
Showing 1621-1650 of 3284
Conference Paper
Lam, David, Leticia J Marteleto, and Vimal Ranchhod. "The dynamics of adolescent childbearing and schooling in urban South Africa." Annual meeting of the Population Association of America, New York, New York, 2007. September, 2006.
Journal Article
Moller, Valerie, Helga Dickow, and Mari Harris. "South Africa's ''rainbow people'', national pride and happiness." Social Indicators Research 47, no. 3 (1999): 245-280.
Working Paper
Argent, Jonathan, Arden Finn, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard. "Poverty: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." (2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.13.
Working Paper
Branson, Nicola, and David Lam. "Education: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." (2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.3.
Working Paper
Ranchhod, Vimal. "Labour market: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." (2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.12.
Working Paper
Hoogeveen, Johannes G, and Berk Özler. "Not separate, not equal: Poverty and inequality in post-Apartheid South Africa." William Davidson Institute Working Paper no. 739 , no. wp739 (2005).
Working Paper
Lewis, Peter, Etannibi Alemika, and Michael Bratton. "Down to Earth: Changes in attitudes toward democracy and markets in Nigeria." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 20 , no. 20 (2002).
Conference Paper
Louw, Antoinette. "Citizen perceptions of crime and policing in South Africa." Crime and policing in transitional societies. Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000.
Working Paper
Conroy-Krutz, Jeffrey, and Carolyn Logan. "Museveni and the 2011 Ugandan election: Did the money matter?." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 135 , no. 135 (2011).
Journal Article
Nkomo, Nkululeko, Melvyn Freeman, and Donald Skinner. "Experiences of children heading households in the wake of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in South Africa." Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 4, no. 3 (2009): 255-263.
Thesis or Dissertation
Prudhomme, Leah Shianne. "A democratising South Africa?: An analysis of the 2004 national election." MA thesis, Rhodes University, 2005.
Journal Article
Ndinda, C, N.O Uzodike, and L Winaar. "From informal settlements to brick structures: Housing trends in post-apartheid South Afric." (2011) Journal of Public Administration.
Journal Article
Gumede, Vusi. "Public policy making in a post-apartheid South Africa: A preliminary perspective." Africanus 38, no. 2 (2008): 7-23.
Working Paper
Verick, Sher. "Giving up job search during a recession:The impact of the global financial crisis on the South African labour market." Institute for the study of labour/ discussion paper , no. 6116 (2011).
Journal Article
Cluver, Lucie, and Mark Orkin. "Cumulative risk and AIDS-orphanhood: Interactions of stigma, bullying and poverty on child mental health in South Africa." Social Science & Medicine 69, no. 8 (2009): 1186 -1193.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ntuli, Miracle. "Exploring the status of african women in the South African labour market 1995-2004." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2009.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, Stephanie Rudwick , and Daniela Casale. "Is marriage a dying institution in South Africa? Exploring changes in marriage in the context of ilobolo payments." Agenda: Empowering women for gender equity 25, no. 1 (2011): 102-111.
Working Paper
Woolard, Ingrid, and Murray Leibbrandt. "The evolution and impact of unconditional cash transfers in South Africa." Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 51 (2010).
Journal Article
Dalal, Koustuv, Stephen Lawoko, and Bjarne Jansson. "Women’s attitudes towards discontinuation of female genital mutilation in Egypt." Journal of Injury and Violence Research 2, no. 1 (2010): 41-47.
Working Paper
van der Berg, Servaas, Ronelle Burger, Rulof Burger, Megan Louw, and Derek Yu. "Trends in poverty and inequality since the political transition." (2006)
Journal Article
Wittenberg, Martin. "Research note: Errors in the October Household Survey 1994 available from the the South African data achive." South African Journal of Economics 74, no. 4 (2006): 766-768.
Working Paper
Oosthuizen, Morne, and Pranushka Naidoo. "Internal migration to the Gauteng province." (2004)
Journal Article
Bornman, Elirea. "Patterns of intergroup attitudes in South Africa after 1994." International journal of intercultural relations 35, no. 6 (2011): 729-748.
Working Paper
Burger, Rulof, and Dieter Von Fintel. "Determining the causes of the rising South African unemployment rate: An age, period and generational analysis." Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 24/09 (2009).
Journal Article
Moultrie, Tom, and Rob Dorrington. "Used for ill; used for good: a century of collecting data on race in South Africa." Ethnic and Racial Studies 34, no. 1 (2011): 1-19.
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle. "Policy Brief: How pro-poor is the South African health system?." Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 06/07 (2007).
Journal Article
Kingdon, Geeta, and John Knight. "Unemployment in South Africa, 1995–2003: Causes, problems and policies." JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ECONOMIES 16, no. 5 (2007): 813-848.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Michael Rogan. "Gendered trends in poverty in the post- apartheid period, 1997–2006." Development Southern Africa 29, no. 1 (2012): 97-113.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gordon L, Steven. "Gender differences in self-employment characteristics in post-apartheid South Africa: A detailed analysis of the self-employed." Masters, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2010.
Book Section
Goldman, Ian, and Kian Reynolds. "Consolidating Developmental Local Government: Lessons from the South African Experience." (2008) Rural Local Government in South Africa.
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