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Showing 31-60 of 341
Journal Article
Mohanlal, Sam, B A Sharada, A R Fatihi, Lakhan Gusain, Jennifer Marie Bayer, S M Ravichandran, G Baskaran, L Ramamoorthy, and Swarna Thirumalai.
Language in India: Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow
Language in India.
Green, Jennifer, and Michael Green.
USA: Springer, 1992.
Journal Article
El Arifeen, Shams, Abdullah Baqui, Cesar G Victora, Robert E Black, Jennifer Bryce, D.M.E Hoque, E.K Chowdhury, N Begum, T Akter, and A Siddik.
Sex and socioeconomic differentials in child health in rural Bangladesh: findings from a baseline survey for evaluating Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 26, no. 1 (2008): 22.
Thesis or Dissertation
Harty, Jennifer.
Microcredit, macro change: the impact of credit programs on women’s fertility in Bangladesh
Honour's Thesis, College of the Holy Cross: Department of Economics , 2007.
Working Paper
Twyman, Jennifer.
Género, Activos y Ciclo de Vida: Una Comparación de Cinco Cantones de la Provincia de Manabí de Ecuador
The Gender Asset Gap Project , no. 2-S (2010).
Book Section
Hirsch S, Jennifer.
Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Health and Rights
(2010) 31 The social production of men’s extramarital sexual practices.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castro Gomez, Jennifer L, Evelyn J Nina Olvera, and Solange P Solorzano Salazar.
Plan de Mercadeo Aplicando la Herramienta de Benchmarking Interno para Posicionar la Marca Cleanquils. A., en la Ciudad de Guayaquil
Thesis, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, 2014.
Journal Article
Victora, Cesar G, Bridget Fenn, Jennifer Bryce, and Betty R Kirkwood.
Co-coverage of preventive interventions and implications for child-survival strategies: evidence from national surveys
The Lancet 366, no. 9495 (2005): 1460-1466.
Journal Article
Barros, Fernando C, Alicia Matijasevich, Jennifer H Requejo, Elsa Giugliani, Ana Maranhão, Carlos A Monteiro, Aluísio J Barros, Flavia Bustreo, Mario Merialdi, and Cesar G Victora.
Recent trends in maternal, newborn, and child health in Brazil: progress toward millennium development goals 4 and 5
American Journal of Public Health 100, no. 10 (2010): 1877-1889.
Journal Article
Johnson-Hanks, Jennifer.
Natural intentions: fertility decline in the African demographic and health surveys
American Journal of Sociology 112, no. 4 (2007): 1008.
Journal Article
Johnson-Hanks, Jennifer.
Uncertainty and the second space: Modern birth timing and the dilemma of education
European Journal of Population / Revue europeenne de Demographie 20, no. 4 (2004): 351-373.
Conference Paper
Deere, Carmen D, Jacqueline Contreras, and Jennifer Twyman.
Property Rights and Women’s Accumulation of Assets over the Life Cycle: Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador
International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE).
Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 22-24, 2010.
Working Paper
Deere, Carmen D, Jacqueline Contreras, and Jennifer Twyman.
Derechos de Propiedad y Accumulación de Activos de las Mujeres a Través del Ciclo de Vida: Violencia Patrimonial en Ecuador
The Gender Asset Gap Project , no. 1-S (2010).
Journal Article
Pariyo, George W, Eleanor Gouws, Jennifer Bryce, and Gilbert Burnham.
Improving Facility-based Care for Sick Children in Uganda: Training is not Enough
Health Policy and Planning 20, no. 1 (2005): i58-i68.
Solotaro, Jennifer L, and Rohini Prabha Pande.
Violence against Women and Girls
Journal Article
Odiit, Martin, Paul R Bessell, Eric M F`evre, Tim Robinson, Jennifer Kinoti, Paul G Coleman, Susan C Welburn, John McDermott, and Mark J. E Woolhouse.
Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Identify Villages at High Risk for Rhodesiense Sleeping Sickness in Uganda
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100, no. 4 (2006): 354-362.
Journal Article
Johnson-Hanks, Jennifer.
Education, ethnicity, and reproductive practice in Cameroon
Population (english edition) 58, no. 2 (2003): 153-179.
Journal Article
Johnson-Hanks, Jennifer.
When the future decides: uncertainty and intentional action in contemporary Cameroon
Current anthropology 46, no. 3 (2005): 363-385.
Journal Article
Yount, Kathryn M, and Jennifer S Carrera.
Domestic violence against married women in Cambodia
(2006) Social forces.
Journal Article
Olmsted C, Jennifer.
Norms, economic conditions and household formation: A case study of the Arab world
(2011) The History of the Family.
Simmons, Jennifer Louise.
Gender, sexuality and HIV risk in Belize: A mixed methods study
: ProQuest, 2008.
Journal Article
Wei, Li.
Ethnoburb versus Chinatown: Two types of urban ethnic communities in Los Angeles
(1998) Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Journal Article
Kleinschmidt, Immo, Baker N Maggwa, Jennifer Smit, Mags E Beksinska, and Helen Rees.
Dual protection in sexually active women
South African Medical Journal 93, no. 11 (2008): 854.
Journal Article
Bean, Frank D., Ruth R. Berg, and Jennifer V. W. Van Hook.
Socioeconomic and cultural incorporation and marital disruption among Mexican Americans
Social Forces 75, no. 2 (1996): 593-617.
Journal Article
Black, Robert, Saul Morris, and Jennifer Bryce.
Where and why are 10 million children dying every year?
The Lancet 361, no. 9376 (2003): 2226-2234.
Working Paper
Brown, Jennifer, Roeland Monasch, George Bicego, Anthony Burton, and J. Ties Boerma.
An assessment of the quality of national child immunization coverage estimates in population-based surveys
(2002) MEASURE Evaluation Project.
Working Paper
Olson M, Jennifer.
Farming systems of Rwanda: Echoes of historic divisions reflected in current land use
Journal Article
Kim, Sun-Young, Louise B Russell, Jeehyun Park, Jennifer R Verani, Shabir A Madhi, Clare L Cutland, Stephanie J Schrag, and Anushua Sinha.
Cost-effectiveness of a potential group B streptococcal vaccine program for pregnant women in South Africa
Vaccine 32, no. 17 (2014): 1954-1963.
Book Section
Corrin C, Jennifer.
The International Survey of Family Law
(2013) Finding the Law on Adoption in Vanuatu.
Pillay, Hitendra, Suzanne Carrington, Jennifer Duke, Subhas Chandra, Joyce Heeraman, Megan Tones, and Rukh Mani.
National Profiles of In-Country Capacity to Support Disability-Inclusive Education; Fiji, Samoa, Soloman Islands and Vanuatu
Kelvin, Australia: Queensland University of Technology, 2015.
Showing 31-60 of 341