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Showing 271-300 of 1590
Pender, John, Frank Place, and Simeon Ehui.
Strategies for Sustainable Land Management in the East African Highlands
Journal Article
Micklewright, John.
Education, inequality and transition
Economics of transition 7, no. 2 (1999): 343-376.
Working Paper
Ferreira, Francisco H, and Jérémie Gignoux.
The measurement of inequality of opportunity: Theory and an application to Latin America
(2008) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4659.
Journal Article
Gibson, John, and David McKenzie.
Using global positioning systems in household surveys for better economics and better policy
World Bank Research Observer 22, no. 2 (2007): 217-241.
Working Paper
Beegle, Kathleen, Joachim De Weerdt, Jed Friedman, and John Gibson.
Methods of household consumption measurement through survey: Experimental results from Tanzania
Working Paper
Hossain, Sarwar, and John A Dearing.
Recent Trends of Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing in the Bangladesh Delta
ESPA Deltas WP #3 , no. 3 (2013).
Weiss, John.
Poverty targeting in Asia
: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005.
Rama, Martin, Tara Beteille, Yue Li, Pradeep K Mitra, and John L Newman.
Inequality in South Asia
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Working Paper
Scott, John.
Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones para la Reforma de PROCAMPO: Distribución de Beneficios y Perfil de Beneficiarios
Book Section
Kishore, Avinash, P. K Joshi, and John Hoddinott.
India's Right to Food Act
(2013) Chapter 3: A Novel Approach to Food Security.
Working Paper
Fleermuys, Floris, Florette Nakusera, Fenni Shangula, and John Steytler.
Broad-based economic empowerment: experience from other developing countries
Working Paper
Gibson, John.
The economic and nutritional importance of household food production in Papua New Guinea
Working Paper
Gibson, John, and Scott Rozelle.
Is a picture worth a thousand unit values? Price collection methods, poverty lines and price elasticities in Papua New Guinea
Conference Paper
Gibson, John.
Nutritional status of Papua New Guinea’s population and its determinants
Papua New Guinea Food and Nutrition 2000 Conference.
June 26-30, 2000.
Journal Article
Harpham, Trudy, Sharon Huttly, Ian Wilson, and Thea De Wet.
Linking public issues with private troubles: panel studies in developing countries
Journal of International Development 15, no. 3 (2003): 353-3.
Journal Article
Gibson, John.
Recent shocks and long-term change in the Samoan economy
(2010) Pacific Economic Bulletin.
Thesis or Dissertation
Robinson I, John.
Energy security in the Khomas region
Masters of arts in security and strategic studies, University of Namibia, 2010.
Journal Article
Rhoe, Valerie, Suresh Chandra Babu, and William Reidhead.
An analysis of food security and poverty in Central Asia: case study from Kazakhstan
Journal of International Development 20, no. 4 (2008): 452-4.
Journal Article
Hoddinott, John.
Wages and unemployment in an urban African labour market
Economic Journal 106, no. 439 (1996): 1610-.
Journal Article
Strauss, John, and Duncan Thomas.
Health, nutrition, and economic development
Journal of economic literature 36, no. 2 (1998): 766-817.
Journal Article
Gafar, John.
Income distribution, inequality, and poverty during economic reforms in Guyana
The Journal of Developing Areas 38, no. 1 (2005): 55-77.
Journal Article
Anderson, Steve, Whitney Dubinsky, Brandon Fenley, Kishori Kedlaya, Sait Mboob, Caroline Smith, John Thurow, and James Whitaker.
Inclusive Growth Diagnostic for Indonesia
Journal Article
Susilo, Dwidjo, Malin Eriksson, Raman Preet, Laksono Trisnantoro, Siwi Padmawati, BJ Isititi Kandarina, and John Kinsman.
Indonesia Country Report
(2012) INDEPTH Training and Research Centres of Excellence (INTREC).
Working Paper
Harris, John R, and Gillian Hart.
Employment in Indonesia: The Role of Institutions
Journal Article
Feeney, Griffith, and John A Ross.
Analysing Open Birth Interval Distributions
Population Studies: A Journal of Demography 38, no. 3 (2011): 473-478.
Journal Article
Kurien, John.
Towards Universal Elementary Education: Promise and Performance
(1981) Economic and Political Weekly.
Working Paper
Smith D, John.
Worlds Apart: Orality, Literacy, and the Rajasthani Folk-Mahaabharata
(1990) Oral Tradition.
Working Paper
Hitchings, Jon A, and John W Wall.
India: Demand and Supply Prospects for Agriculture
Working Paper
Mason B, John.
Measuring hunger and malnutrition
Journal Article
Balabanova, Dina, and Martin McKee.
Access to health care in a system transition: the case of Bulgaria
The International journal of health planning and management 17, no. 4 (2002): 377-395.
Showing 271-300 of 1590