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Showing 1351-1380 of 2404
Journal Article
Decker, Michele R, George R Seage III, David Hemenway, Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Donta Balaiah, and Jay G Silverman.
Intimate partner violence functions as both a risk marker and risk factor for women's HIV infection: findings from Indian husband-wife dyads
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 51, no. 5 (2009): 593.
Journal Article
Jayne, T S, David Mather, and Elliot Mghenyi.
Principal challenges confronting smallholder agriculture in sub-saharan Africa
World Development 38, no. 10 (2010): 1384-1398.
Journal Article
Dubuc, Sylvie, and David Coleman.
An increase in the sex ratio of births to India-born mothers in England and Wales: Evidence for sex-selective Abortion
Population and Development Review 33, no. 2 (2007): 383-400.
Journal Article
Shahmanesh, Maryam, Sonali Wayal, Frances Cowan, David Mabey, Andrew Copas, and Vikram Patel.
Suicidal behavior among female sex workers in Goa, India: the silent epidemic
Journal Information 99, no. 7 (2009).
Journal Article
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Expenditure incidence in Africa: Microeconomic evidence
Fiscal Studies 21, no. 3 (2000): 329-347.
Journal Article
Ahmad, Omar B, Isaac W Eberstein, and David F Sly.
Proximate determinants of child mortality in Liberia
(1991) Journal of Biosocial Science.
Journal Article
Duclos, Jean-Yves, David Sahn, and Stephen D Younger.
Robust multidimensional spatial poverty comparisons in Ghana, Madagascar, and Uganda
The World Bank economic review 20, no. 1 (2006): 91-113.
Blimpo, Moussa P, and David K Evans.
School-Based Management and Educational Outcomes: Lessons from a Randomized Field Experiment
Journal Article
Wilkinson, David John, Pamela Fenney Lyman, Katherine Mason, and Grace E Wambwa.
Using the newspaper to disseminate vasectomy information in Kenya
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 14, no. 2 (1993): 165-172.
Journal Article
Lewycka, Sonia, Charles Mwansambo, Peter Kazembe, Tambosi Phiri, Andrew Mganga, Mikey Rosato, Hilda Chapota, Florida Malamba, Stefania Vergnano, Marie-Louise Newell, Anthony Costello, and David Osrin.
A cluster randomised controlled trial of the community effectiveness of two interventions in rural Malawi to improve health care and to reduce maternal, newborn and infant mortality
Trials 11, no. 1 (2010): 88.
Journal Article
Korenromp, Eline L, John Miller, Richard E Cibulskis, M. Kabir Cham, David Alnwick, and Christopher Dye.
Monitoring mosquito net coverage for malaria control in Africa: possession vs. use by children under 5 years
Tropical Medicine & International Health 8, no. 8 (2003): 693-703.
Working Paper
Canning, David.
Progress in health around the world
(2011) Program on the Global Demography of Aging Working Paper.
Journal Article
Brown W, David.
Child immunization cards: essential yet underutilized in national immunization programmes
(2012) Open Vaccine Journal.
Journal Article
David, Dorcus Mbithe.
Promoting nutrition education interventions in rural and urban primary schools in Machakos district, Kenya
(2008) Journal of Applied Biosciences.
Journal Article
King'olla, Brenda, Omo Ohiokpehai, and Dorcus M David.
The impact of a nutrition and health programme on the socio-economic status and food access of households in Suba District, Kenya
(2009) Journal of Applied Biosciences.
Journal Article
Ewing, Victoria L, David G Lalloo, Kamija S Phiri, Arantxa Roca-Feltrer, Lindsay J Mangham, and Miguel A SanJoaquin.
Seasonal and geographic differences in treatment-seeking and household cost of febrile illness among children in Malawi
Malaria journal 10, no. 1 (2011): 32.
Journal Article
Nanjala, Mildred, and David Wamalwa.
Determinants of male partner involvement in promoting deliveries by skilled attendants in Busia, Kenya
Global Journal of Health Science 4, no. 2 (2012): p60.
Working Paper
Mwaniki, David L, and Charles O Dulo.
Migration of health workers in Kenya:: The impact on health service delivery
(2008) EQUINET Discussion Paper Series 55.
Journal Article
Glick, Peter, Josée Randriamamonjy, and David E Sahn.
Determinants of HIV knowledge and condom use among women in Madagascar: an analysis using matched household and community data
African Development Review 21, no. 1 (2009): 147-179.
Journal Article
Wee, David W, Luke C Mullany, Joanne Katz, Subarna Khatry, Steven C LeClerq, and James M Tielsch.
Pregnancy-related mortality in southern Nepal between 2001 and 2006: independent estimates from a prospective, population-based cohort and a direct sisterhood survey
American journal of epidemiology 172, no. 7 (2010): 855-860.
Journal Article
Bishai, David, Samir Kumar KC, Hugh Waters, Michael Koenig, Joanne Katz, Subarna K Khatry, and Keith P West Jr.
The impact of vitamin A supplementation on mortality inequalities among children in Nepal
Health policy and planning 20, no. 1 (2005): 60-66.
Journal Article
Mrisho, Mwifadhi, Brigit Obrist, Joanna A Schellenberg, Rachel A Haws, Adiel K Mushi, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, and David Schellenberg.
The use of antenatal and postnatal care: perspectives and experiences of women and health care providers in rural southern Tanzania
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 9, no. 10 (2009).
Journal Article
Osei, Akoto, Pooja Pandey, David Spiro, Jennifer Nielson, Ram Shrestha, Zaman Talukder, Victoria Quinn, and Nancy Haselow.
Household food insecurity and nutritional status of children aged 6 to 23 months in Kailali District of Nepal
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 31, no. 4 (2010): 483-494.
Working Paper
Schwartz, J. Brad, David K Guilkey, and Rachel Racelis.
Decentralization, allocative efficiency and health service outcomes in the Philippines
(2002) MEASURE Evaluation Working Paper.
Journal Article
Roca-Feltrer, Arantxa, David G Lalloo, Kamija Phiri, and Dianne J Terlouw.
Rolling Malaria Indicator Surveys (rMIS): A Potential District-Level Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Tool for Program Managers
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 86, no. 1 (2012): 96-98.
Journal Article
Rice, Susan, David Coombs, Larry Fish, and James Leeper.
Breast-feeding and contraception in Peru
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 20, no. 1 (2002).
Journal Article
Stifel, David, and Harold Alderman.
The “Glass of Milk” subsidy program and malnutrition in Peru
The World Bank Economic Review 20, no. 3 (2006): 421-448.
Working Paper
Ugal, David Betelwhobe.
Knowledge and use of contraception in Ogoja and Obudu Lgas of Cross River State, Nigeria
Journal Article
Rain, David.
The women of Kano: internalized stress and the conditions of reproduction, Northern Nigeria
GeoJournal 43, no. 2 (1997): 175-187.
Working Paper
de Mel, Suresh, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff.
The demand for, and consequences of, formalization among informal firms in Sri Lanka
Showing 1351-1380 of 2404