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Showing 571-600 of 1692
Journal Article
Marston, Cicely, and John Cleland.
Do unintended pregnancies carried to term lead to adverse outcomes for mother and child? An assessment in five developing countries
Population Studies 57, no. 1 (2003): 77-93.
Journal Article
Hunter, Lori M, John Reid-Hresko, and Thomas W Dickinson.
Environmental change, risky sexual behavior, and the HIV/AIDS pandemic: Linkages through livelihoods in rural Haiti
Population Research and Policy Review 30, no. 5 (2010): 1-22.
Journal Article
Bongaarts, John.
Household size and composition in the developing world in the 1990s
(2001) Population studies.
Conference Paper
Kingdon, Geeta, and John Knight.
The incidence of unemployment in South Africa
TIPS Forum 2000: Paths to growth and employment in South Africa, 18-20 September.
Muldersdrift, South Africa, 2000.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John.
Child survival and the role of the ministry of health in Ecuador: progress, constraints and reorganization
Health Policy and Planning 6, no. 1 (1991): 32.
Journal Article
Ali, Mohamed, John Cleland, and Iqbal Shah.
Trends in reproductive behavior among young single women in Colombia and Peru: 1985 - 1999
Demography 40, no. 4 (2003): 659-673.
Journal Article
Tuman, John P, Ayoub S Ayoub, and Danielle Roth-Johnson.
The effects of education on fertility in Colombia and Peru: implications for health and family planning policies
GLOBAL HEALTH 1, no. 2 (2007).
Journal Article
De Broe, Sofie, and Andrew Hinde.
Diversity in fertility patterns in Guatemala
Population, Space and Place 12, no. 6 (2006): 435-459.
Journal Article
Grundy, John, Qiu Yi Khut, Sofal Oum, Peter Annear, and Veng Ky.
Health system strengthening in Cambodia - A case study of health policy response to social transition
Health policy 92, no. 2-3 (2009): 107-115.
Knodel, John, Souvan Kiry Kim, Zachary Zimmer, and Sina Puch.
Older persons in Cambodia: A profile from the 2004 Survey of Elderly
Journal Article
Marriott, Bernadette P, Alan A White, Louise Hadden, Jayne Davies, and John C Wallingford.
How well are infant and young child World Health Organization (WHO) feeding indicators associated with growth outcomes? An example from Cambodia
(2010) Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Working Paper
Badloe, Chander, John Flanagan, Radhika Gore, Tomoo Hozumi, Katrin Imhof, and Perserveranda So.
Universal primary education: Reaching the unreached in Cambodia
(2007) UNICEFF Division of Policy and Planning WP.
Journal Article
Pothy, Pich, Guarascio Francesca, John Curry, and Ricardo Sibrian13.
Gender analysis of food security statistics by specific population group in Cambodia’s CSES
(2008) Deriving food security statistics at sub-national level.
Journal Article
Chomat, Ann Marie, John Grundy, Sophal Oum, and Odilia Bermudez.
Determinants of utilisation of intrapartum obstetric care services in Cambodia, and gaps in coverage
Global Public Health 6, no. 8 (2011): 890-905.
Website Document
Haddad, Lawrence, and John Maluccio.
Social capital and household welfare in South Africa: Pathways of influence
Journal Article
Casterline, John B, Fatma El-Zanaty, and Laila O El-Zeini.
Unmet need and unintended fertility: longitudinal evidence from Upper Egypt
(2003) International family planning perspectives.
Journal Article
Kingdon, Geeta, and John Knight.
Subjective well-being poverty vs. Income poverty and capabilities poverty?
Journal of Development Studies 42, no. 7 (2006): 1199-.
Journal Article
Weeks, John R, Arthur Getis, Allan G Hill, M.Saad Gadalla, and Tarek Rashed.
The fertility transition in Egypt: Intraurban patterns in Cairo
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 94, no. 1 (2004): 74-93.
Journal Article
Kingdon, Geeta, and John Knight.
Community, comparisons and subjective well-being in a divided society
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 64, no. 1 (2007): 69 - .
Working Paper
Bongaarts, John.
Late marriage and the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa
(2006) Population Council Working Paper.
Working Paper
Koenig, Michael, Saifuddin Ahmed, and John Haaga.
Individual and community-level determinants of domestic violence in rural Bangladesh
(1999) Hopkins Population Center Papers on Population .
Working Paper
Ulimwengu, John, Jose Funes, Derek Headey, and Liangzhi You.
Paving the way for development? The impact of transport infraestructure on agricultural production and poverty reduction in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(2009) International Food Policy Research Institute Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Anarfi K, John.
Sexuality, migration and AIDS in Ghana-a socio-behavioural study
(1993) Health Transition Review.
Journal Article
Weeks, John R, Alan G Hill, Adam Getis, and Douglas Stow.
Ethnic residential patterns as predictors of intra-urban child mortality inequality in Accra, Ghana
Urban geography 27, no. 6 (2006): 526-548.
Journal Article
Caldwell, John C, I.O. Orubuloye, and Pat Caldwell.
Fertility decline in Africa: A new type of transition?
(1992) Population and development review.
Journal Article
Boateng, John, and Constance Flanagan.
Women's access to health care in Ghana: Effects of education, residence, lineage and self-determination
Biodemography and social biology 54, no. 1 (2008): 56-73.
Journal Article
Stoler, Justin, Günther Fink, John R Weeks, Richard Otoo, Joseph Ampofo, and Allan Hill.
When urban taps run dry: Sachet water consumption and health effects in low income neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana
(2011) Health & Place.
Journal Article
Timaeus, Ian M, Louisiana Lush, John C Caldwell, Gigi Santow, and Shail Jain.
ANU-Digital Collections: Intra-urban differentials in child health
Journal Article
Weeks, John R, Arthur Getis, Allan Hill, Samuel Agyei-Mensah, and David Rain.
Neighborhoods and fertility in Accra, Ghana: An AMOEBA-based approach
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100, no. 3 (2010): 558-578.
Journal Article
Van Eijk, Anna M, Hanneke Bles, Frank Odhiambo, John G Ayisi, Isle E Blokland, Daniel Rosen, Kubaje Adazu, Laurence Slutsker, and Kim A Lindblade.
Use of antenatal services and delivery care among women in rural western Kenya: a community based survey
Reproductive Health 3, no. 1 (2006): 2.
Showing 571-600 of 1692