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Showing 931-960 of 2115
Campbell, David John, and Land Use Change.
Interactions between people and wildlife in Southeast Kajiado District, Kenya
: LUCID Project, International Livestock Research Institute, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Leyle, David.
Bien-être et Inégalités en Guinée Maritime: Une Question D’accès. Un Système D’information pour le Développement
PhD Thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3, 2010.
Working Paper
David, Maya Khemlani.
Roles of Sindhi Grandparents in Malaysia
Campbell, David John.
Root causes of land use change in the Loitokitok Area, Kajiado District, Kenya
: LUCID Project, International Livestock Research Institute, 2003.
Journal Article
Bradley, David.
Tibeto-Burman languages in PDR Lao
Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 19, no. 1 (1996): 19-27.
Working Paper
Diagne, Alioune, and David Lessault.
Émancipation Résidentielle Différée et Recomposition des Dépendances Intergénérationnelles à Dakar
(2007) CEPED.
Tajgman, David.
Extending Labour Law to All Workers: Promoting Decent Work in the Informal Economy in Cambodia, Thailand and Mongolia
: International Labour Organization, 2006.
De Ferranti, David M, Indermit S Gill , Guillermo E Perry , and Luis Servén.
Securing our future in a global economy
: World Bank Washington, DC, 2000.
Working Paper
Hopkins, David, Elpida Ahtaridou, Peter Matthews, and Charles Posner.
An Analysis of the Mexican School System in Light of PISA 2006
(2007) OECD.
Book Section
Lucas, David.
Manpower and Unemployment Research
(1977) Demographic aspects of women's employment in Africa.
Book Section
Nordstrom, David.
Botswana Notes and Records
(1985) Current methods of collecting fertility and mortality data in Botswana .
Working Paper
Cooper, David.
The Selebri-Phikwe Strike, Botswana, 1975: The State, Mine Workers and the Multi-nationals
Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Pro-Poor Policies in Sudan and South Sudan A Study Based on the National Baseline Household Survey of 2009
CERDI, Etudes et Documents , no. E 2012.26 (2012).
Journal Article
Hubacher, David, Margarita Suazo, Stanley Terrell, and Marco Pinel.
Examining the Increasing Prevalence of Traditional Contraceptive Methods in Honduras
(1996) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Working Paper
Evans, David.
Tanzania community-based conditional cash transfer (CB-CCT) pilot
(2008) PowerPoint presentation, World Bank, Washington, DC, November.
Working Paper
Porteous, David.
Beyond Financial Inclusion: The Promise and Practice of Inclusive Cash Lite
(2012) African Development Finance Workshop.
Journal Article
Toruno, David Alexander Figueroa.
Diferenciales socioeconómicos de la fecundidad en municipios del corredor turístico centro-sur
(2011) Poblacion y Desarrollo-Argonautas y caminantes.
Journal Article
Toruno, David Alexander Figueroa.
Fecundidad Variables diferenciales e intermedias
(2012) Poblacion y Desarrollo-Argonautas y caminantes.
Journal Article
Kennedy P, David.
Gender, Culture Change, and Fertility Decline in Honduras: An Investigation in anthropological demography
Journal Article
Toruno, David Alexander Figueroa, and Elvis Geovany Trejo Teruel.
Las encuestas sociodemográficas en Honduras
(2012) Poblacion y Desarrollo-Argonautas y caminantes.
Journal Article
Yu, Xiaohua, and David Abler.
The demand for food quality in rural China
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91, no. 1 (2009): 57-69.
Journal Article
Abshire, David M, and Ryan Browne.
The missing endgame for Afghanistan: A sustainable post-Bin Laden strategy
The Washington Quarterly 34, no. 4 (2011): 59-72.
Green, Anne E, Maria De Hoyos, Yuxin Li, and David Owen.
Job Search Study: Literature Review and Analysis of the Labour Force Survey
: Department for Work and Pensions, 2011.
Conference Paper
Wu, Shunxiang, David John Walker, and Stephen Devadoss.
Productivity growth and its components in Chinese agriculture after reforms
American Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 1998.
Working Paper
Roland-Holst, David.
A New Social Accounting Matrix for China
Thesis or Dissertation
Sanders, David.
Evaluating the stage of epidemiologic transition in Tunis, Tunisia
International Degree Thesis, Oregon State University , 2007.
Journal Article
Vance E, David.
Regulation Reform
The Independent Review 17, no. 2 (2012): 271-280.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kimemia, David Kimani.
Transition to clean household energy in low-income urban settlements of South Africa: safety, health and low carbon
Doctor of Philosophy inEnvironmental Management, University of Johannesburg, 2015.
Book Section
Kuriakose, Smita, David Kaplan, and Krista Tuomi.
Fostering Technology Absorption in Southern African Enterprises
(2011) Channels of and Constraints to Technology Absorption .
Journal Article
Lessault, David, Cris Beauchemin, and Papa Sakho.
Migration internationale et conditions d’habitat des ménages à Dakar
Population 66, no. 1 (2011): 197-228.
Showing 931-960 of 2115