibility and acceptability of HIV self-testing among pre-exposure prophylaxis users in Kenya." Journal of the International AIDS Society 20, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Roberts, Sarah T, Aditya S Khanna, Ruanne V Barnabas, Steven M Goodreau, Jared M Baeten, Connie Celum, and Susan Cassels. "Estimating the impact of universal antiretroviral therapy for HIV serodiscordant couples through home HIV testing: insights from mathematical models." Journal of the International AIDS Society 19, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
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Conference Paper
Casterline, John B, and Jennifer A Mendoza. "Unwanted fertility in Latin America: historical trends, recent patterns." Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Detroit, USA, April-May 30-2, 2009.
Salguero, Fernando G, Maria A Martín, Rosario P Mendoza, and Ricardo Vernon. Cross-cultural adaptation of reproductive health services in Bolivia. : Population Council, Frontiers in Reproductive Health Program, 2005.
Book Section
Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia, Claudio Lanata, Walter Mendoza, and Demissie Habte. "Disease and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa." (2006) Diarrheal Diseases.
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