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Showing 991-1020 of 1707
Working Paper
McKelvey, Christopher, Thomas Duncan, and Elizabeth Frankenberg.
Fertility Regulation in an Economic Crisis
Njue, Carolyne, and Ian Askew.
Medicalization of female genital cutting among the Abagusii in Nyanza Province, Kenya
: Washington DC, Population Council Frontiers in Reproductive Health, 2004.
Journal Article
Price-Rom, Alison, and Keneshbek Sainazarov.
Active-learning pedagogies as a reform initiative: The case of Kyrgyzstan
(2009) Washington, DC: American Institute for Research.
de Silva, Angela, and Sunethra Atukorala.
Effects of the global financial crisis on the food security of poor urban households; Case study Columbo, Sri Lanka
: RUAF Foundation, 2010.
Raja, Sangeeta, Linda Allain, and Steve Kinzett.
Assessment of the Ghana Ministry of Health Contraceptive Logistics System
Arlington, USA: Family Planning Logistics Management, for the US Agency for International Development (USAID), 1999.
Obaid, Thoraya A, and Erica Chong.
Healing wounds, instilling hope: the Tanzanian partnership against obstetric fistula
New York, USA: The Population Council, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ngoma, Edna.
Supply chain participation of cowpea producers in Zambia
Bachelor thesis, University Of Zambia , 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Goodman, Catherine.
An economic analysis of the retail market for fever and malaria treatment in rural Tanzania
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Health Policy Unit London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine University of London , 2004.
Working Paper
Overbosch, G.B.
Health effects of health policies in Burkina Faso
(2001) Centre for World Food Studies.
Journal Article
Parida P, Sujata.
Poverty and inequality of KBK* region of rural Odisha: A comparative analysis
International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow 1, no. 4 (2012).
Journal Article
Gaiha, Raghav, Vani S Kulkarni, Manoj K Pandey, and Katsushi S Imai.
On hunger and child mortality in India
Journal of Asian and African Studies 47, no. 1 (2012): 3-17.
Working Paper
Basu, Deepankar, and Amit Basole.
The calorie consumption puzzle in India: An empirical investigation
(2012) UMass Economics Department Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Sharma P, Vijay.
Accelerating agricultural development for inclusive growth: Strategic issues and policy options
VIKALPA 37, no. 1 (2012): 1-17.
Working Paper
Kojima, Masami, Robert Bacon, and Xin Zhou.
Who uses bottled gas? evidence from households in developing countries
(2011) Evidence from Households in Developing Countries (July 1, 2011). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol.
Working Paper
Palmer-Jones, Richard, and Amaresh Dubey.
Poverty incidence in India since 1993: Another view
(2008) DEV Working Paper 08 .
Working Paper
Pushpangadan, K.
Remittances, consumption and economic growth in Kerala: 1980-2000 domestic violence
(2003) Working Paper 343.
Journal Article
Recent trends in poverty and inequality: some preliminary results
(2007) Economic and Political Weekly.
Conference Paper
Mehta, Rajesh, and R.G. Nambiar.
The poultry industry in India
FAO Conference on ‘Poultry in the 21st Century.
Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
Journal Article
Deaton, Angus, and Jean Drèze.
Food and nutrition in India: facts and interpretations
Economic and political weekly 44, no. 7 (2009): 42-65.
Conference Paper
Basu, Sudip R, Jaya Krishnakumar, and Gabriela Flores.
Spatial distribution of welfare across states and different socio-economic groups in rural and urban India
First meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ).
Palma de Mallorca, May, 2004.
Working Paper
Kaul, Tara.
Household response to food subsidies: Evidence from India
(2013) (unpublished draft).
Journal Article
Bedi S, Jatinder.
Cross-validation of production and consumption data of fruits and vegetables
(2006) Munich Personal RePEc Archive Working Papers.
Journal Article
Datta, Ashokankur.
The incidence of fuel taxation in India
(2010) Energy Economics.
Working Paper
Mittal, Surabhi.
Demand-supply trends and projections of food in India
(2008) Working Paper No. 209 .
Working Paper
Abraham, Vinoj.
Employment growth in rural india: Distress-driven?
(2008) Centre for Development Studies (Trivandrum, India) Working Paper.
Journal Article
Chaurey, A., and T.C. Kandpal.
Solar lanterns for domestic lighting in India: viability of central charging station model
Energy Policy 37, no. 11 (2009): 4910-4918.
Journal Article
Ali, Jabir, Sanjiv Kapoor, and Janakiraman Moorthy.
Buying behaviour of consumers for food products in an emerging economy
British Food Journal 112, no. 2 (2010): 109-124.
Conference Paper
Polaski, Sandra, Manoj Panda, A. Ganesh Kumar, Scott McDonald, and Sherman Robins.
Policy dilemmas in India: The impact of changes in agricultural prices on rural and urban poverty
11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis .
Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
Uchikawa, Shuji, and Satyaki Roy.
The development of auto component industry in India
Maiti, Dibyendu S, and Werner Bönte.
Trade Reform, Vertical Contracts and Innovation in a Developing Economy
Calcutta, India: Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, 2006.
Showing 991-1020 of 1707