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Showing 781-810 of 7197
Journal Article
Asogwa, Benjamin C, Patrick C Obinne, and Simon T Penda.
Poverty and Income among the Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria
Journal of Human Ecology 37, no. 3 (2012): 213-219.
Journal Article
Ratman, CS Venkata.
Impact of New Economic Policy on the Role of Trade Unions
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 29, no. 1 (1993): 55-78.
Working Paper
Bracher M, Michael.
Implications of the Provisional 1971-80 Growth Rate for Patterns of Population Growth in Indonesia
Working Paper
Orbeta C, Aniceto.
Social Protection in the Philippines: Current State and Challenges
Thesis or Dissertation
Aroonvatanaporn, Pongrat.
The WTO AoA Impact on the World Rice Price and Poverty in Thailand
An Honors Thesis, Tufts University, 2004.
Conference Paper
Chirwa, Ephraim, and Mirriam Muhome-Matita.
Agricultural Growth and Poverty in Rural Malawi
14th Annual Global Development Conference on Inequality, Social Protection and Inclusive Growth June 19- 21, 2013, Manila, The Philippines.
Thesis or Dissertation
Msonda, Daniel.
Retrenched to Oblivion?: Examining the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Through the Spectrum of Youth Participation
Masters of arts in development studies, Institute of Social Studies , 2009.
Working Paper
Oduro, Georgina Yaa.
Beauty in Space and Time: The Changing Construction of Beauty among Ghanaian Youth
Working Paper
Fiess, Norbert, Marco Fugazza, and William F Maloney.
Informality and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) , no. 3519 (2008).
Working Paper
Gerard, Francois, and Gustavo Gonzaga.
Social Insurance under Imperfect Monitoring - Labor Market and Welfare Impacts of the Brazilian UI Program
REAP , no. 039 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Aikins, Victoria.
Democratic Governance and Citizen Participation: The Role of the Media in Ghana’s Budget Preparation Process
Master of Arts, 2013.
Working Paper
El-Saharty, Sameh, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, and John F May.
Population, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Policy Harmonization in Bangladesh
(2014) Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper.
Thesis or Dissertation
Osei, Collins.
UK Foreign direct investment in Ghana: determinants and implications.
Doctor of Philosophy, Edinburgh Napier University, 2014.
Journal Article
Fobil, Julius N, Alexander Kraemer, Christian G Meyer, and Juergen May.
Neighborhood urban environmental quality conditions are likely to drive malaria and diarrhea mortality in Accra, Ghana
(2011) Journal of environmental and public health.
Journal Article
Ospina, Monica, and Fabiola Saavedra.
Social Assistance and Informality: Examining the Link in Colombia
Documentos de trabajo Economia y Finanzas , no. 13-24 (2013).
Journal Article
Fagan, M. E, R. S DeFries, S. E Sesnie, J. P Arroyo, W. Walker, C. Soto, R. L Chazdon, and A. Sanchun.
Land Cover Dynamics following a Deforestation Ban in Northern Costa Rica
Environmental Research Letters , no. 8 (2013).
Working Paper
Fitzsimons, Emla, Bansi Malde, Alice Mesnard, and Marcos Vera-Hernandez.
Nutrition, information, and household behaviour: experimental evidence from Malawi
Working Paper
Vera-Hernandez, Marcos.
Nutrition, information, and household behaviour: experimental evidence from Malawi
Conference Paper
Chikhwenda, Edward JW.
Transactive Land Tenure System In The Face Of Globalization In Malawi
9th IASCP (International Association for the Study of Common Property) Biennial Conference .
Working Paper
Palamuleni E, Martin.
A Preliminary Assessment of the Quality of the 1998 Malawi Population and Housing Census Data
Journal Article
Ephraim, Richard KD, Derick NM Osakunor, Seth W Denkyira, Henrietta Eshun, Samuel Amoah, and Enoch O Anto.
Serum calcium and magnesium levels in women presenting with pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension: a case - control study in the Cape Coast metropolis, Ghana
(2014) BMC pregnancy and childbirth.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gbande A, Margaret.
The Impact of Islam on The Girl-Child’s Participation And Performance in Sports in Senior High Schools, Tamale
Master of Education, University of Education, 2015.
Working Paper
Saha, S P, Sushanta Bhattacharya, S K Das, Bibekananda Maity, Trishit Roy, and D K Raut.
Epidemiological study of neurological disorders in a rural population of Eastern India.
Journal of the Indian Medical Association 101, no. 5 (2003): 299-300.
Journal Article
Anglewicz, Philip.
Migration, Marital Change, and HIV Infection in Malawi
Demography 49, no. 1 (2012): 239-265.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wienand, J J, S Mendelsohn, M Thompson, A Leslie, and A T Knight.
Woody vegetation change and elephant water point use in Majete Wildlife Reserve: implications for water management strategies
Master of Science, Stellenbosch University , 2013.
Journal Article
Johns, Benjamin, Spy Munthali, Damian G Walker, Winford Masanjala, and David Bishai.
A cost function analysis of child health services in four districts in Malawi
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 11, no. 10 (2013).
Working Paper
Jammulamadaka, Nimruji, and Rahul Varman.
Is NGO development assistance mistargeted? An epistemological approach
Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 22, no. 2-3 (2010): 117-128.
Book Section
Van Hook, Jennifer, and Frank Bean.
Migration between Mexico and the United States, binational study
(1998) Estimating unauthorized Mexican migration to the United States: Issues and results.
Journal Article
Elliott, Rachael Fels, Goran Jovic, and Massey Beveridge.
Seasonal variation and regional distribution of cleft lip and palate in Zambia
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 45, no. 5 (2008): 533-538.
Thesis or Dissertation
Syampungani, Stephen.
Vegetation change analysis and ecological recovery of the Copperbelt Miombo woodland of Zambia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Showing 781-810 of 7197