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Showing 91-120 of 641
Journal Article
E Mbaiwa, Joseph, Elisha N Toteng, and Naomi Moswete.
Problems and prospects for the development of urban tourism in Gaborone and Maun, Botswana
Development Southern Africa 24, no. 5 (2007): 725-740.
Journal Article
Stoler, Justin, Günther Fink, John R Weeks, Richard Otoo, Joseph Ampofo, and Allan Hill.
When urban taps run dry: Sachet water consumption and health effects in low income neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana
(2011) Health & Place.
Journal Article
Larmarange, Joseph, Roselyne Vallo, Seydou Yaro, Philippe Msellati, and Nicolas Meda.
Methods for mapping regional HIV prevalence from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs)
(2011) Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Thesis or Dissertation
Donkor, Joseph.
The status of information, education and communication on prenatal care and skilled delivery: The case of Bibiani-Anhwiaso-Bekwai District, Ghana
Masters, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Journal Article
Teye K, Joseph.
Condom use as a means of HIV/AIDS prevention and fertility control among the Krobos of Ghana
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 59, no. 1 (2005): 65-73.
Journal Article
Benefo, Kofi D, Amy O Tsui, and Joseph De Graft Johnson.
Ethnic differentials in child-spacing ideals and practices in Ghana
Journal of biosocial science 26, no. 03 (1994): 311-326.
Thesis or Dissertation
Obeng B, Joseph.
A community survey on the factors influencing the utilization of skilled delivery services in the offinso south
Journal Article
Varkey, Prathibha, Padma Priya Balakrishna, Jasmine Helan Prasad, Sulochana Abraham, and Abraham Joseph.
The reality of unsafe abortion in a rural community in South India
Reproductive Health Matters 8, no. 16 (2000): 83-91.
Working Paper
Lieberman, Samuel S, Joseph J Capuno, and Hoang Van Minh.
Health decentralization in East Asia: some lessons from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam
(2004) Discussion Paper No. 0408 University of the Philippines, School of economics.
Working Paper
Wodon, Quentin, Clarence Tsimpo , Prospere Backiny-Yetna , George Joseph , Franck Adoho, and Harold Coulomb.
Potential impact of higher food prices on poverty: Summary estimates for a dozen west and central African countries
Journal Article
Chimombo, Joseph.
Changing patterns of access to basic education in Malawi: a story of a mixed bag?
Comparative Education 45, no. 2 (2009): 297-312.
Journal Article
Dwyer, Joseph C, and Jeanne M Haws.
Is permanent contraception acceptable in sub-Saharan Africa?
Studies in Family Planning 21, no. 6 (1990): 322-326.
Journal Article
Godson, Mesike Chukwunwike, and Mojekwu Joseph Nnamdi.
Environmental determinants of child mortality in Nigeria
Journal of Sustainable Development 5, no. 1 (2011): p65.
Journal Article
Barden-O'Fallon, Janine L, Joseph de Graft-Johnson, Thomas Bisika, Sara Sulzbach, Aimee Benson, and Amy O Tsui.
Factors associated with HIV/AIDS knowledge and risk perception in rural Malawi
AIDS and Behavior 8, no. 2 (2004): 131-140.
Thesis or Dissertation
Muchiri, Joseph.
Determining the dynamics of HIV voluntary counselling and testing uptake among the rural and urban communities of Nakuru District, Kenya
Masters, Victoria University of Wellington, 2011.
Journal Article
Hoodhoy, Mehlika, Martin S Flaherty, and Tracy E Higgins.
Exporting despair: the human rights implications of US restrictions on foreign health care funding in Kenya
(2005) Fordham Int'l LJ.
Journal Article
Agha, Sohail, Aslam Fareed, and Joseph Keating.
Clinical training alone is not sufficient for reducing barriers to IUD provision among private providers in Pakistan
Reproductive Health 8, no. 1 (2011): 40.
Journal Article
Capuno, Joseph J, Carlos R Tan Jr, and Vigile M Fabella.
Do piped water and flush toilets prevent child diarrhea in rural Philippines?
(2011) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Journal Article
Capuno, Joseph J, and Carlos Tan Jr.
Are improved water supply and sanitation always safe for children? Implications for attaining the MDGs in the Philippines
UPSE Discussion Papers 1, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Capuno, Joseph J, and Aleli D Kraft.
Household choices, circumstances and equity of access to basic health and education services in the Philippines
(2010) UPSE Discussion Papers.
Journal Article
Adinma, Echendu Dolly, Joseph Ifeanyi Adinma, Nkemakolam Obinna Eke, Chima Iwuoha, Akinsewa Akiode, and Ejike Oji.
Awareness and use of contraception by women seeking termination of pregnancy in south eastern Nigeria
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 1, no. 1 (2011): 71-75.
Journal Article
Ntaganira, Joseph, Laura J Hass, Sheila Hosner, Lisanne Brown, and Nancy B Mock.
Sexual risk behaviors among youth heads of household in Gikongoro, south province of Rwanda
BMC Public Health 12, no. 1 (2012): 225.
Journal Article
Larmarange, Joseph, Abdoulaye S Wade, Abdou K Diop, Oulimata Diop, Khady Gueye, Adama Marra, and Annabel Desgrées du Loû.
Men who have sex with men (MSM) and factors associated with not using a condom at last sexual intercourse with a man and with a woman in Senegal
PloS one 5, no. 10 (2010): e1318.
Journal Article
Masanja, Honorati, Joanna A Schellenberg, Hassan M Mshinda, Meera Shekar, Joseph K Mugyabuso, Godwin D Ndossi, and Don De Savigny.
Vitamin A supplementation in Tanzania: the impact of a change in programmatic delivery strategy on coverage
BMC health services research 6, no. 142 (2006).
Journal Article
Potter, Joseph, Carl Schmertmann, Renato Assunção, and Suzana Cavenaghi.
Mapping the timing, pace, and scale of the fertility transition in Brazil
Population and Development Review 36, no. 2 (2010): 283-307.
Esu-Williams, Eka, Katie Schenk, Joseph Motsepe, Scott Geibel, and Anderson Zulu.
Involving young people in the care and support of people living with HIV and AIDS in Zambia
Washington, DC: Population Council Washington, DC, 2004.
Journal Article
Neukom, Josselyn, Jully Chilambwe, Joseph Mkandawire, Reuben Mbewe, and David Hubacher.
Dedicated providers of long-acting reversible contraception: New approach in Zambia
Contraception 83, no. 5 (2011): 447-452.
Journal Article
Uchudi, Joseph.
Covariates of child mortality in Mali: does the health-seeking behaviour of the mother matter?
Journal of biosocial science 33, no. 01 (2001): 33-54.
Journal Article
Brugha, Ruairí, John Kadzandira, Joseph Simbaya, Patrick Dicker, Victor Mwapasa, and Aisling Walsh.
Health workforce responses to global health initiatives funding: a comparison of Malawi and Zambia
Hum Resour Health 8, no. 1 (2010): 19-19.
Journal Article
Caetano, André J, and Joseph E Potter.
Politics and female sterilization in Northeast Brazil
Population and Development Review 30, no. 1 (2004): 79-108.
Showing 91-120 of 641