
Showing 1-30 of 199
Thesis or Dissertation
Stiles-Ocran, David. "A Contextual Approach to the Praxis of the Kingdom of God." Master of Philosophy, University of Oslo, 2013.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Adriana Conconi, and José M Roche. "Multidimensional Poverty Index 2012: Brief Methodological Note and Results." (2013) Oxford University Department of International Development Working Paper.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Adriana Conconi, and Suman Seth. "Multidimensional Poverty Index 2014: Brief Methodological Note and Results." (2014) University of Oxford.
Journal Article
Khobondo, JO, MM Gicheru, and SA Khamadi. "Pediatric HIV-AIDS in Nairobi; prevalence, gender and implication for prevention of mother to child transmission." European Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Vol 3, no. 2 (2015): 52-59.
Journal Article
Mitchell, Rhoda. "Domestic violence prevention through the Constructing Violence-free Masculinities programme: an experience from Peru." Gender & Development 21, no. 1 (2013): 97-109.
Journal Article
Chablé-Pascual, Rosalva, David Jesús Palma-López, Cesar Jesús Vázquez-Navarrete, Octavio Ruiz-Rosado, Ramón Mariaca-Méndez, and Jesús Manuel Ascensio-Rivera. "Estructura, diversidad y uso de las especies en huertos familiares de la Chontalpa, Tabasco, Mexico." Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios 2, no. 4 (2015): 23-39.
Journal Article
Custodio, Estefania, Miguel A Descalzo, Jesus Roche, Ignacio Sanchez, Laura Molina, Magdalena Lwanga, Cristina Bernis, Eduardo Villamor, and Ana Baylin. "Nutritional status and its correlates in Equatorial Guinean preschool children: results from a nationally representative survey." Food & Nutrition Bulletin 29, no. 1 (2008): 49-58.
Journal Article
Moreano, César Gabriel Berto, Judith Cahuana Aparco, Jesús Kevin Cárdenas Gallegos, Nataly Ruth Botiquín Ortiz, Claudia Angélica Balbín Navarro, Paul Jesús Tejada Llacsa, and Esteffany Jennifer Calongos Porras. "Nivel de pobreza y estado nutricional asociados a parasitosis intestinal en estudiantes, Huánuco, Perú, 2010." Anales de la Facultad de Medicina 74, no. 4 (2013).
Journal Article
Perez Virgen, Henry Leon, Fabian Andres Sabogal Ocampo, and Saulo Jesus Torres. "ANAWE, en busca del estado de la accesibilidad.." Scientia et Technica 1, no. 44 (2010): 190-194.
Journal Article
Torres, Saulo De Jesús R, Ana Maria Lopez Echeverry, and Juan Jesus Veloza Mora. "Ajedrez en Grid con accesibilidad para todos." Scientia et Technica , no. 40 (2008).
Journal Article
Celis, Alfredo, Ramon Gaxiola-Robles, Elizabeth Sevilla-Godinez, Maria Jesus Orozco-Valerio, and Jesus Armas. "Tendencia de la mortalidad por picaduras de alacran en Mexico, 1979-2003." Rev Panam Salud Publica 21, no. 6 (2007): 373-380.
Journal Article
Gómez-Lomelí, Zoila Margarita, Julio César Dávalos-Guzmán, Alfredo de Jesús Celis-de la Rosa, and María de Jesús Orozco-Valerio. "Estado de funcionalidad de adultos mayores empacadores en tiendas de autoservicio." Gaceta Médica de México 146, no. 2 (2010).
Journal Article
Damián Huato, Miguel Angel, Artemio Cruz Leon, Sergio Orozco Cirilo, Agustin Aragón García, Dora Maria Jesus Sangermán-Jarquín, and Jesus Francisco López Olguín. "Manejo del maiz en Cohetzala, Puebla, Mexico: entre lo local y lo global." Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.) 20, no. 40 (2012): 331-333.
Working Paper
Quintana Pacheco, Jesús, Arturo Ojeda De La Cruz, Juan Arcadio Saiz Hernández, Ana Cecilia Borbón Almada, Israel Miranda Pasos, and Jesús Alberto Esquer Armienta. "Una aproximación al comportamiento de los valores de la vivienda: Caso Hermosillo." (2013)
Journal Article
Jambrek, Stanko. "The Pentecostal Movement in Croatia 1907-2007." Evangelical Journal of Theology 1, no. 2 (2007): 207-234.
Thesis or Dissertation
Petreski, Kitan. "A project for evangelism by the churches in the post-Communist republic of Macedonia." Doctor of Ministry, Asbury Theological Seminary , 2009.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Jose M Roche, Maria E Santos, and Susan Seth. "Multidimensional Poverty Index 2011: Brief methodological note." (2011) Oxford University Department of International Development Working Paper.
Is the multidimensional poverty index robust to different weights. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford, 2010.
Alkire, Sabina, Maria Emma Santos, Jose Manuel Roche, and Suman Seth. Country briefing: India, Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) at a glance. : Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) , 2011.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Adriana Conconi, and José M Roche. "Multidimensional Poverty Index 2013: Brief Methodological Note and Results." (2013) University of Oxford, Department of International Development, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Jose M Roche, and Ana Vaz. "Multidimensional Poverty Dynamics: Methodology and Results for 34 Countries." (2014) OPHI Research in Progress.
Journal Article
Rao, Krishna Dipanker, David H Peters, and Karen Bandeen-Roche. "Towards patient-centered health services in India—a scale to measure patient perceptions of quality." International Journal for Quality in Health Care 18, no. 6 (2006): 414.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Jose M Roche, and Suman Seth. "Sub-national disparities and inter-temporal evolution of multidimensional poverty across developing countries." (2011) Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.
Journal Article
Alkire, Sabina, Jose M Roche, Suman Seth, and Andy Sumner. "Where Do The World’s Poorest Live? A Multidimensional Approach To The Bottom Billon." (2013)
Working Paper
Roche, José M, and María Emma Santos. "In search of a multidimensional poverty index for Latin America." (2013)
Journal Article
Roche, Stephen. "Perception versus reality: understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic determinants of success in education." International Review of Education 60, no. 1 (2014): 1-5.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kiwanuka, Noah. "The Effect of HIV-1 Subtypes of HIV Transmission and Disease Progression in Rakai District, Uganda." PhD Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, 2008.
Journal Article
Michaud, Jean, Sarah Turner, and Yann Roche. "Mapping ethnic diversity in highland Northern Vietnam." GeoJournal 57, no. 4 (2002): 305-323.
Journal Article
Alfaro, Alba C, René G Roche, Zenia L González, Juan C Bolaños, Rosaida O Soto, and Dania P Sosa. "Intervención en el Conocimiento, Creencias y Percepción de Riesgo Sobre Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y el Vih/sida." Medicentro Electrónica 18, no. 1 (2014): 11-18.
Journal Article
Alfaro, Alba C, René G Roche, and Rosaida O Soto. "Comportamiento sexual y uso del condón en estudiantes de la facultad de tecnología de la salud." Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical 67, no. 2 (2015).
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