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Showing 331-360 of 1535
Jagwe, John, Emily Ouma, Diana Brandes-van Dorresteijn, Brian Kawuma, and Jeff Smith.
Pig Business Planning and Financial Management: Uganda Smallholder Pig Value Chain Capacity Development Training Manual
: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), 2015.
Journal Article
Nabukenya, Immaculate, Chris Rubaire-Akiiki, Denis Mugizi, John Kateregga, Deogracious Olila, and Johan Höglund.
Sub-acute Toxicity of Aqueous Extracts of Tephrosia Vogelii, Vernonia Amygdalina and Senna Occidentalis in Rats
Natural Products Chemistry & Research 2, no. 5 (2014): 70-100.
Conference Paper
Kingdon, Geeta, and John Knight.
The incidence of unemployment in South Africa
TIPS Forum 2000: Paths to growth and employment in South Africa, 18-20 September.
Muldersdrift, South Africa, 2000.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John.
Child survival and the role of the ministry of health in Ecuador: progress, constraints and reorganization
Health Policy and Planning 6, no. 1 (1991): 32.
Journal Article
Ali, Mohamed, John Cleland, and Iqbal Shah.
Trends in reproductive behavior among young single women in Colombia and Peru: 1985 - 1999
Demography 40, no. 4 (2003): 659-673.
Website Document
Imbert, Clement, and John Papp.
Indian Statistical Institute’s Seventh Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development
Working Paper
Deshingkar, Priya, Pramod Sharma, Sushil Kumar, Shaheen Akter, and John Farrington.
Circular migration in Madhya Pradesh: changing patterns and social protection needs
The European Journal of Development Research 20, no. 4 (2008): 612-628.
Working Paper
Ramakrishnan, Usha, Alyssa Lowe, Sheila Vir, Shuba Kumar, Rani Mohanraj, Anuraag Chaturvedi, Elizabeth A Noznesky, Reynaldo Martorell, and John B Mason.
Public health interventions, barriers, and opportunities for improving maternal nutrition in India
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. Supplement 1 (2012): 71-92.
Campbell, David John, and Land Use Change.
Interactions between people and wildlife in Southeast Kajiado District, Kenya
: LUCID Project, International Livestock Research Institute, 2003.
Hunter P, John.
Differences by geo-climatic zone in the economic returns from wool productivity and quality in Lesotho
Campbell, David John.
Root causes of land use change in the Loitokitok Area, Kajiado District, Kenya
: LUCID Project, International Livestock Research Institute, 2003.
Journal Article
Tuman, John P, Ayoub S Ayoub, and Danielle Roth-Johnson.
The effects of education on fertility in Colombia and Peru: implications for health and family planning policies
GLOBAL HEALTH 1, no. 2 (2007).
Journal Article
De Broe, Sofie, and Andrew Hinde.
Diversity in fertility patterns in Guatemala
Population, Space and Place 12, no. 6 (2006): 435-459.
Journal Article
Grundy, John, Qiu Yi Khut, Sofal Oum, Peter Annear, and Veng Ky.
Health system strengthening in Cambodia - A case study of health policy response to social transition
Health policy 92, no. 2-3 (2009): 107-115.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aerni-Flessner, John.
'If We Govern Ourselves, Whose Son is to Govern Us?': Youth, Independence and the 1960s in Lesotho
Doctor of Philosophy, Washington University, 2011.
Journal Article
Bongaarts, John, Odile Frank, and Ron Lesthaeghe.
The proximate determinants of fertility in sub-Saharan Africa
Population and Development Review 10, no. 3 (1984): 511-537.
Conference Paper
Bounthong, Bouahom, John Raintree, and Linkhan Douangsavanh.
Upland agriculture and forestry research for improving livelihoods in Lao PDR
Environment and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of an international symposium,.
Tokyo, Japan, 2003.
Working Paper
Anderson, Barbara A, Doo-Sub Kim, and John H Romani.
Health personnel son preference and infant mortality in China.
Knodel, John, Souvan Kiry Kim, Zachary Zimmer, and Sina Puch.
Older persons in Cambodia: A profile from the 2004 Survey of Elderly
Journal Article
Knodel, John, Nathalie Williams, Sovan Kim, Sina Puch, and Chanpen Saengtienchai.
Community reaction to older age parental AIDS caregivers and their families: Evidence from Cambodia
Research on Aging 32, no. 1 (2010): 122.
Journal Article
Marriott, Bernadette P, Alan A White, Louise Hadden, Jayne Davies, and John C Wallingford.
How well are infant and young child World Health Organization (WHO) feeding indicators associated with growth outcomes? An example from Cambodia
(2010) Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Working Paper
Mazzeo, John, and Matthias Davier.
Review of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Test Design: Recommendations for Fostering Stability in Assessment Results
(2008) Education Working Papers EDU/PISA/GB (2008).
Kobarg, Mareike, Manfred Prenzel, Tina Seidel, Maurice Walker, Barry McCrae, John Cresswell, and Jorg Wittwer.
An International Comparison of Science Teaching and Learning: Further Results from PISA 2006
: Waxmann Verlag, 2011.
Journal Article
Taylor, John.
Some consequences of recent reductions in mine labour recruitment in Botswana
(1986) Geography.
Working Paper
Campbell, Neil M, and John G Abbott.
Botswana's primary school system: a spatial analysis
Journal Article
Mesa, John Paul A, Dinah Pura T Depositario, and Normito R Zapata Jr.
Analysis of production technologies and marketing practices of beekepers in Balete and Lipa city, Batangas
(2009) CEM working paper series.
Working Paper
Badloe, Chander, John Flanagan, Radhika Gore, Tomoo Hozumi, Katrin Imhof, and Perserveranda So.
Universal primary education: Reaching the unreached in Cambodia
(2007) UNICEFF Division of Policy and Planning WP.
Journal Article
Pothy, Pich, Guarascio Francesca, John Curry, and Ricardo Sibrian13.
Gender analysis of food security statistics by specific population group in Cambodia’s CSES
(2008) Deriving food security statistics at sub-national level.
Journal Article
Chomat, Ann Marie, John Grundy, Sophal Oum, and Odilia Bermudez.
Determinants of utilisation of intrapartum obstetric care services in Cambodia, and gaps in coverage
Global Public Health 6, no. 8 (2011): 890-905.
Journal Article
Casterline, John B, Fatma El-Zanaty, and Laila O El-Zeini.
Unmet need and unintended fertility: longitudinal evidence from Upper Egypt
(2003) International family planning perspectives.
Showing 331-360 of 1535